Come, Follow Me 2022 Old Testament Resources and Insights: Genesis 18–23,
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I have loved studying the Old Testament so much so far this year! The discussions I have had with my family, so far have been amazing as well. I think it is because the Old Testament, testifies of Christ. We can bring Him into our discussions.
Last week, we learned about Abraham, how there is blessing in being righteous and having faith. We learned about the Abrahamic covenant and blessings and what that means to us, the seed of Abraham.
This week, we are talking about how nothing is impossible with the Lord and the need to trust in His timing. We discuss how Sarah has Isaac at an old age. We discuss Sodom and Gomorrah and it's destruction. We also discus the obedience of Abraham, even in about sacrificing his son.
Throughout this blog post you will find images I create daily, which I am offering as free printables. As well as, insights and links to resources to help with individual, family and even class room study. Remember to check back throughout the week as more printables and resources are added daily.
Day 1:
We see all throughout this week’s study, the necessity of trusting in the Lord and His timing. Not only trusting in it, but being submissive to it.
We see it with Abraham and Sarah and waiting for so long to have Isaac. We see it with Hagar and trusting everything would work out, when she was in the wilderness. We see it in the complete trust and submissiveness in Abraham when he was about to sacrifice Isaac. It makes us think of Christ and His perfect aligning of will with His Father.
What comes to mind, from my own life was my experience with miscarriage. It was one of the most difficult things, both mentally and physically, that I’ve ever been through. I had to trust in the Lord and His timing. Looking back now, I see how the Lord saw what was best for us.
The experience has made me more empathetic for those who experience the same situation. At the time I felt so alone, I felt like I was the only person going through it. I didn’t tell anyone except for close family. My boss didn’t even know.
I literally, gained a testimony in the Lord’s timing. We found out that we would have had twins and that they would have been due right when we would have been moving out of state for school. I have faith that the Lord knows and sees more than we do.
It also made me more appreciative for my pregnancies and my boys. I do believe that we can learn and grow from our experiences. We can also find faith, comfort and strength in trusting in the Lord and His timing. 💖
When have you needed to trust in the Lord’s timing and be submissive to it?
Here’s a great talk:
Day 2:
I really do have faith in the Lord! This scripture is in response to Sarah and Abraham being old in age & told they would have a son. The answer is no, nothing is too hard for the Lord! Isn’t that why we should want to come unto the Lord and yoke ourselves to Him. 💕
He can work miracles in our lives. Sometimes though the miracle we want doesn’t come, but the strength to endure our trials does, or the peace amidst our trial comes. We can find the Lord’s hand throughout our lives. He’s always there and He loves us perfectly ♥️
Here’s a great article:
Day 3:

I love when I find talks that coordinate so well with what we are studying!! This is one of those talks, it likens Sodom & Gomorrah to the wickedness in our world today.
This is one of my favorite quotes from the talk. What I get from it, is the need for us to set our lives on Christ. As well as the importance of making and keeping covenants. To set our tents towards the temple and those eternal blessings.
The gospel, brings me so much joy and peace. It gives my life direction and purpose. I know that I can always look to my Savior as an example and pattern my life after Him. I know without a doubt the love He has for me and that I can turn to him to strengthen me, enable me and comfort me when needed. I can not imagine navigating life without Him or the instructions of His prophets!
I think of the people of Sodom & Gomorrah and how they had stopped listening to the prophets and turned away from Christ. When I think of it I think of the difference of darkness and light. Light can be found where Christ lies in the hearts of the people. I want that light in my life and I am willing to continually work at keeping that light in my life.
Here’s the link to that talk, I highly encourage you to include it in your study & even discussions this week:
Day 4:
Hard things can strengthen us, they can help us grow, especially when we trust in the Lord & invite Him into our story!
We see in this week’s study the hard things that Sarah, Abraham, Issac, Hagar & Ismael all went through. We see how they each trusted in the Lord and His promises and how those promises were fulfilled!
We too will experience the hard!! Maybe you are going through the hard right now! Trust in Him and His promises!! One promise I have trust in, is that as I keep my baptismal covenant, I’m promised to have the Holy Ghost as my constant companion. I’m so grateful for that blessing and His influence in my life!!
I love this talk so much & I think it goes so well with our study & trusting in the Lord:
Day 5:
Sacrifice, the Lord’s people throughout all time, have known sacrifice. In this week’s study we learn of Abraham, who was willing to let his will be swallowed up unto the Father’s. He was asked to sacrifice his son, the covenant son, Isaac. And he was willingly going to do so, because it was the Lord’s will. Gratefully, the Lord stopped the sacrifice and provided a ram.
We might think to ourselves, what are some things that we are willing to sacrifice for the Lord. Ultimately, it is our will that He desires. ❤️
We learn from the scriptures, from prophets & from experience that sacrifice brings blessings.
Here’s a link to a great talk:
Sacrifice Brings Forth the Blessings of Heaven
Day 6:

How have you seen the Lord in your life this week?? This was the question I asked for a spiritual thought the other day in seminary. We really can see the Lord in our lives, daily, if we are paying attention and recognizing it.
We see in the story of Hagar and Ishmael, the Lord was very much in their lives. My heart really goes out to Hagar, when I read of her with her son in the wilderness, full of concern for her child. Aren’t we in a metaphoric wilderness? Don’t we at times have worries and concerns for our children and family members? Don’t we, as she did, at times cry unto our Lord? He is there, He is that well of living water. He can sustain us in our wilderness.
As I said above we can see the Lord in our lives, I encourage you to ponder upon your day, your week or even your month. How have you seen Him in your life?
Me, just thinking about today. I found moments of inspiration throughout the day. Calls I needed to place just at the right times. I felt protected as I drove and ran errands, the roads are crazy on Saturdays & there were some close calls. I enjoyed some time with one of my kiddos, enjoying a walk & all of the Lord’s beautiful creations. I don’t know if it was the sunny skies but I was just filled with happiness today
I saw accomplishments of others and was truly so insanely happy and proud of them. Anyways, the Lord is definitely in the details of our lives 
Here’s the talk I found the quote in:
Here are some great Podcasts that go with this week's study:
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