Come, Follow Me 2021 The Articles of Faith and Official Declarations 1 and 2 Resources and Insights,
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Last week, we learned about our Heavenly Father's eternal plan. We talked about how important scripture study is in preparing us for revelation. And we learned about the work of salvation happening on both sides of the veil and how we can play a crucial role.
This week, we will be discussing the Articles of Faith and how the Lord continues to give His prophets revelation. We will also be discussing Declaration 1 and 2.
Throughout this blog post you will find images I create daily, which I am offering as free printables. As well as insights and links to resources to help with individual, family and even class room study. Remember to check back throughout the week as more printables and resources are added daily.
Day 1:
I think the 9th Article of Faith sums up this week’s study pretty well. When Joseph Smith went to the grove and saw God and Jesus, it was a sign to us, that the Heavens are open and that God communicates with His children. God has revealed truths to His prophets, He reveals truths to our current prophet and He will reveal truth in the future. I loved when President Nelson spoke of how it is a continual restoration. I am so grateful for all that we have to help us learn more about our Father and His plan. For all of the scriptures as well as current revelation from our prophet and apostles ♥️
Day 2:
I found a great article, where Elder Perry categorizes the Articles of Faith according to doctrine taught in them. I’ll link to it below and on the blog. What I love about the Articles of Faith is that as we ponder on them we can strengthen or testimony and knowledge of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Sometimes, I’ll do a testimony check and replace the word “we” with “I”. Then ponder on my testimony of those things said within the Articles of Faith.
Here is that link:
Day 3:
I immediately thought of President Nelson’s talk and quote about the restoration being a continual process, not just a one time event, when we were discussing revelation tonight as a family. Part of being a living church, means that our prophet will continue to receive revelation for the church. We see this with the two Official Declarations that we are studying this week. We also see this with recent revelations our current prophet has received in regards to ministering; the Children and Youth program; Home Centered Church Supported Gospel learning; Come, Follow Me; moving to 2 hour instead of 3 hour meetings, etc…
What we must remember is that the Savior sits at the head of this church. I’m grateful for revelation given for our time and for the circumstances that we are living in.
I found two great articles to go with this study:
Day 4:
I believe this and I have a testimony and faith in our prophets. I have an understanding and testimony that Christ sits at the head of this church and He will not allow His prophets to lead us astray.
I know that in the times we live in it is crucial to listen to and follow our prophet. I have seen this for myself, as our family has tried to follow the council of the prophet in regards to Come, Follow Me and family study. I feel like our family has been greatly blessed because of this. ♥️
In this week’s study have you read through the “Excerpts from Three Addresses by President Wilford Woodruff Regarding the Manifesto”? If not, I think it’s beneficial, it added to my study. You can find them at the end of Official Declaration 1, here’s the link:
Day 5:

I think it’s good to remember that there will be things that we do not have a full understanding of. It is crucial, when we are faced with such things, that we remember that we have a loving, merciful, just and kind Savior, who does have a perfect knowledge of all things. I know it’s not always easy, but for me, I go by faith. Faith in my Savior, and Heavenly Father and in their plan. That faith can give us hope and help us be at peace.
Here are some great articles I studied tonight:
Here are some great Podcasts that go with this week's study:
Here are some lesson's and activities that could go with this week's study:
You could also check out these great resources from the Red Headed Hostess:
Here are some of the past week's Come, Follow Me Resource Posts:
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