Come, Follow Me 2021 Doctrine and Covenants 106-108 Resources and Insights,
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Last week, we learned that sometimes, blessings come after we have experienced trials or affliction. We learned that we are stewards over the blessings that our Heavenly Father gives us and Zion must be built on righteous principles.
This week, we will learn about how the Lord leads His church through priesthood authority. We learn about the blessings that come to us through this authority and how the Lord encourages and strengthens those He calls to serve.
Throughout this blog post you will find images I create daily, which I am offering as free printables. As well as insights and links to resources to help with individual, family and even class room study. Remember to check back throughout the week as more printables and resources are added daily.
Day 1:

It always comes back to focusing on our Savior!!! Learning of Him, building a relationship with Him and striving to be like Him!!
I loved this quote from the Come, Follow Me manual. I read it to my family tonight in our family study. The other day, when we were talking, I told the kids that really the biggest thing, is to have a testimony of the Savior and focus on Him. He really is our foundation. He is central to all good. Partaking of His atonement is essential to our happiness and our exhalation.
I know that for me, focusing on my Savior helps me stay a steady course. I just love my Savior so much & I’m so grateful for Him!
Here’s the link to the manual:
Day 2:

We started out tonight talking about how when we are called to serve, we are given the help and strength we need to fulfill those callings.
Then we ended with talking about ministering. I had pointed out how I saw one of my kids talking to someone in our neighborhood & they said, well that’s just being friendly & I said, that’s what ministering is. 😊 I love that ministering is just as simple as being friendly and serving those around us! It’s doing what the Savior would do, it’s loving how He loves and serving how He would serve. ♥️
I’ve been pondering over this the past couple days. How can we be better at ministering to others? I think it’s by loving them and seeking the guidance of the spirit.
Here is a link to President Nelson’s talk:
Day 3:

Years ago when I learned what it meant to “sustain” someone in their calling, it changed the way I lived my life. When we raise our hand and sustain someone, whether it be our prophet, our bishop, or a Sunday School teacher. We are saying that we will support them in their calling.
I loved this quote I found from President Joseph F Smith. I love that he says we are to encourage them in the good work they do.
Earlier I said it learning what it meant to sustain someone changed my life, how it changed it, was I am more mindful. For instance, I have sustained my Bishop, so I am going to do what I can do to support and encourage him in his calling. So that means I fulfill the assignments he gives me, I try to come to ward activities, I serve in the ward, I try to share my testimony. If he asks me to do something, then I happily do it. 😊 Now I’m not perfect at all that, I’ve missed a ward party or two 😉 But, hopefully you get my point. The same goes for any calling we sustain a person to. For a teacher, we participate in class discussion. For an RS activities leader, we come to the activities, etc.
Tonight, we discussed, the importance of having confidence in and praying for our Prophet and leaders of the church. We can have faith and confidence in them as we seek to follow their council and direction for us 💕
Here’s a great article, it’s where I found the quote:
Day 4:
I love that we have a prophet and apostles who encourage us to study and learn about the priesthood and how we can access its power in our own lives!!
We can have access to this power and the blessings of the priesthood as we make and keep sacred covenants! ♥️
I feel the great privilege and responsibility to partake of the sacrament each week, to remember my baptismal covenants and recommit to remembering my Savior and taking His name upon me! I’m grateful for the great blessing this priesthood ordinance us in my life.
Elder Anderson’s talk is great! I encourage you to read it and ponder on the blessing you see in your life from the priesthood.
Here’s the link:
Great Podcasts/YouTube Videos that go with this week's discussion:
Don't Miss This
Follow Him Part 1 Part 2
Real Talk
Here are some activities and lessons that could go with this week's study:
The Lord’s chosen servants lead His Church. & General Conf. Prep
More Conference Resources
You could also check out these great resources from the Red Headed Hostess:
Here are some links to some of the past Come, Follow Me posts:
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