Come, Follow Me Resources for January 2020 January 6-12 Book of Mormon Study,
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What a wonderful opportunity we have to study the Book of Mormon this year in our Home and in our Classes!! I thought that I would compile a Resource List every week to help both in your home study and in you classroom discussions. Hopefully, you will find them helpful!
Here are the links to each of the study manuals from the church:
January 6–12: 1 Nephi 1–7
Lesson Ideas from Life's Journey To Perfection:

Nephi was blessed for choosing the right.

I pray to Heavenly Father for strength to do what is right.

"If ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true” (Alma 32:21).

My testimony is strengthened when I share the gospel
I can know the scriptures are true
For Young Womens & Young Mens:
(The links below either have lessons or printables that could be used in conjunction with this week's lessons)
For Young Womens & Young Mens:
(The links below either have lessons or printables that could be used in conjunction with this week's lessons)
Families Are Part of Heavenly Father’s Plan

The Family Is Ordained of God
33 Family Home Evenings Focused on FAMILY

The Family: A Proclamation to the World
LDS Come Follow Me Lesson and Mutual Ideas August 2015: Marriage and Family
The family is central to God’s plan. Parents have important responsibilities in families.

The Family Is Ordained of God
33 Family Home Evenings Focused on FAMILY

The Family: A Proclamation to the World
LDS Come Follow Me Lesson and Mutual Ideas August 2015: Marriage and Family
The family is central to God’s plan. Parents have important responsibilities in families.
Lesson Ideas from other websites:
- Red Headed Hostess January 2020 $$
- Gospel Grab Bag Home and Primary lesson helps January $$
- Hey Friend! Come, Follow Me- Interactive Journal January
- The Cozy Red Cottage- Come Follow Me January
- Love, Pray, Teach January $$
- Chicken Scratch N Sniff Book of Mormon Resources for January
- A Lively Hope Book of Mormon Sketch notes for January
- Worthy Written Words Study Journal Book Book of Mormon Edition$$
- Cultivate Kits Monthly Edition Book of Mormon $$
- Or So She Says Book of Mormon Primary Talk Templates
- Don't Miss This Youtube video (Jan 6-12)
Reading Charts and Schedules:
Conference Talks, Articles and other resources to help in your study:
- Book of Mormon Teacher Resource Manual: This is a wonderful resource! We have used it for all of our family discussions this week.
- Teachings and Doctrine of the Book of Mormon Teacher Manual: This resource talks about the Book of Mormon. Not really meant to go along with weekly study. But it is a great resource to understand the Teaching and Doctrine that are found in the Book of Mormon.
- Book of Mormon Student Manual: This is another great resource that could be used in weekly study. It has great information about this week's study!
- Book of Mormon Study Guide for Home-Study Seminary Students: I love the Seminary and Institute manuals! I'm sharing links to both the student manual as well as the teacher manual, because they seem to have different information in each. This one is fabulous because it goes through each chapter!
- 2017 Book of Mormon Seminary Teacher Manual
- “Born of Goodly Parents” by Dallas N. Archibald: This article works great with 1 Nephi and discussing the importance of teaching our children the gospel and helping them come unto Christ.
- "The Voice of Warning" By Elder D. Todd Christofferson: A great resource as we discuss the correlation of Lehi prophesying and warning the people of Jerusalem, with our modern day prophets warning and instructing us.
- “I Will Go and Do” by Elaine L. Jack: I love this article about how God gives us the strength to go and do those things he commands us to do.
- 2020 Youth Theme: A link to the beautiful video and music, that explains like Nephi we can have faith and go and do those things he commands us to do.
- January 2020 New Era Magazine
- January 2020 Ensign Magazine: Has some great lesson ideas and study resources
Great Resources for Kids:
- Scripture Stories Coloring Book: Book of Mormon: This coloring book is a great resource to go along with family or classroom study!
- Nephi and the Brass Plates: A bunch of resources and stories to teach about Nephi and the brass plates.
- Lehi: Some great resources for kids including leaving Jerusalem
- January Friend Magazine: So many great resources to help teach the primary age children!
- Scripture Hero Cards: The 2016 Friend magazines have all of the Scripture Hero Cards!
- Book of Mormon Videos
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