2017 Sharing Time Ideas for December Week 2: Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man

Ideas for December Week 2 LDS Primary Sharing Time, 

2017 Sharing Time Outline Theme: Choose the Right

December 2017 Sharing Time Topic: Jesus Christ Is the Son of God

December 2017 Song: Your Choice

December Week 2 Topic: Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man.


Prayerfully study and think about what the specific needs of your primary are and how you can teach them this doctrine. The most important thing is to love those you teach and to teach them by the Spirit!! Focus on building their testimonies and helping them come unto Christ!  (All printables for this sharing time can be found and printed by clicking the "Free Printable Download" button. They are free and can be printed and used for personal and church purposes)

Sharing Time Instruction:

Show the primary children two pictures. The picture of Jesus as a baby and a picture of Jesus as an adult. Ask the primary children what happened between the time Jesus was a baby when he became an adult? Jesus grew up, right.

Show the primary children the week's theme poster and invite them to repeat, "Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man."

Explain that just like Jesus grew, we grow too. We can grow in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man too.

Explain that we are going to play a little activity to help us learn about how Jesus grew and how we can grow too.

Explain that there are four categories:

Jesus Grew in Wisdom and I can too

Jesus Grew in Stature and I can too

Jesus Grew in Favor with God and I can too

Jesus Grew in Favor with Man and I can too

With each category there is going to be a picture of the Savior, a scripture or quote, an action and a discussion.

Invite a primary child to come up and hold the first poster, "Jesus Grew in Wisdom and I can too". Invite another child to come up and hold the picture of Jesus Teaching the Elders in the Temple. Then read the following quote: 

"Continue to grow mentally—to grow in wisdom—to grow in truth. Desire it! Pray for it! Study it! Practice it!

Do all this and you will find truth; it cannot be denied you. Having found it, never forget its source, remembering always that “the glory of God is intelligence, or, in other words, light and truth” (D&C 93:36)." (President Ezra Taft Benson, "Your Charge:
To Increase in Wisdom and Favor with God and Man")

After reading the quote ask a primary child to come and get the action card. Invite the primary child to read what the action card says (or if they are young you can read it): 

"Jesus Grew in Wisdom, meaning he was continually learning in truth and light. You can too, together as a primary memorize the 1st Article of Faith"

Then invite the primary children to learn the 1st Article of Faith with you. You can do this by singing the song, or you can write it on the board and erase words as you repeat it, or you can repeat it one line at a time until the primary children can say the whole thing.

Discuss with the primary children the importance of gaining wisdom. 

Next, invite a primary child to come up and hold the second poster, "Jesus Grew in Stature and I can too"  Invite another child to come up and hold the picture of Jesus and His Mother. Then read the following quote:

"Your physical well-being is not only a priceless blessing to yourself, but a heritage that you may pass on to your descendants. With good health, all other activities of life are greatly enhanced. A clean mind in a healthy body will enable you to render far more effective service to others. It will help you provide more vigorous leadership. It will give your every experience in life more zest and meaning. Good health is a noble and worthwhile attainment." (President Ezra Taft Benson, "Your Charge:
To Increase in Wisdom and Favor with God and Man")

After reading the quote ask a primary child to come and get the action card. Invite the primary child to read what the action card says (or if they are young you can read it): 

"Jesus increased in Stature, he took care of his body and grew. You can too, march in place as you sing the song, "Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise"

Then invite the primary children to sing the song, "Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise" while they march in place. If they don't know the song it is super simple to learn.

Discuss with the primary children how Jesus wasn't a baby and then all the sudden an adult. He had to grow up, just like they do. Jesus understood the importance of his body and that it was the home of his spirit. Further discuss the importance of taking care of our body's as we grow in stature.

Next, invite a primary child to come up and hold the third poster, "Jesus Grew in Favor with God and I can too"  Invite another child to come up and hold the picture of In Favour with God (Jesus Praying with His Mother). Then read the following quote:

"We increase in favor with God as we do the will of God. Let us be faithful in the work he gives us, whatever it may be, and whatever our station in life. Let our desires be in harmony with God’s will as it is revealed to us—keeping his work in our hearts—conquering selfish desires that would retard our personal progress." (President Ezra Taft Benson, "Your Charge: To Increase in Wisdom and Favor with God and Man")

After reading the quote ask a primary child to come and get the action card. Invite the primary child to read what the action card says (or if they are young you can read it): 

"Jesus increased in favor with God. He learned about his father, prayed to him and went about doing His father's will. We can too, Read the scripture, Mosiah 4:9)"

Then invite the primary children to open their scripture to Mosiah 4:9 and invite one of the primary children to read it out loud as the rest of the primary follows along.

Discuss with the primary children how Jesus gained favor with God as learned of him, prayed to him and kept his commandments. We can learn of our Heavenly Father as we study the scriptures, we can pray to him daily and we can try our best every day to keep his commandments and find favor with Him.

Lastly, invite a primary child to come up and hold the fourth poster, "Jesus Grew in Favor with Man and I can too"  Invite another child to come up and hold the picture of Christ and the Children (Christ with the Children). Then read the following quote:

"To serve others willingly and unselfishly should be one of our greatest virtues. It is not even a matter of choice. It is an obligation, a sacred command." (President Ezra Taft Benson, "Your Charge: To Increase in Wisdom and Favor with God and Man")

After reading the quote ask a primary child to come and get the action card. Invite the primary child to read what the action card says (or if they are young you can read it): 

"Jesus increased in favor with man by always serving and loving others. We can serve others too. Write a card telling someone how grateful you are for them."

Then invite the primary children to write or draw in a card for someone to tell them thank you. While they are drawing you can discuss other ways they have served or can serve.

Close by sharing your testimony and encourage them to grew in wisdom, stature and favor as Jesus did. 


Thank you so much for stopping by! I hope that these ideas were helpful. Below are the other topics for the months as well as more ideas and resources.  I'd love for you to check out my InstagramFacebook and Pinterest pages and see if there's anything on there you like!

What else have the primary children learned this month? Here are links to this month's sharing times:

Want more ideas:
Click this link for past Sharing Time post: LDS Primary Sharing Time Ideas

***Basic ideas for this sharing time came from the 2017 Outline for Sharing Time, you can find a link here: 2017 Outline for Sharing Time


  1. This is great! Wondering how do I print the pictures though?

  2. I love the file, but was disappointed when the orientation was wrong.

    1. I'm sorry Rachel. What do you mean that the orientation was wrong? Were you viewing it on a mobile device or from a computer?

  3. I can't thank you enough for doing this! You are so talented and so creative! I am excited to use all of this in sharing time tomorrow. You are the BEST!!

  4. Thank you so much for this! With a busy week of putting together primary Christmas gifts and more, I completely forgot I was teaching sharing time today. This saved me!!! Thank you!

    Also for anyone having troubles getting this to print (because I did, it said the site was too busy for it to work) I pulled it up on my phone, screened shot each print out, edited (cropped) it in my photos on my phone and emailed it to myself. Then just downloaded it from there and printed it out. Hope this helps.

    1. Thank you so much for your comment! I'm sorry you had difficulty printing. Sometimes it does that when there are too many on there at once. I'm glad you were able to figure it out :)
