Young Women Activity Cupcake Wars Decorating Activity

Young Women Activity Cupcake Wars Decorating Activity,

When we had our planning at the first of the year, our girls really wanted to do a cupcake wars activity. We had done something similar in the past as a combined young women activity, Cupcake Wars Activity. We changed this one up a little bit.

Instead of having the young women bake the cupcakes, I  had them baked ahead of time. This cut down on the time a little and helped them have more time to focus on being creative in their decorating.

We did this activity in March, so they were given the theme of Spring. Depending on what month you do this activity you could change the theme, fun themes that coordinate with the months could be:

This really is such a fun activity and it was so fun seeing the creativity of the girls!

Supplies Needed for The Activity:



Toppings (Candy, sprinkles, cookies, food coloring, nuts, marshmallows, etc)

Things to decorate with (spoons, knives, piping bags, or plastic baggies- We us plastic baggies as piping bags, just place frosting in baggy and snip of one of the corners)

Paper plates, cups, scrap book paper, tape, glue, scissors, markers- anything else you could use to make a cupcake stand.

How To Do The Activity:

Split the girls up into groups. This was a class activity, so we split our girls into three groups there were 4 girls in each group. We have dividers in our Young Women room, so they were in three rooms, so they could decorate without the other group seeing what they were doing.

Each group was given the same amount of cupcakes, they came up and choose, their frosting, coloring, toppings and items to make their cupcake stand.

They were given 20-30 minutes, closer to 30 minutes because they weren't all done when time was up. They came up placed their decorated cupcake display at the front of the room. We then as leaders judged their creations.

We gave prizes for "Best Overall", "Best Decorated",  and "Best Presentation". So, everyone got a prize. You could use the printables either as cupcake toppers or to attach to a treat. We attached them to a bag of chocolate gold coins for each group. I just added a more generic version, incase you are doing this for a young mens activity or a combined activity. My son is a priest and was in charge of doing it for his quorum. You can choose when you go to print which page you would like to print. 

Here are the fun "Spring" decorated creations our young women came up with. They were so creative!! I love the rainbow one!

The girls ate the cupcakes as their treat for the night. They also took some of the cupcakes to girls who were not there.

For more ideas, follow us on InstagramFacebook and Pinterest, so you don't miss out on any other great ideas!

1 comment:

  1. It's a great activity and simply define all the points. Thanks for share

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