2017 Sharing Time Ideas for November Week 4: I can prepare now to serve a full-time mission.

Ideas for November Week 4 LDS Primary Sharing Time, 

2017 Sharing Time Outline Theme: Choose the Right

November 2017 Sharing Time Topic: I Can Choose to Be a Missionary Now

November 2017 Scripture: “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).

November 2017 Song: Your Choice

November Week 4 Topic: I can prepare now to serve a full-time mission.


Prayerfully study and think about what the specific needs of your primary are and how you can teach them this doctrine. The most important thing is to love those you teach and to teach them by the Spirit!! Focus on building their testimonies and helping them come unto Christ!  (All printables for this sharing time can be found and printed by clicking the "Free Printable Download" button. They are free and can be printed and used for personal and church purposes)

Sharing Time Instruction:

Begin Sharing Time by inviting the primary children to sing the song, "I Hope They Call Me on a Mission"

Show the primary children a suitcase. On the outside of the suitcase have the week's theme poster and invite them to repeat, "I can prepare now to serve a full-time mission"

Explain that we can be missionaries right now as we are examples and share the gospel with our friends. We can also prepare now, to serve full-time missions when we are older.

Explain that in the suitcase are things that can help us prepare to be a full-time missionary.

Invite a primary child to come up and pick an item out of the suitcase. Read the quote that is on the item and discuss how it can help us prepare to serve a mission.

Continue with each item.

Close by sharing your testimony on preparing right now to serve a mission and the importance of sharing our testimonies with others.

Items in the suitcase:
Shoes: "Small, daily actions are footsteps along the path to become like our Savior. Consider these additional activities to help you develop Christlike attributes: 
Read scriptures listed in the Topical Guide or Guide to the Scriptures that relate to the attri­bute you are seeking to develop.
Pray daily for the desire to change and the strength to improve.
Keep a journal to document your progress.
Talk to your parents. Let them know your goals so they can help you." (Follow in His Footsteps)

Tie: "Remember, standards aren’t meant to "tie" you down. Rather, they are guidelines to help you become truly free. Living gospel standards means that as a child of God, you are living in a way that is pleasing to Him." (What if others make fun of me because of my standards? They say I expect too much from myself. What can I do?)

Scriptures: "Daily, meaningful scripture study helps you be receptive to the whisperings of the Holy Ghost. It builds your faith, fortifies you against temptation, and helps you draw near to your Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son." (True to the Faith)

Camera: Picture ways you can be a missionary now. "You don’t have to travel to a different country, dress in church clothes, or wear a name tag to be a missionary.
One of the best ways to be a great missionary is to be a good example and a good friend." (Be a MISSIONARY Now, Sept 2012 Friend)

Journal: "The Lord and His prophets have emphasized the importance of keeping records. Writing in a personal journal gives us an opportunity to reflect on our lives and recognize the many blessings God has given us. Our journals can also be a source of inspiration and strength to future generations of our families." (Come Follow Me) As we prepare to serve a mission we can reflect on those things we've written in our journals.

CTR ring: "One of our greatest responsibilities, and yet privileges, is the right to make choices." (Henry D. Taylor) Choosing the right daily will help prepare us to serve full-time missions.

Preach My Gospel: "You don’t have to wait for your mission to start using Preach My Gospel." (Learning Teaching and Preaching the Gospel) Learn about the Savior and the gospel so you will be able to teach about them. Study Preach My Gospel with your family.

Clock or Watch: Take the time to communicate with your Heavenly Father. "As we make a habit of approaching God in prayer, we will come to know Him and draw ever nearer to Him. Our desires will become more like His." (Gospel Topics: Prayer


Thank you so much for stopping by! I hope that these ideas were helpful. Below are the other topics for the months as well as more ideas and resources.  I'd love for you to check out my InstagramFacebook and Pinterest pages and see if there's anything on there you like!

What else have the primary children learned this month? Here are links to this month's past sharing times:

Want more ideas:

Click this link for past Sharing Time post: LDS Primary Sharing Time Ideas

***Basic ideas for this sharing time came from the 2017 Outline for Sharing Time, you can find a link here: 2017 Outline for Sharing Time


  1. Thank you for your time and ideas! I use your site every month when it's my turn for sharing time! I REALLY appreciate your time & energy!

  2. This is just wonderful, thank you so much for your service! You're making my life so much easier!! 😊
