Showing posts with label Organization. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Organization. Show all posts

Emergency Preparedness Super Saturday Ideas (Relief Society)

Preparedness is defined in the Merriam-Webster dictionary as... "the fact of being ready for something : the state of being prepared."

This past Saturday, I had the opportunity to attend a Relief Society Super Saturday all about Emergency Preparedness.  It was great to be able to visit with the other sisters in the ward and give each other ideas on how to be prepared.  I was excited to be able to share some of the things I have put together for my family.  I thought I would share them on here also, as well as share some of the other ideas that were shared that day.

The "Go Bag":

The idea is to have one of these "Go Bags" for each family member and have them in their rooms where it will be easy to grab and go.  Here is a link to the posts I have done on getting one ready.

Important Information Binder:

This page should be filled out for each family member and put in a small binder or three ponged folder and put in  their "Go Bag".  Other items that should also be put in the binder are:
-Make copies of Birth Certificate.
-Make copies of Social Security Card
-Make copies of Adult ID's such as Driver's License
-Make copies of Immunization Records
-Make copies of Marriage License
-Make copies of Current Medication Labels and directions
-Copy of Family picture (this would be beneficial to have if separated or even just as a comfort item)
-Child ID/Safety kit (There are many sites out their that offer these kits for free.  Also, a lot of times in children's picture packets from the school they will include one.  Some kits even include a swab for DNA.  It is important to have one where you can provide a picture, a description of your child, and fingerprints.) ***Once you get one, do it***
***A great idea one of my friend gave was to laminate all of these items, so they will be protected.***

Hot Pad First Aid Kit:

 These cute little first aid kits have been around for a while.  I made my first one probably over 10 years ago. They are so easy to make and so handy!! I had one in my car and someone like it so much they stole it. Above is a list of items I put into my kits.

72 Hour Kit Ideas:

This is my 72 Hour kit list.  These are the items I have in my kits and how I have them stored. 

Emergency Preparedness Car Kit:

3 Month Food Storage Supply Ideas: Click HERE For the Link

Long term storage items: 
(This is a great link, with a list of foods with a long shelf life)
Here are some more ideas:
-Salt (the good stuff with minerals)

These are the other ideas they had at the Super Saturday:

Emergency Washing "Machine"/Container:

We were lucky to have these buckets donated to us, they are from a dairy and are sherbet containers, thus the wording "Citric" on the lid. They smell wonderful!  The wonderful sister who put the Super Saturday together had all of the holes drilled for us already.  It looks like you drill a hole in the lid large enough for the plunger to move freely through.  Then you drill little holes in the plunger.

Portable Potty:

I love these!  I already had one, but thought it would be nice to have two. Here is a link to's website Be Ready Utah. It has a list of what you will need for your portable potty.

RS: Preparedness- Three-Month Food Supply

I wanted to focus today's preparedness post on the three-month food supply.  In previous posts I had addressed a 72-hour kit, which can be viewed here: 72 hr kit post.  I also did some posts on the "Go-Bag" for that post, click here: Go-Bag Post.  When I started thinking about what post I would do today, I found myself on I typed in preparedness and was directed to the "Emergency Preparedness" page. I decided to go along with one of the topics listed on the page, and that was "Three-Month Supply". I love what it says on that page about your three-month supply, "Build a small supply of food that is part of your normal, daily diet. One way to do this is to purchase a few extra items each week to build a one-week supply of food. Then you can gradually increase your supply until it is sufficient for three months. These items should be rotated regularly to avoid spoilage."

When I was first married and was trying to heed the counsel of putting together food storage, I was just buying all the stuff that I new had a long shelf life.  They sat in my food storage and sat their some more until, they finally expired and I threw them away.  They were not things that I, nor my family really ate regularly, nor was I going to open the big can to use a little bit and not have it for my food storage.  I like this idea of buying what your family actually eats and rotating it, a lot better!  This is actually what I do now in a sense, because it made me sick seeing all of the food wasted.

These are some of the ways I go about accomplishing this goal of food storage:

Way One:
I watch for the case lot sales. I look at this as kind of the starting point. I do not go overboard, because I do not want all of my items expiring at the same time.  So, I figure kind of what I think I will use in a 6 month time frame. Since, this is how often they usually run case lot sales at the grocery stores.  Then that is how much I buy of that particular item.  I particularly like to purchase toilet paper and paper towels at this time.

Way Two:
I have my pantry, that I keep a few of each items in, so they are easily accessible as I am preparing meals.  Then, I have my "store"-age in my cold storage, which has the remaining items. When I have used the stuff from my pantry, then I go to my "store"-age and bring what I need to my pantry.   Those items go on my grocery list, for my next shopping trip. What makes this work is, rotating! I make sure that the things that are to expire first are used up first. Everything shifts forward in my cold storage and the new items are placed in the back. Newly purchased items are not placed in the pantry, the old ones need to be used up first.  It also is great, because not everything is going to expire at the same time and things are always being rotated.

I have found that it is hard to have food storage for the more perishable items.  This is where canning and frozen foods come in.  I have noticed that I have to be careful with frozen foods too and not go overboard, because of things getting frost bite.  Again I do this by only buying what I know that I will use in a certain time frame.

Everyone seems to have what works best for them. I know some of my friends are big with couponing and watching the sales. Others use the case lots sales, some use the church's cannery, some buy pre-made storage foods and others are big users of bulk stores, such as Costco and Sams.  I would love to hear what you have found works for your family's food storage needs. Please leave a comment below and share your secret! 

Here are some of the different printables I have in regards to food storage:

Family Home Evening on Gaining Knowledge and Improving our personal study habits. (Passes off requirement in Faith in God Booklet)

 I hope and pray that you can use these ideas as a guideline and adjust them to the needs of your own specific family.  Our prophet President Monson says, "We cannot afford to neglect this heaven-inspired program. It can bring spiritual growth to each member of the family, helping him or her to withstand the temptations which are everywhere. The lessons learned in the home are those that last the longest."  On there are resources available in helping to make your Family Home Evenings successful, here is a link to that site on Family Home Evenings.

Tonight's Family Home Evening is on Gaining Knowledge and Improving our personal study habits.  The first Monday, of the month will be my Family Home Evening post on something in the Faith in God Booklet. Today the requirement is in the Developing Talents section: Read D&C 88:118. Discuss what is means to "seek learning, even by study and also by faith." Improve your personal study habits be doing such things as learning how to choose and read good books or being prepared for school each day. I love this topic, knowledge is such an important part of this life.  It is a part of why we are here, to gain knowledge.  When we gain knowledge we are also better able to teach others. I hope to be able to instill in my children the love for learning.  There is so many things in the world to learn about, so many hidden treasures, that we must seek out! 

Welcome everyone to Family Night

Sing: "Search, Ponder, and Pray" pg 109 Children's Songbook

Have a member of the family member say the prayer

Introduce this weeks Topic: Gaining Knowledge and Improving our personal study habits.

Discuss any family business

Follow-up with last weeks FHE.

Scripture: Read and Mark: D&C 88:118
Discuss what the scripture means. Discussion might include what kind of good books might help us to gain knowledge.  What it means to seek learning by faith. How important good study habits are to help us in learning.

Article of Faith: #2 "We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam’s transgression." Repeat this Article of Faith as a Family.  Help family members understand what the Article of Faith means. (It means we will only be held accountable for the wrong choices we make. Not Adam's. This is because of the atonement of Christ.)

Play the Video: "Focus on Education" Discuss, this video with your family.  My thoughts: My favorite quote from this video is "...the glory of God is intelligence...". That simple phrase emphasizes the importance of our life long learning.  We never stop learning, while on this earth we will never be a point where there is no more to learn.  

Play the Video: "Learning With Our Hearts" Discuss, this video with your family.  Discussion might include: the Holy Ghost is their to help us discern the truths of all things.  This can aid us as we seek knowledge.   The Holy Ghost can also help us as we are choosing the books we read.  It will help us to discern between those books that are good and those that are not so much.  

Discuss with your family the importance of good study habits.  Good study habits might include:
 o Create a good study environment.  Study in a place that is free from distractions and noise. 
 o Make a schedule.  Do homework before extra curricular activities. An example might be: When a child returns home from school, they will have a snack, then do their 20 minutes of reading. Then they will work on their math homework then their reading/vocabulary homework.  After homework is complete and chores are done then they can have free time. 
 o Take notes. Take notes about what you are reading or learning.  Then review the notes.
 o Ask Questions to yourself.  Focus on the what, why, how, when, who and where of the topic you are studying.  This will help you to recall and retain the information.

Help Family Member's fill out their Study Plan:

View this article "Successful Scripture Study" for tips for scripture study.

Challenge each family member to focus on having good study habits throughout the week.

Bear testimonies on the importance of seeking and obtaining knowledge and demonstrating good study habits.

Close with a Family Prayer.

Family Home Evening: Faith in God Booklet-Learn how to budget and save money.

The activity I have chosen from the Faith in God book for tonight's Family Home Evening is to "Learn how to budget and save money. Discuss why it is important to faithfully pay our tithing and how Heavenly Father blesses us when we do (see 3 Nephi 24:10-11) Pay your tithing and begin saving for a mission."

Welcome everyone to Family Night

Sing: "I Want to Give the Lord My Tenth" pg 150  Children's Songbook

Have a member of the family member say the prayer

Discuss any family business

Scripture: Read and Mark: 3 Nephi 24:10-11

Discuss why it is important to faithfully pay our tithing and how Heavenly Father blesses us when we do.

Before Family Home Evening review the pamphlet "One for the Money". Decide what parts you would like to share and discuss with your family.  Also view the page on Finances.

As a family discuss the families budget.  

Give each child a budget sheet and explain to them that they will be working on their own budget for the next month.  

Explain to them that their income will be things such as money received from birthdays, Christmas etc. and any money they receive from jobs or chores (such as allowance).

If not doing so already, think about creating jobs/chores for your children and payment for these chores/jobs.  They should only receive payment if they accomplish their jobs.  This will need to be something that you agree on as a family.

Expenditures are anything that money is spent on.  Ten percent should come out first for tithing.  Another good idea is to set aside at least ten percent for savings.  Use the pamphlet "One for the Money" as a guide.

Help each child fill out their budget sheet and keep track throughout the month.  Each Monday, follow-up with each family member to see how their budget is going.

Encourage each family member to pay their tithing and start saving for a mission.

Bear testimonies on Budgeting and tithing.

Close with a Family Prayer.

Free Budget Printable

** I personally have not been paying my children an allowance.  They do have chores to do, the chore we have given them are things my husband and I believe they need to do as members of our family. They need to accomplish these chores before they are able to play their game systems or watch TV or play with friends. I am going to be offering them extra chores/jobs that they can do to earn an allowance.  Currently my children's chores consist of: Making their bed, reading twenty minutes, completing homework, cleaning their bedroom, putting away their own laundry, bringing dirty clothes to laundry room, their weekly chores (dusting room and one other room, cleaning bathroom together, emptying their own garbage, etc).  Things that I will be using a chores for money are: Taking all garbage out to big garbage can, Taking recycle out to recycle can, Weeding (specified area), Cleaning Blinds (specified room), Washing windows, cleaning inside of cars, etc.  The paid chores will have a money amount for each job.  

We have spoken to our children about their missions and the costs. It might be a good idea to have each child set aside a certain amount  to go toward their mission.  Personally, my husband and I will not require our children to pay for their missions themselves.  But wouldn't it be neat if they were able to contribute some to their mission fund.

Preparing for Spiritual and Physical Needs: Putting together a 72 hour kit and Seek, Receive, and Act on Personal Revelation

We never know when we are going to be tested physically or spiritually. That is why it is so important to prepare NOW!

This Weeks Physical Needs focus is:  Putting together a 72 hour kit.

This is what I have found to work for me and my family of five.  I have my kit in two different containers.  The first container is a 5 gal bucket that has a screw on lid with a toilet seat that fits onto the 5 gal bucket.  In this bucket I have:

o A Tarp
o A-frame tent
o Shovel
o Ax
o Bungee Chords
o Screw Driver
o Anti-bacterial Gel
o Toilet Paper
o Masks (one for each member of family)
o Rope
o Poncho (one for each member of family)
o 13 gal plastic garbage bags
o Whistle
o Plastic or Latex gloves
o Matches
o Glow Sticks
o Saw

Then, right now I use a 18 gal tote for the rest.  I have a couple bags that I keep the Hygiene items in. I have also thought about using something with wheels, like a cooler.  (The stuff in this container is intended to be used when camping also, replenishing as needed):

Kitchen Needs:
o Mess Kit
o Stove & fuel
o Aluminum Foil
o Ziploc bags various sizes
o Plastic or latex gloves
o Paper Towels
o Dishcloth, washcloth and dish towels
o Rope
o Matches
o Sponge with scouring side
o Dish Soap
o Hydrogen Peroxide
o Drinking Water Capsules
o Utensils (I have a set for each member of the family)
o Hand operated can opener
o Paring knifes
o Potato peeler
o Bowls (1 for each member of family)
o Cups (1 for each member of family)
o Food Strainer
o Cheese Grater
o Measuring spoons and cups
o Small mixing bowl with lids
o Spices (garlic, beef and chicken bouillon cubes, salt, pepper, cinnamon, onion seasoning, Italian seasoning)
o Baking Soda
Hygiene Needs:
o First Aid Kit
o Emergency Sleeping bags (one for each member of family)
o Emergency blankets (one for each member of family)
o 13 gal garbage bags
o Tissues
o Wipes
o Tooth paste, tooth brush, floss, mouth wash (for each member of family)
o Sunscreen
o Chap-stick
o Hand Soap
o Bug Repellent
o Lotion
o Deodorant
o Medication
o Contacts, solution, cases, glasses
o Comb, brush, hair clips, bobby pins, elastics
o Nail clippers and file
o Shaving Cream, razors
o Face wash & face lotion
o Optional: Makeup
o Hair Spray
o Shampoo & Conditioner
o Sewing Kit
o Body Wash
o Anti-Histamine
o Pain Reliever
o Candles
o Wind-up and solar Radio with cell phone charger and flashlight
o Whistle
o Money
o Matches
o Lighter
o Pocket knife
o Scissors
o Notebook paper and pens
o More Masks
o Box cutter
o Flashlight with batteries
o Wind up Flashlight
Food Needs:
o Food (you will need to have enough in there for 3 meals a day for three days.)
           -Examples: Breakfasts- Oatmeal packets, canned fruit
                             Lunch: Ramon Noodles or Cup of Soups, Dried fruit
                             Dinner: Canned Soup or Chili, Canned Corn
                             Hard Candies
o Water (The goal is to have at least a gallon of water per day per person.  Visit this site for more info) 

           ****Buy stuff that your family usually eats and rotate food & water every 6 months****
           ****Another great idea is to rotate you lotions, soaps, first aid kits stuff and medicine regularly. Something I do is in my 72 hr/vacation bag for hygiene I have the same makeup, lotion, etc. that I regularly use.  When the stuff I use every day runs out I get it from the bag and then buy new to replace the bag with.  That way I am regularly rotating and not wasting. ****

Pursuit of Excellence Goal for the week:
Goals That Build Spiritual Strength
**Learn what it means to seek, receive, and act on personal revelation.**

Here is a great article on this subject: "How to Obtain Revelation and Inspiration for your Personal Life"

Once we recognize the promptings of the spirit we need to act upon those promptings!!

Getting Organized- Bathroom Hygiene Checklist

As I have visited the bathrooms my boys use the most it has become apparent that I need to help them with their bathroom hygiene and etiquette.  What are the struggles.... THE SINK.  I don't know how but they manage to get toothpaste everywhere.  They are excellent with putting the seat down, which is a plus! The other struggle is just keeping it straightened.  They use wash clothes and don't put them in the dirty clothes.  Hand towels some how end up soaking wet, and I have these mysterious white spots that keep ending up on my tile.  I am assuming they are coming from not thoroughly rinsed and dried hands.  So, my solution is a checklist.  Hopefully it will help to be a reminder of what to do!

Getting Organized- Grocery List and Weekly Menu Pintable

I am definitely a list person.  I'm not sure if it is my desire to be organized or I do it, because if I don't I am sure to forget something.  So, I came up with this little printable, to plan out the weekly meals and have a shopping list, so nothing is forgotten.

Let's Get Organized: Storing sheet sets

This is an organization tip that I have loved doing.  With your extra sheet sets, fold the fitted and flat sheets, then place them inside of the pillow case.  Fold the edges in and fold neatly.  I love this because everything you need is all together and it is folded so neatly that it is easy to store until needed.

Take Care Tuesday- Getting Organized Week #4: Pantry Lists

My pantry is a disaster right now.  There was a time when I had a list of everything I had.  I decided it is time to get back to those days.  So, I created "The Pantry & More" list.  See the free printable below.

Here's the Plan:
Go through the kitchen and food storage area and right down all food items, the size of the package (lbs, oz, etc), How many you estimate you use in a year, How many you currently have, and How many you need to purchase.

At the same time, clean out the old and straiten up.

I also like to write the expiration day on the top of my cans with a sharpie marker, so I can actually see when then expire.

A good tip, as things get close to there expiration date, use them or donate them to a food drive.

Shop the sales.  (I recently read an article about shopping the sales.  I wish I could remember where I saw it.  Anyways, the just of it was that most stores run sales on a particular item every 4 to 6 weeks.  So, the plan is to decide how many of that item you will use in that time frame and then when it goes on sale buy that many of the item.  Then you will have enough to get you by until the sale on that item is on again.)

Buy what you will use!!!  I hate nothing more than to go to my pantry and see things that have expired, because I do not use them.  Then I have the remorse of throwing them away and seeing my dollars go to the garbage can.

I am planning on hanging this in my pantry where I will have easy access to it.  Another thought I just had was, after I have written my food items in I think I am going to either put it in a sheet protector, frame or laminate it. Then I can use a dry erase marker for the quantities so I am not having to print a bunch of these out as numbers change.

Take Care Tuesday- Getting Organized Week #3- Kid Chores Door Hanger free printable

Organization not only includes our schedule, but also helping our kids organize theirs.  I find myself getting my kids out the door for school and starting my day of chores and finding they haven't made their beds.  Then, comes my dilemma, do I make it for them, so my house can be clean, or do I wait for them to come home and have them do it then?  I really want them to be able to do their own chores, so I decided to come up with a little door hanger chart for them.  It has their morning chores. Things they need to get done before leaving for school. And then it has their evening chores.  Things they need to accomplish once they come home.  I am hoping that it will help them become more responsible of the things I have asked them to do as part of our family.  When everyone does their responsibilities then the home can run smoother, be more organized and be a happier place to be.

There are two printables.  The first one has what I am planning on hanging on my children's doors. I am printing them off on card stock and then laminating them.  (note: cut on the dotted line and then cut the circle out.)  They can either use an erasable marker to mark off their chores as they accomplish them or I might give them some stickers that they can put on them.  With it being laminated I should be able to remove the stickers each day. I'll have to post later what I find works best. My children have weekly chores that I have them do. They correlate with the chores I do on each specific day.  On Saturday, I am planning on having a jar with a bunch of different things that need to get done.  They can pick a chore out of the jar and that will be their chore that day.  The second printable is blank that you could add your own chores to.  Let me know if you use these and how they work.  I will also post how it goes with my kiddos.

Take Care - Getting Organized Week 2- Free Printable to keep track of Bills

This week in getting organized I made this printable.

It is so much easier to keep track of what is owed and when it is due if it is written down.  On this printable there is a space at the top for what month the bills are due in. It then has a column where you can put where the bill is from, a column for the amount that is due, a column for what day it is due, a column for the day you paid it, a column for what method you used to pay it, and a column for any notes.

Nobody wants to be late for a payment and have to experience the fees and embarrassment that comes from missing the due date. It is stressful when you are not sure what day your payment is due and having to search through all of the paperwork.  When we get our bills organized then we will not have to worry about those things. As soon as you receive a bill write it's information down. It is so much easier to just have to refer to one sheet of paper. Our lives will flow just a little bit smoother with each part of our lives that we get organized.

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