Ideas for December Week 3 LDS Primary Sharing Time,
December 2017 Sharing Time Topic: Jesus Christ Is the Son of God
December 2017 Song: Your Choice
December Week 3 Topic: Jesus Christ is the light and the life of the world.
Prayerfully study and think about what the specific needs of your primary are and how you can teach them this doctrine. The most important thing is to love those you teach and to teach them by the Spirit!! Focus on building their testimonies and helping them come unto Christ! (All printables for this sharing time can be found and printed by clicking the "Free Printable Download" button. They are free and can be printed and used for personal and church purposes)
Sharing Time Instruction:
Begin Sharing Time, by asking the primary children in they have ever been in a really dark room? Can they see where they are at or where they are going? Is it much easier to see these things when there is light?
Show the primary children the week's theme poster and invite them to repeat, "Jesus Christ is the light and the life of the world."
Explain that Jesus is the light that gives us direction to help us know where we are going and how to get there. He is the life, as he has provided a way for our eternal life.
Show the primary children the picture of the birth of the Savior and have a child come and hold a star. Explain that there are symbols that we identify with light. A star is one of these symbols. At Christ's birth the new star shown in the sky signifying that the Christ child was born.
“At the arrival of Him who is called ‘the light of the world’ (John 8:12), darkness was banished as a sign of His holy birth. (See 3 Ne. 1:15, 19.)”
(Elder Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, “Why This Holy Land?” Ensign, Dec. 1989, 13.)
Discuss with the primary children how Jesus birth brought light. That it gave people hope. The Son of God was born on earth and would now fulfill his earthly mission.
Show the primary children a picture of Savior helping the blind man to see. Have a primary child hold a candle or a lantern. Explain that throughout his life he was an example of how we should live our lives. He served and loved everyone. Ask the primary children to share some of the ways the Savior served others.
Explain that he healed the blind man and helped him to see. He gives us light so we can see the right path in this darkening world. Read the following quote:
As President Monson taught, we have the Light of Christ and as we follow the Savior we can be a light in other's lives. At this point you could invite the primary children to share how they have been a light.
Show the primary children a picture of the atonement and crucifixion. Have a primary child hold a red Christmas light. Explain that the Savior brought us light as he atoned for each of our sins and pain. Through his atonement he made it so we could overcome sin.
The Savior said, "Behold, I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I am the life and the light of the world." (D&C 11:28)
Invite the primary children to share how the atonement can bring light into their lives.
Invite the primary children to share how the atonement can bring light into their lives.
Lastly, show a picture of the Resurrected Christ. Invite a primary child to hold a picture of a sun. Explain that the Savior's resurrection brought us light as he fulfilled his mission and made it possible for us to overcome death and become resurrected.
The Celestial Kingdom is said to be the glory of the sun. Through Christ's earthly example, his atoning sacrifice and his resurrection we are able to achieve that glory. The Savior not only brought light to the world, but he also brought life. All will be resurrected, but to live with him and our Heavenly Father, we have to try our best at keeping his commandments and repenting of our sins.
Share your testimony of Jesus Christ being the light and the life of the world. Encourage the primary children to share the light of Christ with others.
Share your testimony of Jesus Christ being the light and the life of the world. Encourage the primary children to share the light of Christ with others.
- LDS Primary Sharing Time Ideas December Week 2: Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world.
- Sharing Time March 2014 Week 5: Jesus Christ Is Our Savior
- Sharing Time December Week 4: Christmas Sharing Time
- LDS Sharing Time Outline Ideas for February 2015 Week 2: Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, all mankind may be saved.
- LDS Sharing Time Outline Ideas for February 2015 Week 1: Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer.
- Sharing Time 2014 January Week 2- Heavenly Father provided a Savior and makes it possible for me to return to His presence.
- Family Home Evening on Jesus Christ Is Our Savior
- Sharing Time March 2014 Week 1: I can gain a testimony of Jesus Christ.
- "2009 Friend Magazine: Jesus Christ Is My Savior" BY CHERYL ESPLIN
- "2010 Friend Magazine: Jesus Christ Is My Savior and Redeemer" BY SANDRA TANNER AND CRISTINA FRANCO
- "2005 Friend Magazine: Sharing Time: Jesus Christ Is My Savior" BY MARGARET LIFFERTH
- "2011 Outline for Sharing Time: April: Jesus Christ Is My Savior and Redeemer"
Click this link for past Sharing Time post: LDS Primary Sharing Time Ideas
***Basic ideas for this sharing time came from the 2017 Outline for Sharing Time, you can find a link here: 2017 Outline for Sharing Time
This is an amazing activity for building up spirituality in young children. I believe it is a great initiative, and should be spread worldwide for better response.