Showing posts with label 2016 Mutual. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2016 Mutual. Show all posts

6 Tips For Planning a Boot Camp Style Young Women/Girl's Camp

6 Tips for Planning a Boot Camp Style Girls Camp,

This year our girls camp was a stake camp and let me just say that the Stake YW Presidency, their committee and their YCL's (Youth Camp Leaders) did an amazing job!! Really I can't take any credit for all of the fun activities and cute decorations they did! 

YW Personal Progress Divine Nature Activity: "Do-nut" forget your Divine Nature

Need some ideas for a YW Personal Progress activity on Divine Nature?? What about, "Do-nut" forget your Divine Nature!!

Man, I love the Personal Progress Program!! Divine Nature is such an important value to gain a testimony of!! How much more happier and manageable life is, when you know that you are a daughter of God, that He loves you and you have the potential to become like Him!

Battle of the Sexes Combined Youth Activity

Below you will find everything you need to put on a Battle of the Sexes Combined Youth Activity...

It was our turn as a Beehive class to plan the combined youth activity and our theme for the month, was Divine Nature. So, we thought, why not play a friendly game of Battle of the Sexes LDS Youth Style!!

Here's what we did...

Before hand, print off the Question Cards, Challenge Cards, Headers, and gather your supplies. (Printables can be found near the bottom of the page, by clicking the Click Here Download button)

How the game is played...

Purpose of the activity: To help the youth understand that each of God’s children have a Divine Nature, that man and women were created in the image of God and each are vital to His plan. Ending goal, is although different from each other, we can compliment each other and work as a partnership to each reach our Divine Destiny.

Begin with spiritual message: In the Family a Proclamation to the World it states, “ALL HUMAN BEINGS—male and female—are created in the image of God. Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and, as such, each has a divine nature and destiny.” Today we are going to play a little Battle of the Sexes game to test what you know about the opposite sex and some skills that will help us reach our divine destiny.

Split into Young Women vs. Young Men groups. On the board write YW on one side of the board and YM on the other side of the board. In the middle place the Question cards and Challenge cards with number side up.

Explain the game:

The purpose of the game is to test what you know about the opposite sex!

Question cards and Challenge Cards each worth 10 points.

Questions Cards:
If you choose a question card you will be given a question either about personal progress or duty to god or the roles stated in the Family Proclamation. One team will be asked a question at a time. You will be given 30 seconds to answer the question. If you get the question correct you get 10 points. If you answer the question incorrectly the other team has the opportunity to answer the question correctly for 5 points. (Answers to the questions can be found by clicking the Free PDF click here button down towards the bottom of the page)

Challenge Cards:
If you choose a challenge card then you will be given a minute to complete a task. Whichever team completes the task first in the minute will receive 10 points.

To Play the Game:
Choose which team will be the first to pick a card. Have that team pick a card, it can be either a challenge card or a question card.  If it is a question card then each team has 30 seconds to answer their question. Each team will be asked a question, one at a time and be given their allotted 30 seconds to answer. No phones may be used in the game, this is just off of what is in their head.

For example the YM will be asked their question and given 30 sec to answer. After they have answered and if they answered correctly. Then the YW will be asked their question and given 30 sec. If they answer their question correctly then they will receive 10 points. If they answer incorrectly than the other team can answer it for 5 points if they answer correctly (they will be given 30 sec to answer.).

If they choose a challenge card, then each team will choose one Young Women and one Young Man to come up. (Once you are chosen to come up you can not be chosen to come up again) The challenge is then read to both the young man and young women and they are given 1 minute to complete the task. Whoever completes the task first in the minute will receive the 10 points. If no one completes the task then, no points are awarded. If they tie, then both teams receive the points.

Close the activity, by explaining that we are each divinely created by a loving Heavenly Father. Men and women are both essential to His plan and that we can complement each other and work together to reach our divine potential and destiny. Share your testimony and close with a prayer.

Refreshments, we just had some good old chocolate chip cookies!

(See the Challenge Cards in the printable for more information)

A Young Man and a Young Women will receive a plate, chopsticks and 12 tic tacs.

A Young Man and a Young Woman will receive two hearts each. They will need to place one heart down, step on it, place the other heart down, step on it and pick the other heart up and place it down in front of them and so on, until the reach the finish line.

A Young Man and a Young Woman will each receive 12 cups to stack, they can stack them how ever they would like, the goal is to have the highest cup tower. 

Give a Young man and a Young woman a doll. They will need to fully dress the doll, to receive the points, even the shoes one and buttons done up ;)

A Young Man and a Young Woman will each receive a cup, a straw and 40 marshmallows each.

A Young Man and a Young Woman will receive a toy car and a straw. We raced on the table, first to the end of the table won. If the car went off the table before the finish they had to go back to start.

A Young Man and a Young Woman received a container, place 5 feet away from them and 7 plastic golf balls or ping pong balls.

A Young Man and a Young Women each had to place a cookie on their forehead and try to get it into their mouths with out using their hands.

If you enjoyed this post and would like more ideas for activities click HERE!

Young Women Personal Progress Activity all about Faith: Faith and Floats

Need ideas for a Young Women Personal Progress Activity all about Faith??

The past three month's I have been making packets for my Young Women for our Personal Progress Nights. This month we focused on FAITH!! Here's what we did...

Christmas Gifts the Young Women Will LOVE!

Are you looking for some Christmas Gifts to give your Young Women??? The gift ideas below the young women will love!

Are you a Young Women leader or have a teenage girl in your family? Then you seriously have to check out these ideas. All of them have been used as gifts for young women and all of them have been a huge hit!

Combined Youth Service Activity: More than 25 Ways the Youth can Share Their Lights and #LIGHTtheWORLD

Wondering how you, your children, or your youth group can take part in the 2016 Christmas Initiative to #LIGHTtheWORLD? Then this post is for you..

One thing that I absolutely love about serving with the youth is that they have a special kind of light. The youth can have a great influence on those around them, especially their peers. This month our deacons quorum was in charge of our combined mutual activity and they decided to do a service project. Which just so happened to provide a perfect avenue to introducing the Christmas Initiative for this year, by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The initiative is #LIGHTtheWORLD.

Youth Standards Night: My Experiment with Scripture Study, Prayer and the Holy Ghost

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As we began planning for our Youth Standard's Night, I was so excited when I found Judy Cooley to come and speak to us. I had seen her gorgeous paintings of the youth dressed in the armor of God and knew that she would be perfect for the evening.  My thoughts were confirmed as I spoke with her on the phone, of what she might speak about!

The morning of Standard's night Judy asked me if I would take part in a little experiment and then share my experience that night during Standards Night, of course I agreed. The day though was filled with crazy busyness and I soon started to worry about when I would be able to do what she had asked me to do.  There was a moment, between the children getting home from school, having to fix dinner and get my son to his game, that I was able to sneak away to accomplish my task.

Back to School Handout & Gift Ideas for Young Women or Anyone else too

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One thing we love to do is give our young women a little handout to start their new school year out! These would even be fun to give your own kids or grandkids to wish them a great school year.

How to Plan a Successful Girl's Camp, a Complete Guide...

First off the KEY, is to have an amazing Camp Director called! We have had an amazing camp director the past couple years I have been in and it really helps to have someone great in charge of the planning.

Second...."YCL's!!!" or whatever your ward calls them are crucial. They are usually the Laurels. It is Young Women or Girl's Camp after all, not leader camp ;) It is so important to have the girls help in planning camp. Their ideas need to be listened to and they need to have assignments in planning and carrying out camp.  I can tell you that during camp is where I have seen the girls just SHINE!

Third... Make sure everyone is on the SAME page. Start by having a camp theme and have a few meetings, delegate responsibilities and start early, don't leave things until the last minute.  Every single leader called has amazing talents and abilities. Use those abilities to help carry out camp. That is what helps make our activities successful, everyone contributes!

2016 LDS Sharing Time Ideas for May Week 3: The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ.

2016 Sharing Time Outline Theme: "I Know the Scriptures Are True"

May 2016 Sharing Time Topic: The Church of Jesus Christ Has Been Restored

May 2016 Scripture: “I saw two Personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description, standing above me in the air. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the other—This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!” (Joseph Smith—History 1:17).

May 2016 Song:  “Praise to the Man,” verses 1 and 3

May Week 3 Topic: The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ.

2016 LDS Sharing Time Ideas for May Week 2: Joseph Smith is the prophet of the Restoration.

2016 Sharing Time Outline Theme: "I Know the Scriptures Are True"

May 2016 Sharing Time Topic: The Church of Jesus Christ Has Been Restored

May 2016 Scripture: “I saw two Personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description, standing above me in the air. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the other—This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!” (Joseph Smith—History 1:17).

May 2016 Song:  “Praise to the Man,” verses 1 and 3

May Week 2 Topic: Joseph Smith is the prophet of the Restoration.

Four Steps to Planning an Amazing New Beginnings: Centered Around the 2016 Mutual Theme Press Forward

New Beginnings is such an exciting event, especially for the entering Beehives!! If you are new to the Young Women program you might be wondering what New Beginnings is.... on it states:

5+ Amazing Gift Ideas for Young Women for 2016

~~~Here are my favorite gift ideas for the Young Women for 2016~~~

2016 Mutual Theme Scripture Poster Printable: 2 Nephi 31:20 {Press Forward with a Steadfastness in Christ}

On our weekday activities, we have a combined opening exercise with our young women and young men. During those opening exercise we repeat the Mutual themed scripture for the year.  At the beginning of the year it is a necessity for us to have a poster that we can look at each week as we repeat the scripture, that is why I made this poster. But it is interesting because in the middle and definitely by the end of the year, the youth and leaders have the scripture memorized so well that the poster isn't really needed, although we still put it up :)

More "Press Forward" Temple Block Printables!!

I was excited by the response I got with the Temple Blocks. I was contacted by a few to create a few other blocks with different temples on them. I would love to be able to create a block for each temple, but I usually like using my own images when I create things.  Well, I haven't traveled the world and I haven't taken pictures of all of the temples, so with permission I have been able to use the beautiful pictures of others. The pictures taken by others will specify with a photo credit given to them on the printable. Otherwise, the pics were taken by me :)

Press Forward Temple Blocks and Temple Goals Activity and Printables: Young Women Activity

I love the new Mutual theme for this year! In planning our first class activity for Beehives, I wanted to do something that could have a focus on the new theme.  The new video put out by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for the 2016 Mutual theme depicts youth on the path to the temple. To watch that video click here. I love the focus of keeping covenants and staying steadfast on the path to making temple covenants.

So, I decided to have the girls make temple blocks and temple goals.  Since, I just love sharing things, I thought I would post the printables on here and how to make the blocks too!

Here is the Press Forward Ogden Temple Printable & the Temple Goal sheets:

***Just ADDED*** More options for the Temple printables (Washington DC, Salt Lake, Brigham City, and Logan) Click here to view image and download!

This was a fun activity, it was so much fun to see the colors the girls chose and see them be creative!

To Make the Temple Blocks:

Items needed:

2x4 cut to 4-1/2 inches in length
Craft paint
Paint brushes (foam brushes work great)
Printable above (printed onto card stock)
Mod Podge
Ribbon, fabric strips, raffia or tulle

How to Make it:

We gave the girls each the block of pre-cut wood and had them sand it with the sandpaper. Then they choose what color they wanted to paint their block.  They painted their blocks that color using the foam brushes. (It is not necessary to paint the front, because the paper will cover it. Painting only like a half of an inch in from around the edges is sufficient on the front.)  

While the paint dried we had them fill out their temple goals. Each girl received a piece the temple goal printable above. We read the two quotes and they were invited to write down some temple goals they have for this year (such as how many names they plan on preparing for them temple, how often they would like to go do baptisms for the dead, etc.) as well as their long term temple goals (such as eternal marriage and endowments and what they can do now to prepare). 

When the paint has dried, the girls then mod podged the Press Forward temple picture to the front of their block. To do so you do not need a lot of glue. Simply place a thin coat of glue on the front of the block and a thin coat of glue on the back of the picture. Place the picture onto the block and smooth out.  If you would like you could also mod podge over the picture or spray with a clear coat.  On mine I lightly sanded the edges of the picture so it blended into the block better. You could also distress the edges with ink if you'd like too.

Lastly, pick your embellishment, whether it be ribbon, raffia, or tulle and tie it around the bottom of the block into a bow.  

If you didn't want to do these as an activity they would also be a great gift for the girls for Birthdays or New Beginnings.

Here are some of the beautiful blocks my Beehive made!!

Mutual: Come Follow Me Lesson Ideas for the Whole Year

I thought it would be nice to have on central place where Come Follow Me lesson ideas could be found. That way you won't have to go searching for them on my blog :)




Lessons from the Previous Program before 2020: These lesson still might be useful!

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2016 Mutual Theme Printables Round-up

I loved doing my round-up of amazing Primary things for 2016 (if you'd like to check that post out here's the link: 2016 Primary Theme Round-up). So, I thought I would do one for Mutual too. Okay well more specifically for Young Women leaders. Cuz let's be real, do you see the young men walking around with binders with cute covers on them ;)

I've contacted the bloggers/designers of some of my favorite 2016 Mutual Theme Printables and here's the list...

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