Come, Follow Me 2021 Doctrine and Covenants Easter Resources and Insights,
Last week, we learned all about preparing ourselves for the Second Coming of the Lord. I remember as a youth the Second Coming used to slightly frighten me. But as I have grown older, I view the Second Coming as such a glorious event! We also learned about our Heavenly Father's Plan.
This week, we get to prepare and focus on Easter. This is really such a precious time of year! Our Savior did choose to be a part of our Heavenly Fathers plan, He volunteered to do what we could not do for ourselves! He was our perfect example throughout His life. He suffered unimaginably for each one of us. For that I am eternally grateful for. He died for us and was resurrected, so we too can overcome death. He lives!!
Throughout this blog post you will find images I create daily, which I am offering as free printables. As well as insights and links to resources to help with individual, family and even class room study. Remember to check back throughout the week as more printables and resources are added daily.
First off I wanted to share this image with you. It is one that I created of our Savior's atonement, I also drew that beautiful wreath around it. For me the atonement, was the greatest act of love and we can always be encircled in the comforting and strengthening arms of our Savior. The printable has for to a page. Click the free download button below to print:
Day 1:
I have to say, this is one of my favorite scriptures, I can not read it with out the warmth of the spirit swelling up inside of me! I just feel like the testimony of Joseph Smith is SO POWERFUL! He saw the resurrected Jesus ♥️
Though I have not seen Christ, I have felt of His love and presence. I have learned of Him from the scriptures and read testimonies of those who were closest to Him. I know because the spirit has witnessed to me that Christ is our Savior, that He has redeemed us, and that He lives! ♥️♥️♥️
I love hearing others testimonies of the Savior!! If you feel inclined, please share yours ♥️♥️
Here are some links to some podcasts that I enjoy listening to:
Don't Miss This (has a beautiful song at the end)
Day 2:
I love that we have the document “The Living Christ”. I love the beautiful testimonies of the Savior, shared by prophets and apostles ♥️ Who are special witnesses of Christ.
Sometimes, we think solely of our Savior’s mortal mission. I love that this quote shared with us that Christ lives! He had an essential role in the premortal world and his work still continues as the resurrected Christ. His life will continue even after the second coming and judgement. I know that my great desire is to be able to live eternally in His presence!
Have you read through “The Living Christ” lately?!? If not here is the link:
What stands out to you?!
Day 3:
The resurrection of our Savior, brought hope to each of us! It means that death is not the end, but we to will have our bodies and spirits reunite to continue in eternal progression.
For me knowledge that death is not the end and that we can see our loved ones again has helped me as I have had family members pass away. It has brought me peace.
I am eternally grateful for my Savior and all that He has done for me. ♥️♥️
Ponder on how the resurrection gives you hope.
Here’s a great article by Dallin H Oaks:
Day 4:
Christ’s atonement is perfect, or complete. It covers everything!! “There is no sin or transgression, pain or sorrow, which is outside of the healing power of His Atonement.” (C. Scott Grow)
This is so comforting to me!! Comforting because I know that my Savior can comfort me, strengthen me and forgive me, no matter what it is I go through or do.
It makes me so full of love for my Savior for all that He is in my life & I feel so greatly of His love!
Here’s a great talk: The Miracle of the Atonement
Ponder on how you feel about Christ’s atonement and share your thoughts 😊
Day 5:
It’s General Conference tomorrow!!! Tonight’s family discussion focused on how listening to General Conference can bring us closer to Christ!
I have a huge testimony that we can receive answers to our questions and that the spirit can teach us and impress upon us during conference, the things the Lord would have us know!
Every General Conference, I like to encourage my kids to come with a question. Maybe something they would like help with or better understanding of.
I know that as we listen to our prophet, we will receive guidance that is specific to the times we are living in, guidance that will prepare us for the future and as we hearken to His words, we will be blessed!
Here’s a great talk: Come, Listen to a Prophet’s Voice
Day 6:
For this day I just shared quotes from the Saturday Session of General Conference:
That first session of General Conference just flew by!! Today, the prompt for #StartingToday is I’m walking the walk. The Conference address that really stood out to me that goes so well with this is Elder Stevenson’s talk about kindness and inclusion. As disciples of Christ we covenant to bear one another’s burdens and to be charitable. This talk, spoke volumes that, actions are much greater than words.
One of my questions that I wrote down in preparation for conference was about the crazy divisive world we live in right now. This talk and others answered that question. Yes the world is a little crazy, but we can focus on kindness, on praying for our enemies, on being inclusive 💕 on focusing our lives on the good Shepherd and just always choose to be kind and show love, to all of Gods children.
Conference was amazing!! Each talk I kept thinking, oh I love this!! What stood out to you this first session??
Here is a link to a summary of Elder Stevenson’s talk:
I felt like Elder Holland’s message was so heartfelt and powerful!! I loved this quote ♥️ I feel like a lot of conference was about being more mindful of those around us and how our actions effect them and the importance of turning to Christ. He is where we will find peace and comfort 💕
What stood out to you today?
Here’s the link to Elder Holland’s talk summary:
Here are some fun lesson/discussion ideas to help with family or class study:


Prophesies of Christ:

Easter Lessons and Activities:

Here are some links to some of the past Come, Follow Me posts:
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