How to Make Come, Follow Me Work for Families

So how do we make Come, Follow Me, or Home Centered Gospel Learning work for our families? Hopefully, I can help answer that question, or at least give you some inspiration to try it and push on!

The biggest question and most frequent question I have heard is how to keep the attention of the little ones and be able to engage the older ones in more discussion as well. Though I no longer have toddler age kiddos, my children do range from nine to fifteen and I have done Family Home Evening lesson with little kiddos. As well as taught Sharing Times with multiple age groups.

So here are my thoughts and take on it...



The gospel really is simple, it is so simple that any age can understand and apply it into their lives. Also, do not think for one second that you have to plan an elaborate lesson for your family!! It is by small and simple things that great things are brought to pass. It does not need to be an overwhelming thing, or a one more thing added to our already busy schedules. Just keep it simple!

So here is what our family does, I'm not saying that you have to do it this way, it is what works for our family. Every night, we gather as a family between 8:30-9:00. We begin with Come, Follow Me. I usually choose one of the principles in the lesson to discuss. If there is a video that I can find that goes with it, I show that. Or sometimes we play a game that we can correlate with it. Sometimes it is just simply reading the topic and principle and discussing it. Our main goal is to get our children to take that principle and be able to apply it into their own lives.

For example when we did the lesson on the Good Samaritan, we watched a video about it. When the video was over we asked how we might be able to apply that into our lives. This is even something that you could do with a little toddler. For us, my husband applied what happened with my niece at Junior High school. It perfectly correlated.

We also, taught this as part of our lesson in a youth Sunday school class. I had asked the youth, what the robbers pushing the man around and the priest standing back watching, reminded them of? They said not standing up for someone being picked on. Then we were able to discuss why, what might make us not stand up for someone?  We continued applying the parable into situations they might face.

Anyways, you do not need to over complicate things, just get each family member to be able to find application of the doctrine in their own life.


Have the Older kids teach the younger kids, or vice versa...

One of the first times we did Come, Follow Me, we were discussing how we are responsible for our own learning and testimonies. It may have been that very first Monday. Anyways, we were discussing questions we might have and we were trying to teach them, how they can find answers to their questions.

My youngest little kiddo had a question about, how can he know what the Holy Ghost feels like?  That is when my oldest, stepped up and shared his testimony and experiences with the Holy Ghost.  As a mom my little heart just swelled with happiness!! Happiness that my oldest could teach my youngest.

It can also go the other way around!! My youngest is AMAZING with retell!! One Sunday, he took it to a whole new level!! He not only told us about what he had learned in his class that day, but he showed us and taught us what he had learned.

Give your children opportunities to teach each other. This will fulfill your older children's needs of getting a little bit more out of the discussions and for some reason those little ones pay a little bit better attention when their siblings are teaching.

One of my favorite Family Home Evenings was one that my little kiddo did all by himself.


Be Consistent!

What is going to work for your family??? Is it every morning, is it every night, is it a few times a week, is it one day?? I really love that we do it every night. It has been such a blessing for our family to gather every night to discuss the gospel. Sometimes, it is short only like 10 minutes, other times it has lasted over an hour. It just all depends on the things the kids feel like they would like to share and discuss.

Our scripture study usually follows and we also read from the Saints book, then have our family prayer.

It is not always perfect, sometimes the kids our bugging each other, rolling around on the ground or playing with the dog. Sometimes, not every member of the family is there, if my hubby has to work late, or my oldest is out at a friends on the weekend. But we do it consistently, no matter who is or isn't there. When we are consistent then it becomes expected by other members of the family. My kiddos won't let us forget to do it, or not have enough time to do it, we just do it!


Have Every Member Participate.

We expect our children to be involved in the discussion. It is not just me and my hubby talking! This is incredibly important with those little ones. Is there a picture that they can hold? Can they help tell a story, can they push play on the video? You could have them help you read something.  Even when my kids were really little they have always been participants in reading the scriptures with us. When it got to their turn and if they couldn't read, then they could repeat what I say. Or if they could read a little, I would have them read and then I would help them with the words they don't know. This has helped us with our scripture study and having every member of our family participate in it. Now that they can read for themselves, they don't ever complain about it. This same concept can apply to Come, Follow Me. Is there a quote that they could repeat after you? Or a scripture?

If your older children want to have a greater discussion with you about the scriptures, have a little color page or activity that the younger ones could do, while you have that deeper conversation.

Just do it....

I recently, saw a poll on a Facebook group asking, "Are you successfully doing "Come, Follow Me" with your families every week?" The results signal that we can do much better! 40% said yes and 60% said no.

We have been given wonderful promises from a prophet of God! President Nelson said in October 2018 General Conference, "The new home-centered, Church-supported integrated curriculum has the potential to unleash the power of families, as each family follows through conscientiously and carefully to transform their home into a sanctuary of faith. I promise that as you diligently work to remodel your home into a center of gospel learning, over time your Sabbath days will truly be a delight. Your children will be excited to learn and to live the Savior’s teachings, and the influence of the adversary in your life and in your home will decrease. Changes in your family will be dramatic and sustaining."

The time to start is now! Push through any obstacles that come up. I can tell you that our children, especially our little ones, understand and absorb more than we think they do. The promises given to us are so great, we can't afford not to incorporate it into our home and family.

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