"The Greatest Love" Digital Watercolor (The Atonement of Jesus Christ)

"The Greatest Love" Digital Watercolor (The Atonement of Jesus Christ):

If you know me I love doing free downloads, so I'm having a hard time taking the leap and getting my shop started. So... because I appreciate all of you each so much, I decided to give you each an Easter gift and offer my digital watercolor of Christ as a free download!!

Since, starting to create these watercolors, I really wanted to do one of the atonement, I decide to title it "The Greatest Love", because that is what the atonement is! Our Heavenly Father shows great love to us, by allowing His only begotten, perfect son to endure such pain and to die for us. 

I think the definition of greatest love, is to do something for someone else that they can not do for themselves and that is exactly what the Savior has done for us!! He is the only one that could satisfy justice and pay the ultimate price, allowing us to be freed from spiritual and physical death.

There is so much love and gratitude in my heart for my Savior!! I hope that you will each enjoy this painting! Use it for personal and church purposes. Print it for those in your classes, your neighbors and friends. Have a Happy Christ centered Easter!!

(Available in full 8 1/2 by 11 print or 4 to a page)

(Available in full 8 1/2 by 11 print or 4 to a page)

I would love to see pictures of my artwork in your home! Take a picture and post on Instagram with the hashtag, #lifesjourneytoperfection or tag me. 

Make sure you are following us on InstagramFacebook and Pinterest.

If you'd like other free digital watercolors, check these out:


  1. This is beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing!

  2. Watercolor, without a doubt, is the single most impressive development I have ever found. So true.
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