Come, Follow Me 2021 Doctrine and Covenants Dec 28 to Jan 3,
For the past few years, I have been posting quite regularly to my Instagram about what my family and I get out of our Come, Follow Me Study. I usually share a quote in an image that I design and then share my thoughts about that day's study. This has enriched my Come, Follow Me study and hopefully been of value to those who read it as well.
I decided that I wanted to so a weekly post, that can be updated as I share my images and insights on that week's Come, Follow Me study. I will be sharing the images on here so they can be downloaded and printed.
This year we are studying from the Doctrine and Covenants. What I love about the Doctrine and Covenants is that it is latter day revelation. It is testament to us that God still talks to His children. That His latter day prophets receive revelation from Him for His church and kingdom on earth. We are excited to study the Doctrine and Covenants this year, as well as the many resources that the church has provided us to help us in that study.
Both me and my husband have ancestors who lived and were a part of these early church years. We have loved reading their histories. It helps us to feel connected to that time. Something else we have loved reading from are the Saints books. They give us a greater understanding of the circumstances of that time. We plan on incorporating it into our study.
On here I will also share links to resources that I use that help me and my family in that week's story. I'm always open to other resources that you guys love as well, so please share them!! Leave a comment on here or on Facebook or Instagram, you can also always send me an email as well.
As I said above, this post will be updated throughout the week, as we study individually and as a family. I will daily update it with free printables and links to great resources. So, check in throughout the week!
Day 1:
We began our family study of Doctrine and Covenants yesterday (Monday). We decided that we wanted to start by reading the introduction to the Doctrine and Covenants. That it was important to understand what the book is before we dive in and start studying it. I printed and laminated the Doctrine and Covenants Study Schedule cards and gave them to each of my kids. You can download and print them here:
Here is the image I shared on social media and the insights:
I'm offering the image as a free download click button below:
I also have been listening to the podcast by Hank Smith and John Bytheway. They had Anthony Sweat on this week, who is a professor for the Doctrine and Covenants. It is excellent!! I recommend you listen to it, because it gives you a better understanding of the composition of the Doctrine and Covenants and the great meaning it can have as you study from it. Here is a link to their podcast:
Follow Him Episode 101
Day 2:
Think about how excited we are for General Conference, or when the prophet shares a message on social media! It is because we believe in modern revelation, that God speaks to His prophets! It’s exciting and we want to know what messages and instruction our Heavenly Father has for us!!
The Early Saints were just as excited, they cherished the words that the Lord had given for them through their prophet, Joseph Smith. They wanted to have those words available to them. I found a wonderful article that talks about how the Doctrine and Covenants came to be. It would be a wonderful read to add to this week’s study! I am so grateful for all of the work that went into making this book full of revelations available to us.
What have you learned so far this week about the Doctrine and Covenants that you did not know before?
Day 3:

Isn’t it wonderful that we have a Heavenly Father who loves us SO MUCH, that He gives us, “voices of warning” through our prophets!!
As the second coming approaches, there will be calamities. We see them around us now & we will see them in the future. We are blessed with prophets who receive warnings and guidance for us! I love listening to everything President Nelson has to say! I know he speaks the will of the Lord.
He stated in October’s General Conference 2020, “I pray that we as a people are using this unique time to grow spiritually. We are here on earth to be tested, to see if we will choose to follow Jesus Christ, to repent regularly, to learn, and to progress. Our spirits long to progress. And we do that best by staying firmly on the covenant path.”
From that, for me I get the message, that life is not easy, there will be trials. But no matter what is going on around us, no matter what our circumstances, we can choose to follow Jesus. And that is done by staying on the covenant path. By making and keeping sacred covenants with our Heavenly Father!!
What warnings have you heard recently from the prophet and apostles? What warnings have you heard while studying the scriptures?
Here is the link to the conference talk by President Nelson:
Moving Forward
Day 4:
Was New Year's Eve, my brothers are in town so the night was spent focusing on them. Though I did share the top nine most interacted with posts from 2020
Day 5:

I find this so magnificent!! That the Lord gave us the preface to the Doctrine and Covenants!! It is His book of revelations for His church! So it just makes sense doesn’t it, that He would want to tell us what this book is about
President Joseph Fielding Smith said, “It was not written by Joseph Smith, but was dictated by Jesus Christ, and contains his and his Father’s word to the Church and to all the world that faith in God, repentance from sin and membership in his Church might be given to all who will believe, and that once again the New and Everlasting covenant might be established.” (Church History and Modern Revelation, 1:252.)
I am already loving all that I’m learning about the Doctrine and Covenants!! I love that we can talk about it as a family! That my kids can understand and know that revelation continues today & that they can receive revelation from God for themselves as well!
What insights have you gained this week about the Doctrine and Covenants?
Here is the link to a great study lesson for this week & it’s where I found the quote:
Day 6:
Do we really understand what a great treasure the Doctrine and Covenants is? In verse 37 of section 1, it says, “Search these commandments, for they are true and faithful, and the prophecies and promises which are in them shall all be fulfilled.”
We are invited by the Lord, to search the Doctrine and Covenants because they are true and faithful! I love that our Heavenly Father loves us so much, that He continually is giving us instruction. He wants us to return back to Him & He wants to help us along the way!
I loved the quote I found by Joseph F Smith. Doesn’t the way he speaks of the principles found in the Doctrine and Covenants, being the most glorious ever revealed to the world, make you want to search them, study them and ponder over them?!
Here is the link to where I found these great quotes & there are more as well, all about searching the Doctrine and Covenants
“Search These Commandments”

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