Come, Follow Me 2021 Doctrine and Covenants D&C 23-26,
Last week, we studied the Articles and Covenants of the Church. I loved studying about the beginnings of the organization of the church and the faithful early saints! One thing that is always constant is that this is Christ's church! We see this prevalent in the revelations given throughout the Doctrine and Covenants and we see it today, through our current prophet!
This week, we are studying about some much needed revelations to some of the early saints who were already starting to face some intense persecution. One of my favorites is the revelation given for Emma Smith!
Throughout this blog post you will find images I create daily, which I am offering as free printables. As well as insights and links to resources to help with individual, family and even class room study. Remember to check back throughout the week as more printables and resources are added daily.
Day 1:

To be completely honest, sometimes I get ensnared in the trap of comparison, including tonight!! Comparison only brings ugly feelings! When I started to compare tonight, the thought came, “stop”. Just stop comparing and remember why you do the things you do. It’s not for praise, it’s not for big acknowledgements, but it is because of a deep love for my Heavenly Father and my desire to serve Him. That’s all that matters, am I doing right in His sight.
We discussed tonight that the opposite of pride is humility. We have humility when we have gratitude. Gratitude to our Heavenly Father for every thing we have.
I love that the Lord in D&C 23:1 told Oliver to “beware of pride”. I love it because it’s a great reminder to all of us in this mortal world! We see throughout the scriptures, how pride leads to the downfall and hardships for the Lord’s people. I find this warning to Oliver & to the rest of us, a warning of love. The Lord wants to keep us close to Him!
I listened to Real Talk - Come Follow Me Podcast & Video Series today & they brought up a talk by Elder Uchtdorf. I looked it up & it’s just great! We used a short clip from it in our family study tonight. Take a moment & read through it. Ponder on what stands out to you! I believe that the spirit will communicate with us, things will particularly stand out to us, the things we need to hear, when we study the words of the leaders of the church.
Here’s the link to the talk: Pride and the Priesthood
Here’s the link to the short video clip: Pride
Day 2:

How can we strengthen the church?!? By engaging in the work! I am a firm believer that our talents, abilities and even our experiences can help us better strengthen the church and it’s members!
How crucial it is that we strengthen our own faith and testimony and then invite others along on our journey. I think one of the powerful ways we can strengthen the church is by ministering!! Every member no matter how active or inactive they are needs to know that they matter! They need to be reached out to, they need to feel cared about and loved! I can tell you it makes a difference and it is not hard!
Reach out frequently to those you’ve been asked to reach out to, if you don’t maybe no one else will. Think right now, does someone come to your mind to reach out to? Maybe they just need a quick text, saying hi, maybe it’s a drop by, maybe a treat. Maybe it’s our own family members we need to minister to.
I know that the Lord inspires us to who needs us!!
Just the other day, I had a sweet lady from my old ward, drop by, she said the nicest things to me, I was grateful for her visit. I’ve received cards in the mail from friends, how those cards brighten my day. I’ve had sweet texts or messages on social media. Sometimes, sending someone a complement can just really make their day!
How awesome it would be if each day we thought about who might we reach out to, who might we help strengthen that day. And then act upon what comes to mind!! I think it was Sister Kimball that said, “Never suppress a generous thought.” ♥️
Also, I found this other article that I thought was just great in giving a little bit more explanation of the sections we are studying this week: “Strengthen the Church Continually” Here are the links to some great podcasts:
Follow Him
Don't Miss This
Real Talk
Day 3:

When I am going through a trial, that I think is so hard and heavy to bear, I think about the Prophet Joseph Smith in Liberty Jail. I think about all the persecution the Saints were going through and the horrific conditions of the jail. Joseph had the immense opposition of the adversary throughout his life, especially at that time. These words that the Lord said to him, always stand out to me, “The Son of Man hath descended below them all. Art thou greater than he?” (D&C 122:8)
Our Savior, did descend below anything and everything we will ever experience, He did it for us! So, when I’m going through a trial I can remember all that the Savior went through & I can remember to turn to Him, to rely on His strength and comfort! To be quite honest, for me, turning to the Savior is a must!! I need His help in my trials!! At times they seem too help to bear, He hellos me to be able to bear them and endure them.
Ponder on how the Lord has helped to ease your burdens ♥️
Day 4:

I love that the Lord starts out this revelation to Emma Smith by calling her, His daughter & then explains that “all those who receive my gospel are sons and daughters in my kingdom.”
What an important thing to truly know! I think that, that knowledge that she is God’s daughter, probably gave her great strength and confidence in enduring the many trials she would experience.
I know that, that knowledge helps me to have strength to endure the trials I experience.
I am so grateful for Emma! She had such an important role in the restoration of the gospel!! ♥️♥️
Day 5:

In the revelation for Emma, the Lord tells her to, “lay aside the things of this world, and seek for the things of a better.” (D&C 25:10) Sometimes, this can be so hard.
Living in a mortal world, sometimes it’s so easy to forget about our purpose. It’s easy to get distracted by the things of this world.
The Holy Ghost can help us align ourselves with the Lord’s priorities. He can inspire us, to live the Lord’s commandments, to love and serve our neighbor, and to put our Father’s work above the things of the world.
The thing that I have found with setting one’s heart upon the things of the world is that there’s never enough. You just want more, more money, so you can by more things and do more stuff. None of which gives us lasting happiness. On the other hand, the things of the gospel they fill us. They give us everlasting joy! I think of the covenants I’ve made, I know that those covenants as I keep them will provide me with eternal blessings. Keeping the commandments bring happiness into our lives. The times when I am happiest is when I am serving others and serving the Lord.
I look at Emma, she was a great example of service to others and love and service to the Lord’s work. ♥️♥️
What are your thoughts on this verse of scripture? What helps you lay aside the things of this world? How do you keep your focus on good works?
Here’s a great talk:
An Especially Noble Calling
Day 6:

Today, was just what I needed!! I didn’t realize how much I missed gathering with other women to be spiritually fed!! I think of Emma and Joseph and the beginnings of Relief Society. I think of all of the good that sisters have done all over the world since then.
Today as we gathered, you could feel the spirit so strongly in the chapel. There is no doubt in my mind that those who put the program together were divinely inspired! The messages were just so perfect. One of these important messages was that as covenant keeping women we have access to the power of God. I love that one of the things the Lord said to Emma was for her to, “lift up thy heart and rejoice, and cleave unto the covenants”. I think that we can all rejoice in the covenants we have made! As we cleave unto them, we will receive such amazing blessings into our lives.
I am so grateful for loving Heavenly Parents!! I know that they desire for us to be happy. They want us to succeed, they want us to live up to our potential 💕
Our Stake president encouraged us to go back and read each of the talks that President Nelson has given during the General Women’s Conferences since he has been president of the church! I’m excited to do this, to study them and be reminded of the messages that the Lord has for the women of the church.
I encourage you to take a moment to ponder on your covenants! Join with me in studying the talks by President Nelson😊♥️
President Nelson's General Women's Session Talks:
Embrace the Future with FaithRemember to check back throughout the week. You could also follow along on Facebook and Instagram.
Here are the links to prior Come, Follow Me Resource posts:
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