Check out this great resource for 2018 LDS Primary Theme Materials...
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As you have noticed I haven't got around to creating some materials for 2018. Don't worry I'm still hoping to, but in the mean time I thought I'd share a great resource with you!
The Red Headed Hostess has a few bundles available to help with your Primary's needs! If you have not seen Courtney Aitken's design work before, you're missing out! She does such a beautiful job.
So, lets go over what is available...

We'll start with the BIG ONE!! The 2018 LDS Primary Theme Kit: I am a Child of God, has over 100 printables included for digital instant download. So, lets just say it has everything and anything your primary might possibly need ready for your to print! Seriously, as I was looking at the bundle and thinking about all the time Courtney put into it, it is well worth the price!

There are several ideas for birthdays! One of my favorites and my kids favorites is the bishop bucks. It's a fun way for the kids to get their treat and to have an opportunity for say hi to the bishopric.

One thing I loved was giving my subs a little thank you, as well as often showing appreciation to the teachers. These cute thank you tags could be added so many different things! A notebook, a little treat, etc. I think it is so important to let people know we appreciate their efforts in their callings! Happy teachers equals a happy primary!! As primary presidency members we're there to help support teachers in their callings!

Do you do visits to those you don't see very often in primary? I loved doing visits!! These cute thinking of you tags could be added to a little treat. Write a little note, maybe include who their teacher is and your name and phone number.

Included in the kit is a couple options for assignment cards, I personally love the wristband ones. They are so easy to just put on the kids! Most of them are excited to show their parents that they get to do something in primary! I'd always have my secretary follow up with a reminder early the Saturday or Friday night before. Let's face it we get busy and sometimes mom's and dad's forget ;)

One thing I loved to do as a primary president was give each family a CD with the songs we would be learning for the year. Well, guess what there are super cute CD case covers and labels!! My kids listen to music as they go to sleep and they love the yearly cds!
What I love about this bundle is that there are options! There isn't just one CD cover or one birthday idea, there are options. Every primary is different, certain things work for certain people.

Let's not forget about all of the good stuff!! There are bulletin board ideas, monthly theme posters, banners and class door signs. Even a cute teaching poster about the Plan of Salvation.

I love putting class door signs on each of my doors, it especially helps with those first few weeks of the new year. For parents, kiddos and teachers to have an easy way to see who is in which classroom. It also helps for subs! And lets face it, it's fun for the kiddos to run up to the door and see their name, alongside their friends and who their teacher is!

The Theme posters are available in different sizes. They could be used in sharing time lessons, framed and used as birthday gifts and even used for binder covers. What a cute baptism gift it would be too. I think it is the most important thing for everyone to understand that they are a child of God!

I love monthly theme posters too! Kiddos are such visual people. It's nice to have a poster to show for each month so they can better understand what they are learning that month.
Ands as for Binder Covers, I think they are a must! I love having on each binder whose binder it is. Included for free in the kit are some editable binder covers.
To view everything that is in this 2018 LDS Primary Theme Kit: I am a Child of God, click the above image.

This next one is specifically for Primary Presidency members, 2018 LDS Primary Presidency Planner: I am a Child of God digital instant download. Have you ever used a Primary Presidency Planner before?
This one is so cute and really has everything you need, all ready for you to print!

I love both the at one glance year calendar as well as the monthly calendar. They are each editable too! Are you someone who has to write something down and have it on a calendar to remember it?? I am!! Use the calendars to plan visits, write upcoming birthdays, to keep track of meetings, etc.

I always loved to have a lesson schedule in my binder as well as give one to each of the teachers. That way, everyone was on the same page. I also loved to have a birthday list in each of the presidency members binders and updated it as new members moved in or out or new teachers were called, so no one would ever get missed!

Let's get organized!! Plan out the month with these planning calendars!

Keeping track of the budget is a must for the secretary! I like to have my secretary take a copy of the receipt and reimbursement for too. These budget trackers are amazing!

Seriously, Courtney has thought of everything!! Sub lists, calling roster, teacher questionnaires!! How often do you check in with your teachers to see how their class is going? One thing I loved was to asked them for feedback on things we could do as a primary presidency to make the primary run more smoothly. They always had great ideas!!

Whether your conducting in Primary, Young Womens, or Relief Society I think agendas and conducting sheets are a must!!

More cute ideas for thank yous! I've already shared with you my passion for always expressing appreciation!! Don't forget your nursery leaders, music leaders and pianist, activity day leaders and cub scout committee members!!

And some more missed you/thinking of you cards!! Yes! It seriously was one of my favorite things to visit those who I missed! I would also encourage my teachers to make visits as well.
To purchase this digital instant download for the 2018 LDS Primary Presidency Planner: I am a Child of God kit, click the link above.
Wow... If you've made it to the end of this post then you are pretty amazing!! There are so many great things in these digital instant download packets, you can see why I wanted to let you know about them.
If you want to know what I like to put in my binders you can view last years Primary Presidency Post: 2017 Primary Theme Printables.
Note... All images are from the Red Headed Hostess and have been posted with permission.
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