2018 Primary Sharing Time Ideas for February Week 2: The Fall was part of God’s plan

Ideas for February Week 2 LDS Primary Sharing Time, 

2018 Sharing Time Outline Theme: I am a Child of God

February 2018 Sharing Time Topic: The Earth Was Created for Heavenly Father’s Children

February 2018 Song: “My Heavenly Father Loves Me” (CS, 228–29)

February Week 2 Topic: The Fall was part of God’s plan.


Prayerfully study and think about what the specific needs of your primary are and how you can teach them this doctrine. The most important thing is to love those you teach and to teach them by the Spirit!! Focus on building their testimonies and helping them come unto Christ!  (All printables for this sharing time can be found and printed by clicking the "Free Printable Download" button. They are free and can be printed and used for personal and church purposes. It is best that you print from a computer rather than a mobile devise.)

Sharing Time Instruction:

To begin sharing time, show the primary children a picture of the spirit world. Invite two primary children to come up and place the boy and girl cut outs onto the spirit world picture. Explain to the primary children that we lived with Heavenly Father in the spirit world.

Heavenly Father presented His plan to us and under the direction of Heavenly Father, Jesus created the world we would come to.

Place the picture of the world on the board.

Show the primary children the picture of Adam and Eve. Explain that Adam and Eve were the first people to come to earth and receive their bodies.  Adam and Eve were in the garden of Eden. In the Garden of Eden they were tempted by Satan. Heavenly Father had commanded them, "Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it, nevertheless, thou mayest choose for thyself, for it is given unto thee; but remember that I forbid it, for in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die" (Moses 3:16–17).

Satan tempted them and they transgressed Heavenly Father's commandment and they partook of the fruit. Because they partook of the fruit, they now would have knowledge of good and evil. They also were cast out of the garden of Eden.

Show the primary children the week's theme poster and invite them to repeat, "The Fall was part of God's plan."

Because Adam and Eve partook of the fruit we were able to come to this earth to gain bodies. Invite two primary children to come up and move the two boy and girl cut outs onto the picture of the Earth.

The fall was a part of our Heavenly Father's plan, his plan included us to come to earth and gain bodies, and to experience opposition and be test and tried.

Let's play a fun matching game that explains the importance of the fall in God's plan and some of the blessing we have received because of it.

On the board place the printables from the download below. face down. Invite a primary child to come up and choose two of the pictures. Turn them over and see if they match. If they do not match turn them back over. If they do match, keep them turned over and discuss them with the primary. Invite another primary child to come up and continue until all of the cards have been matched.

Close by sharing your testimony on the fall and that it was a part of God's plan.

Matches: (examples of what could be discussed)

Gain Bodies: We were able to come to earth to gain bodies like our Heavenly Father's. Our bodies help us to experience things we couldn't experience as just spirits. It's part of our progression. 

Families: Heavenly Father has given us families, to help us become as He wants us to be. Our families help us and support us. We have the opportunity to be together for ever, even for eternity with our families.

Choices between good and evil: We have our agency, which allows us to choose between good and evil. We can choose, but must remember that there are consequences for our choices. 

Opportunities to learn: One reason for us coming to earth is for us to gain knowledge and experience. We can learn from the scriptures and prophets, we can gain an education and we can develop talents and skills.

Health and sickness: In this life we will expedience health and sickness. There is opposition in all things. The opposition helps us to know of and appreciate the good. Our Heavenly Father has asked us to take care of our bodies.

Happiness and sadness: There will be times when we are happy and times when we are sad. When we are sad we can turn to our Heavenly Father and Savior. The Savior has atoned for our sadness and can send the Holy Ghost to comfort us. Happiness comes as we live the gospel and focus on our Savior. 


Thank you so much for stopping by! I hope that these ideas were helpful. Below are the other topics for the months as well as more ideas and resources.  I'd love for you to check out my InstagramFacebook and Pinterest pages and see if there's anything on there you like!

What else have the primary children learned this month? Here are links to this month's past sharing times:

Want more ideas:
Click this link for past Sharing Time post: LDS Primary Sharing Time Ideas

***Basic ideas for this sharing time came from the 2018 Outline for Sharing Time, you can find a link here: 2018 Outline for Sharing Time


  1. Thank you so much for these cute printables! I'm part of a new Primary Presidency and will be teaching this lesson as my first-ever Sharing Time lesson. Your free printables will help so much!

  2. This is amazing! I was struggling trying to come up with a cute matching game idea and this is just right. Thank you so much.

  3. Thank you!! Your printables are awesome and I can't wait to share them with our Primary children this Sunday :-)

  4. I am so thankful for your website! It is so helpful and goes right in line with the official Sharing Time outline which I am grateful for. Thank you so much!!

    1. Yes, I love that you keep in line with the Sharing Time Outline!

  5. Thanks so much!!!! So helpful. Just new in the presidency and have to teach this one this coming Sunday.

  6. Thank you so much, you are a life saver!

  7. Your ideas are so helpful in putting together sharing time lessons. Thank you so much for being willing to share them! Our primary children are certainly benefitting from it.

    1. This makes me so happy!! I am so glad that they are useful :) Thanks so much!

  8. Thank you so much for sharing these with so many (and free of charge too) they will bless our whole primary- my life- and I’m sure many others around the world. I’ve had a super busy week and felt overwhelmed about sharing time this Sunday until I came to your blog. Thank you 💛

    1. Thank you so much for this amazing comment!! It makes me so happy to read it! Thank You!!

  9. Thank You for sharing the printables.

  10. I can't get it to print! I have tried, but it doesn't recognize pages 2-10... they just come up blank. Help!

    1. I couldn't get the download to work either. Glad to know it wasn't just me!

    2. Are you trying to print from a mobile device or Computer?? Usually, there have only been problems from trying to print from a mobile device, it's a Google doc thing. But when people try it from a computer it works just fine. Let me know. Also, there has been a huge volume of people on at one time, over 1300, trying to print. So keep trying :) Thanks!!

    3. I got it to print! It must have just been the volume of people that were downloading at once! Thank you so much for sharing your talents ◡̈

  11. Hi there, I am trying to download and I get a message that says:

    Wow, this file is really popular! Some tools might be unavailable until the crowd clears.Try again or Dismiss

    I have been trying for an hour to download but it won't work, do you have any idea what the problem might be?
    Many thanks!

    1. Yes, there are so many people on! I checked and at one time there were over 1300 people. Just keep trying. It looks like the peak is over, not as many people on right now. Let me know if you still have problems

      Good luck with your sharing time!!

  12. I love this! Thank you!

  13. Thank you for always having great sharing time outlines and with the free printables! You make my life so much easier that I only use your page now!

  14. Thank you for putting this all together and sharing so graciously! This is new territory for me and finding your blog will be very helpful!!

  15. still can't get it to print, such a great sharing time.

    1. Sometimes there are a lot of people trying to print at once (like over a thousand). If you have problems keep trying. Also it is best to print from a computer rather than a mobile device :)

  16. Thank you, Thank you! Sharing time today was awesome because of your willingness to share your ideas! Thank you just doesn't seem enough. It went over pretty seemlessly and the spirit was so strong. Thank you again, so much! <3

  17. Love your printables! Thanks for sharing. Why is it when I print them the bottom 1" of each page is always cut off & doesn't print?

    1. Thank you! I think we talked about this in email, right? :)
