Come, Follow Me 2022 Old Testament Resources and Insights: Genesis 6–11; Moses 8,
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I have loved studying the Old Testament so much so far this year! I have really had to dive in and be prepared, because I have started subbing as a seminary teacher. I have probably studied the Old Testament more this week, than I have in my entire life. The discussions we have had as seminary classes have been amazing. The discussions I have had with my family, so far have been amazing as well. I think it is because the Old Testament, testifies of Christ. We can bring Him into our discussions.
Last week, we discussed the perfect love of God and creating Zion. We talked about Enoch an how he converses with the Lord and has a vision. He sees the wickedness in the world and what happens when faith, repentance, baptism and the Holy Ghost are taught to the children of God. We discussed building Zion and how we should strive to be, “of one heart and one mind.”
This week, we get to dive into Noah and how there is safety in listening to the prophets. We learn that God is aware of us, that he will not let wickedness prevail in the world, but He will also help the righteous build a refuge. We also learn about the tower of Babel.
Throughout this blog post you will find images I create daily, which I am offering as free printables. As well as, insights and links to resources to help with individual, family and even class room study. Remember to check back throughout the week as more printables and resources are added daily.
Day 1:
We know not when the Savior will come again. But there are things we can do. We can listen to our current modern day prophets!! I have a firm testimony of them. That there is safety in their counsel.
We can fortify our own homes as a refuge from the wickedness of the world. I feel like because we are trying to make our home a place the spirit can dwell, we are more aware of trying to avoid those things that would offend him. We’ve turned off shows, we’ve changed music, etc. Now I’m not saying we are perfect at it, but I have noticed that we’ve been more aware.
We can do those daily simple things in our lives, which can make a big impact. Such as daily communication with our Heavenly Father, this includes, prayer, as well as listening to and acting upon revelation. Another thing is studying the scriptures and words of the prophets and spending time in gospel discussion with our families. These things have been so important in strengthening our family.
Like the people in Noah’s time who had been warned of the flood & taught what they needed to do to find refuge. We too, have been taught about the Savior’s second coming and the things we need to do as well. Hopefully we’ve learned from the past and chose to listen to the prophets and be numbered among the righteous ♥️♥️
Here’s a great article:
Day 2:

I have such a firm testimony in the importance of listening to and following our prophets!! I know that in our day, that is the only way we will find safety!
As we have focused on Noah in our discussions, in seminary and at home, we have talked about how we can find safety in the teachings of our Latter-day prophets, just as Noah and his family found safety in the counsel that Noah gave.
I pulled summaries from some of the General conference talks given by our prophet and apostles from this most recent conference. We discussed their messages and how we can find safety in listening to their counsel. I have loved the insights shared!!! This was so good for me as well, to have a refresher in what we have been taught and instructed by those servants of the Lord!
A couple things we discussed was the importance of making time for the Lord in our daily lives! One group pointed out the importance of avoiding distractions during that time. I loved that, being more intentional with the time we make for the Lord & giving him our undivided attention!!
We also discussed what a big impact just doing those simple daily things such as prayer and scripture study can have on our lives!! To be in communication daily with our Father, how essential that is!!! I am so grateful for living prophets and the guidance they give us!!
Here is an excellent talk:
I’ll also link to the summaries of the talks on the blog. Here is the Link:
Day 3:

What helps you to remember your covenants?!? God sent a rainbow to help Noah remember his covenant.
Each week we have the opportunity to partake of the water and bread, as we partake of them and listen to the sacrament prayers we are reminded of our covenants.
Are there things we can do every day to help us to remember the Savior and keep His commandments?? What about prayer and scripture study? What about creating an environment in our life where we can hear Him? What about when we do hear Him, we act. I loved what a kid said in seminary today, that it takes action to have faith and trust in the Savior. We need to act, we need to make time for Him and let Him into our life 💖
Here’s a link to a great talk:
Day 4:
How do we become like our Heavenly Parents? We pattern our lives after the Savior!! That’s why everything in the gospel points to Him. He is the way to eternal exaltation. We are invited to come, unto Him; to remember Him; to take His name upon us; and to be perfected by Him. He loves us and desires our joy and progression!As we think of the people who built the Tower of Babel, it was about trying to escape the consequences of sin. We know though, that repentance is essential to overcoming sin and that is only possible through the atonement of Jesus Christ. Repentance is a remarkable blessing, it is something we can partake of daily. Repentance is evaluating, what we can do better and turning to the Savior for His help. It’s all about love, mercy, humility and progression
What things do you do daily to come unto the Savior?Here’s a great talk:
Day 5:

Our prophet has pled with us to make time for the Lord!! That is what he said in his last talk in the most recent General Conference. He invited us to strengthen our spiritual foundations. I have such a firm testimony that there is safety in listening to and following the prophets. I also have a firm testimony that President Nelson is called of God, I sustain him and pay attention when he speaks.
I have loved the things that have been said throughout this week!! Some things that have stood out to me is:
- The importance of putting the Lord first & we will be blessed
- being intentional in our time with the Lord and avoid distractions during that time
- strengthen our foundations, so we can withstand temptations, trials and tribulation
This world is only going to become more chaotic, the closer it gets to the second coming. I love that the prophet is reminding us the importance of making time for the Lord and strengthening our foundation 💖
Here’s a link to his talk summary:
Maybe take time this week to read it with your family and decide on things you can do in your lives to make time for the Lord 💕
Day 6:

When should we choose to keep our covenants and follow the Lord? Right now. We will be faced with temptations and trials in this life, it is a given. We will be better able to face them as we choose the Lord, now.
One of the Doctrinal Mastery scriptures this year is Joshua 24:15, “choose you this day whom ye will serve;… but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” We must make that decision, we can choose to keep and live our covenants or we can choose not to. I remember in my youth, being told that the time to make the decision of what I will or not do, needs to be made, before I’m ever faced with that decision. I feel like I’ve really tried to live by that. When I made covenants with the Lord, was when I made the decision that I was going to keep them & cherish them!
Tonight, as a family we talked about remembering our covenants!! I feel like it’s such a huge blessing to be able to partake of the sacrament every Sunday! To be reminded what the promises we made at baptism are & to witness that we are willing to keep those promises. ♥️ I also love that we have the temple garments, to remind us of the covenant we make inside the Lord’s Holy Temples. Keeping covenants, brings blessings into our lives, one of the greatest, being the companionship of the Holy Ghost ❤️❤️
In this week’s study of Noah, what has stood out to you & your family about covenants & how are you going yo apply that to your life?
Here’s the talk I found the quote from:
Here are some great Podcasts that go with this week's study:
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