Come, Follow Me 2022 Old Testament Resources and Insights: Genesis 42–50,
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I have loved studying the Old Testament so much so far this year! The discussions I have had with my family, so far have been amazing as well. I think it is because the Old Testament, testifies of Christ. We can bring Him into our discussions.
Last week, we talked all about Joseph of Egypt! The trials he faced and how the Lord was with him, because he was faithful and obedient. We also, learned about how we can have integrity and flee temptation as Joseph did.
This week, we learn about the Christlike attribute that Joseph had, including the forgiveness that he gave to his brothers. We learn about how God is in the details of our lives, as he was with Joseph. Joseph was able to save his family and all of Egypt, because of being sold into Egypt and having the Lord with him.
Throughout this blog post you will find images I create daily, which I am offering as free printables. As well as, insights and links to resources to help with individual, family and even class room study. Remember to check back throughout the week as more printables and resources are added daily.
Day 1:
It seems like when we think of trials and affliction we immediately think of the unpleasantries of life. But, is there good that comes from trial & testing?
I don’t like having to go through hard things, but I can honestly say, that it is from my hardest trials, that I’ve had the most growth. That in those moments of immense trial, I chose to turn to my Savior, & because I turned to Him, my testimony has been strengthened, even solidified.
Growth, often requires the hard, the stretching and the uncomfortable.
Think of Joseph of Egypt, had he not had trials, and endured them in faith, the he wouldn’t have been able to rise up to being second to Pharaoh & he wouldn’t have been able to save both Egypt & his own family from famine.
One of my amazing students, pointed out the tender mercies in Joseph’s life. Seeing the Lord’s hand in our lives, can help us to flourish, even in our trials. Yes, we will all go through hard things, but because of our Father in Heaven’s love, we will never have to go through them alone. The Savior is always there & he can help us make our weaknesses strengths and our trials be for our good ❤️
Here’s a great talk:
Day 2:

Sometimes, it can be hard to remember that our Heavenly Father, really knows best!! He will answer our prayers in the best way. Maybe a delay in an answer, might be, because we need to study it out ourself & have some spiritual growth. Maybe, the answer is different than we expected. Maybe we might even be lead down a course of trial, as was Joseph, because in the end it was need for the blessings that would come.
I know that God is aware of us, personally. He is in the details of our lives. I have seen this in my own life & I have seen it in others lives as well. I love my Heavenly Father.
One of the questions that I asked my seminary students today, was when have you seen God’s hand in your life.
I saw it today, as my youngest son, prepared and shared a Come, Follow Me lesson with our family. He took the initiative all on his own and did this. What a blessing that was for me!! One of my greatest hopes is to see my children engaged in the gospel!
When have you seen God’s hand in your life?
Here’s a link to a great talk:
Day 3:

I really wish that everyone really knew in their hearts that God’s love is immediate and constant. There is nothing we have to do to earn that love. We can’t loose that love. It is steadfast and sure.
Something I have loved about studying about Joseph this week is his absolute faith in God!! He saw God’s hand in His life . Pointing out that it was God’s hand that put him in the position to help his brothers & family. Yes, it all came at a cost of trial, patience, faith and forgiveness. But he recognized that God had his hand in it all & helped to sustain him as well.
I know that God has been a part of my life. I have felt of His love & in my trials, I have grown closer to Him. I’m grateful for prayer & that we can communicate with Him throughout our day! I know that I need His help and guidance in my daily life!!
Here’s another great talk for this week:
Day 4:
Forgiveness!!! Isn’t it such an important attribute of Christ, that we can be working to develop 💕 I’ve found that forgiveness really brings us peace. The feelings of revenge and hate can be softened and even alleviated, when we choose to forgive & to forgive freely. Forgiving freely means we choose to forgive, even when the other person hasn’t said sorry, or asked for forgiveness. Forgiveness does not mean that we stay in a bad situation.
Sometimes, it seems like the hardest person to forgive might be ourselves. Christ is our greatest example of forgiveness. His atonement gives us the opportunity to repent and to be forgiven. As we sincerely partake of the atonement, we can place our faith and trust in its power to erase our sins. If Christ can forgive us, then surely we can forgive ourselves and move on. Satan would have has dwell on things, Christ invites us to progress. To move forward, with Him by our side. The atonement of Christ is such an immense blessing given with perfect love. As we partake of it, we should feel of that great love!
Here’s a link to a great talk:
Day 5:

In this week’s study of JST Genesis 50:24-38, some of the last words Joseph of Egypt spoke were prophesying of the Prophet Joseph Smith, that he would be a choice seer.
Last year, as we study the Doctrine and Covenants my testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith grew immensely. I felt the spirit witness to me as I read his revelations and studied about his life.
I have so much gratitude for him and his family, all that they sacrificed for this gospel. The gospel of Jesus Christ radiates goodness. It inspires people to be better, more kind, more loving, more forgiving, more like our Savior. It gives us knowledge of our divine identity. It helps us to know that we can turn to Christ repent and be forgiven, that we can progress. It gives us knowledge of God’s plan, of covenants and of eternal families. So much light and goodness it can bring into our life.
From Joseph we learn that God still communicates with his people. That we can pray, ask of God and receive answers. We learn that the Heavens are open and that our Father in Heaven once again gives revelation to His prophets for his children & we can receive revelation for our own life as well. ♥️♥️♥️ Joseph most definitely was a choice seer, one who was so faithful.
Here’s a great talk to study:
Here are some podcasts that go with this week's study:
Here are some Lessons and Activities that can go with this week's study, these are great for family discussion and primary!
Here's a fun worksheet and game that I used for seminary. It could be used in family discussion or in Sunday school or primary this week.
Here's the Worksheet:
Here's the Game (I used a big foam dice. The students tossed it and whatever number it landed on was the question that they answered):
You could also check out these great resources from the Red Headed Hostess:

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