Come, Follow Me 2022 Old Testament Resources and Insights: Genesis 12–17; Abraham 1–2

 Come, Follow Me 2022 Old Testament Resources and Insights: Genesis 12–17; Abraham 1–2,

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I have loved studying the Old Testament so much so far this year! I have really had to dive in and be prepared, because I have started subbing as a seminary teacher. I have probably studied the Old Testament more this week, than I have in my entire life. The discussions we have had as seminary classes have been amazing. The discussions I have had with my family, so far have been amazing as well. I think it is because the Old Testament, testifies of Christ. We can bring Him into our discussions.

Last week, we got to discuss Noah and how there is safety in listening to the prophets. We learned that God is aware of us, that he will not let wickedness prevail in the world, but He will also help the righteous build a refuge. We also learned about the tower of Babel.

This week, we will be learning about Abraham, how there is blessing in being righteous and having faith. We learn about the Abrahamic covenant and blessings and what that means to us, the seed of Abraham. 

Throughout this blog post you will find images I create daily, which I am offering as free printables. As well as, insights and links to resources to help with individual, family and even class room study. Remember to check back throughout the week as more printables and resources are added daily.

Day 1:

Have you ever really sat and thought about who you are? We have learned through scripture and by modern day prophets that we are spirit children of Heavenly Parents. We are spiritual beings, who chose to follow our Father’s plan to come to earth, experience mortality and strive to become like Him. We are their children and have a divine destiny.

Something that I heard Elder Uchtdorf say, has stood out to me, “You are no ordinary beings, you are glorious and eternal.” We are spiritual beings and eternal beings, isn’t that so neat to ponder on. I’m grateful for the knowledge of who we are! It’s so important to remember, in a world that tries to stick labels on us and define us. ♥️ We are children of loving, caring and glorious Heavenly Parents & have the potential to become like them!

Here’s some great links:

Day 2:

We were reading through the Young Women and Young Men themes today & yesterday, the kids were sharing what things stood out to them and why. One kid pointed out that in the Young Men theme is says, “I will prepare to become a diligent missionary, loyal husband, and loving father by being a true disciple of Jesus Christ.” He said that the reason why that stood out to him, was that it shows that as we are a disciple of Christ, then it will help us to prepare to become all if the other things.

I really loved His insight. It made me think, as we develop Christlike attributes in our life, as we strive to follow our Savior and to be more like Him, then we will be able to be a better friend, better parents, spouses and servants of the Lord.

The commandments and the covenants we make help us to live the Celestial laws. That’s why, God has given them to us, to prepare us for the eternal and exalted life.

I know so strongly in my heart that our Heavenly Parents are loving. That they truly care about each one of us and that their desire is for us to return to them. They are going to provide us with every opportunity to do so. One thing they will not do is, take away our agency. So, we must make that decision, to choose to come unto them and take advantage of all of the helps and resources they have provide us with to navigate life and return safely home ♥️

My invitation, is to have you ponder and think of what things you want to work on to become a better disciple of Christ? Then ask for our Father’s help in prayer ♥️

Here is the talk this quote is from, you can also find it in this week’s Come, Follow Me study

Day 3:

As members of Christ’s church, we are the seed of Abraham. I’ve enjoyed learning about the Abrahamic Covenant this week and our responsibilities as Abraham’s seed, in gathering Israel.

I loved this quote, “Ours is the responsibility to help fulfill the Abrahamic covenant. Ours is the seed foreordained and prepared to bless all people of the world…This is the time of the promised gathering of Israel.” (President Russell M Nelson)

Doesn’t that quote just stir your soul with excitement!! The knowledge of the gospel of Jesus Christ is such a blessing!!! One that I just want everyone to have!! ♥️ We live in such an exciting time!! We just have to keep that eternal perspective and focus on that which matters, bringing all unto Christ 💖

Here’s the link to the quote: (it’s at the bottom of the lesson in the Commentary & Background information section)

Day 1:

Haven’t you loved studying about our role in fulfilling the Abrahamic covenant?!?

Our responsibility as members of Christ’s church, is to gather Israel. To minister to each other and share the gospel. Today, I listened to such powerful testimonies. As kids shared and taught me, what they knew about prophets, Heavenly Father and the Atonement.

By just simply sharing what we believe, we are sharing the gospel. By just simply living as we believe, we could be sharing the gospel as well. What do those around us know about the gospel, because of how we live our life? Do they know what is important to us? Do they know families are important, because of how we act and treat each other. Or that the Sabbath Day is special? I believe that people notice & maybe what they see in you will lead to greater discussion about the gospel later on.

Here’s the link to where I found the quote:

Day 2:

Today, we talked about Abraham and Sarah and the times they needed to trust in the Lord. Specifically, the time Abraham had to say that Sarah was his sister, to avoid being killed by the Egyptians. That was probably a difficult thing for both Abraham and Sarah. But they put their trust in the Lord and were blessed in doing so.

There will be difficult things we might be asked to do or to go through. There is comfort and strength in knowing we can trust the Lord, that he sees an eternal picture.

I love this quote by Elder Scott: “To exercise faith is to trust that the Lord knows what He is doing with you and that He can accomplish it for your eternal good even though you cannot understand how He can possibly do it.”

When my husband broke his feet, there was a time when I became worried. The pain seemed to not go away and I was worried that he might never be back to normal. I remember thinking about what we would do, if he wasn’t able to go back to work. I remember a moment when I was having these worries and basically just having to put my trust in the Lord. Of course praying that he would heal and be able to go back to work and also that we could enjoy doing the things we like to do as a family. But also trusting that the Lord will help us figure things out. Gratefully he has been able to go to work and he’s been able to get back to doing things. There is always comfort in putting trust in the Lord & also strength. Strength, because that faith and trust, helps us to be reassured that we can do anything with Christ.

When in your life have you needed to put your trust in the Lord?

Here’s a link to that great talk by Elder Scott:

Here are some great Podcasts that go with this week's study:

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