2017 Sharing Time Ideas for November Week 2: I can be a missionary by setting a good example.

Ideas for November Week 2 LDS Primary Sharing Time, 

2017 Sharing Time Outline Theme: Choose the Right

November 2017 Sharing Time Topic: I Can Choose to Be a Missionary Now

November 2017 Scripture: “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).

November 2017 Song: Your Choice

November Week 2 Topic: I can be a missionary by setting a good example.


Prayerfully study and think about what the specific needs of your primary are and how you can teach them this doctrine. The most important thing is to love those you teach and to teach them by the Spirit!! Focus on building their testimonies and helping them come unto Christ!  (All printables for this sharing time can be found and printed by clicking the "Free Printable Download" button. They are free and can be printed and used for personal and church purposes)

Sharing Time Instruction:

Before primary ask two children to stand in the front of the room with their arms folded as the primary children come in.

To begin Sharing Time, invite those two primary children to come back up to the front of the classroom, ask the primary children if they noticed these two children as they were coming into primary? Ask them what they noticed? What were they doing and how did it help them want to be more reverent?

Show the primary children the week's theme poster and invite them to repeat, "I can be a missionary by setting a good example"

Explain that they primary children were being a good example. They were showing us how to be reverent as we come into the primary room.  Like these primary children we can be examples in our everyday life. We can do things that we know are right. As we be good examples then we are being a missionary, people may want to learn more about the gospel because of our example.

Explain to the primary children that we are going to do a little activity to learn about some great examples in the scriptures and how we can follow their example.

Download the Following Videos:

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
Daniel and the Lions’ Den
Ammon Meets King Lamoni’s Father
 Joseph in Egypt
Building the Ship (Nephi's Obedience)

If you don't have access to play the video, no problem, just tell the story they are found in the children's scripture stories too.

To choose which video to play first have the children draw a feather from the turkey and read what it says on the back. (See free download for printable)

Show the video or tell the story that they draw out and then discuss with the primary how that person was a missionary by being a good example. Also discuss how they can be an example.

Continue with each video.

Close by sharing your testimony of the importance of setting a good example.


Thank you so much for stopping by! I hope that these ideas were helpful. Below are the other topics for the months as well as more ideas and resources.  I'd love for you to check out my InstagramFacebook and Pinterest pages and see if there's anything on there you like!

What else have the primary children learned this month? Here are links to this month's past sharing times:

Want more ideas:

Click this link for past Sharing Time post: LDS Primary Sharing Time Ideas

***Basic ideas for this sharing time came from the 2017 Outline for Sharing Time, you can find a link here: 2017 Outline for Sharing Time