"Holy Cow" End of School Year Printable Tag and Gift Idea

 "Holy Cow" End of School Year Printable and Gift Idea,

This was quite a year!! I think our kids, teachers and parents have been remarkable. With being on three PTA/PTO boards this year, I've heard about a lot of the struggles and all I can say is, Holy Cow, we all made it!

Come, Follow Me 2021 Doctrine and Covenants 58–59 Resources and Insights

  Come, Follow Me 2021 Doctrine and Covenants 58–59 Resources and Insights,

Last week, we learned and discussed a lot about being self-reliant and helping others to become self-reliant as well, by giving of our times, talent and resources. We also learned about the importance of the Holy Ghost in our lives and being patient in our afflictions.

A Fun Graduation Gift Idea and Printable: Graduation Hat Jars

 A Fun Graduation Gift Idea and Printable,

This year, my nephew is graduating from High School, he's the first one, so it's pretty exciting. I also, have a bunch of girls that were my Young Women a few years back that are graduating as well. So I wanted to do a little something for them.

Come, Follow Me 2021 Doctrine and Covenants 51–57 Resources and Insights

 Come, Follow Me 2021 Doctrine and Covenants 51–57 Resources and Insights,

Last week, we learned about the revelation given to Joseph, for Sidney Rigdon, Parley Pratt and Leman Copley to take to the Shakers. In that revelation some important gospel principles are reiterated. Including the importance of baptism and eternal marriage. Also, that that Lord would come to the earth again. There was also revelation directed to how to tell if one is being influenced by the Holy Ghost. I loved the scripture that talked about light! The Holy Ghost is light, he enlightens our minds, edifies us, and warms our souls. 

Spreading Sunshine PTSA Student Rep Week Ideas

Spreading Sunshine PTSA Student Rep Week Ideas,

In February, we decided to do a Spreading Sunshine week, sponsored by our High School PTSA Student Representatives. I love the idea on focusing on spreading light within our schools, especially our high schools and junior high schools. 

Come, Follow Me 2021 Doctrine and Covenants 49–50 Resources and Insights

 Come, Follow Me 2021 Doctrine and Covenants 49–50 Resources and Insights,

Last week, our focus was on spiritual gifts. I love thinking about and discussing spiritual gifts. We also talked about the roles of the Holy ghost, aligning our will with our Heavenly Fathers, expressing gratitude for our blessings and praying to our Heavenly Father in faith. 

Ministering Ideas and Tag Printable: Dropping by Some Encouragement

 Ministering Ideas and Tag Printable: Dropping by Some Encouragement,

I have found when I have something to drop off to my ministering sisters, then I am more likely to go and do a visit. Also, its a way to get my husband and sons to go visit there ministering families. 

Spiritual Gifts and the Roles of the Holy Ghost Lesson Outline and Printable

Spiritual Gifts and the Roles of the Holy Ghost Lesson Outline and Printable,

Two of my sons were asked to do this lesson this Sunday for the quorums. We are going back to in person second hour meetings for the first time in a year. So, I quickly came up with a lesson outline and a printable that they could use. I thought I would share it on here, incase anyone needed some last minute help. It would also work great for a family Come, Follow Me lesson/discussion. The printable could also be used for primary. Here is the link to the Youth Come, Follow Me lesson, which we formulated the outline from.

Come, Follow Me 2021 Doctrine and Covenants 46-48 Resources and Insights

 Come, Follow Me 2021 Doctrine and Covenants 46-48 Resources and Insights,

Last week, we learned about preparing for the Lord's Second Coming. To not fear, but have faith and be prepared. We learned about striving to keep the Holy Ghost as our constant companion, keeping our covenants and partaking of our Savior's atonement. We also studied about the Savior being our advocate with our Father! How wonderful that is!!

Spiritual Goal, A Year of Coming Unto Christ by Developing Christlike Attributes: May is Knowledge

 Spiritual Goal, A Year of Coming Unto Christ by Developing Christlike Attributes: May is Knowledge,

In January, I had this thought that I wanted to come more unto the Savior. So I decided to start focusing on His attributes. Each month there will be a Christlike attribute focus. We focused on Faith in Christ for JanuaryHope in FebruaryCharity and Love in March and Virtue in April.  I love being more intentional in striving to be more like my Savior. You could do this individually. Or  you could invite your Relief Society Sisters, Ministering sisters, friends or Young Women to engage in the study and development as well. 

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