2017 LDS Primary Sacrament Meeting Program Outline, Covers, Invites, Tips and More!

2017 LDS Primary Sacrament Meeting Program Outline, Cover, Invites, Tips and More...

It is that time of year again! The time when the primary presidency frantically puts together a program, the chorister practices the sames songs over and over with the kids, and everyone wonders how it will ever be pulled off. I have a little SECRET!  When those primary kids get up there in front of their parents and bear their testimonies through music and song, it will be pulled off! The Spirit will be felt :) 

A couple years back, I shared some tips for this crazy, exciting time of year! I share a condensed version here, but to see the full description click this link: 2015 Primary Sacrament Meeting Program Ideas, free printable program cover: I Know My Savior Lives

Tips and Tricks to Pulling off a Primary Sacrament Meeting Program:

Tip 1: The key thing to remember is that it is the "Primary Children's" program, not the Primary Presidency's program. 

Tip 2: Let the children participate in helping to write their own parts.

Tip 3: Coordinate with the Primary Chorister when writing the program. MUSIC brings the Spirit into the program!! Work together in preparing the primary children.

Tip 4: More About Music: When preparing make it fun!

Tip 5: Hand the parts to the parents and FOLLOW-up!

Tip 6: Make a seating chart, print it out for all adult leaders.

Tip 7: Organization and Flow!! I have found inviting the primary teachers to lead their class up and participate by reading a scripture, helps in the flow of the program.

Tip 8: Practice, but don't over practice.
Tip 9: Do not get discouraged! It is my experience that even if the practices go horribly, the primary program will be amazing! There is just something about those little kiddos sharing their testimonies in song and word that brings the spirit to the meeting!

Bonus Tips: Make a copy of the program for each adult leader. This will help them to know when to help kids go up. It is also important for the teachers to know the songs too!! Their example to the kids is so important, they can help get the kids singing.

Here are some additional helps for the program:

Sacrament Meeting Program Cover:

Free Black and White Download 

Primary Sacrament Meeting Program Invitation

If you want to send out an invite for your Primary Program, here is an editable download. Click the download button and download the printable to your computer and then you can open it up in photo editing software like Paint.net or PicMonkey and input your Ward's name, date, place and time. This would especially be fun to give non-member friends and also grandmas and grandpas you'd like to come. 4 x 6 size so can easily be printed at your favorite photo center.

Ideas of what to list inside of the program:
We liked to list each topic, scripture, kids in order of participation as well as the songs. All in order. 

Sacrament Meeting Outline Free Download:

To download the full Primary Program Outline, please click the link below:
(Note: The file is view only, to make changes you will need to make a copy (you can highlight the whole document and copy it) and insert it into a new Google document. Or you can download it as an Open Doc or a docx & then reopen it into Google doc or Microsoft Word) Sorry if it is a little inconvenience, but with Google doc, if I was to make the file editable then any time someone edited it, it would change it for everyone. If you have any problems please feel free to send me an email)

Thank you so much for stopping by! I hope that these forms will be useful as you prepare your ward's Primary Sacrament Meeting Program! Feel free to leave me any questions or comments below or you can always send me an email at lifesjourneytoperfection@gmail.com.

Best wishes to you and your primary!!


  1. Fabulous!! I can't thank you enough for sharing your talent with us. . .

  2. So helpful! Thank you so much for sharing. A real stress reducer.

  3. Thank you so much for sharing this! I was just thinking I needed to make an invitation. Yours is way better then whatever I would have made :)

  4. Love your creativity! Thank you for the ideas, suggestions and invitation. It makes the craziness of putting things together more organized and helps eliminate snags and making invitations, etc. I only keep wishing for one thing on your blog: the information put in the light colors you use is hard to see. When I'm in a hurry for ideas and I have to take time to focus, focus, focus, sometimes I just go past to another site because it's just too hard to read your stuff that is written so light. That's especially true if I'm using my cell phone. I've heard that same concern from other women as we talk together about where to find ideas for Primary. Could I suggest you use darker colors to make things easier to read because what you have and create is so valuable and useful but just hard to take the time to look harder to see it. Thank you. ♡

    1. Thank you so much for your comment and input. I have tried as I am designing things to try to use darker colors for the words or if there's a light color in my pallet to use it as a background. I will continue to keep it in mind as I'm designing things. Thanks so much :)

  5. Thank you so much for everything you do for the primary kids all over the world by sharing your amazing ideas with us. Thank you!!!

  6. This is so helpful! Thank you so much!!!

  7. Our area has been affected by Hurricane Harvey. With desperately trying to prepare home to reduce damage, mandatory evacuations for weeks, and spare time spent gutting flooded homes, I have had very little time to prepare for our primary program. This is so amazing and will really reduce my workload at a time when our ward is spread so thin. I really love your idea of letting the children write their own parts. We followed your outline last year, and everyone loved that what they were hearing were the kids' words, not ours. Once again, you have no idea how much I appreciate all of the time that you have spent preparing and sharing this, it has been beyond helpful!

    1. Thank you Tia!!! I am so glad that they could be useful at such a devastating time! Our thoughts and prayers have been with everyone effected! Love sent to you and your primary!! Best wishes :)

  8. I can't seem to edit the invite. Could you send it to me in word doc?

    1. Sorry Linda I am just seeing this. Yes I can send you it as a word doc, I just need you to send me an email :) lifesjourneytoperfection@gmail.com

  9. Hi Kim, I love your design. Would it be okay to use your design and switch the text to Japanese?

    1. Thanks Yuko! I am fine with you changing the text to Japanese, just as long as it is used for your own church purposes. :) Best withes in your program!

  10. thank you for sharing your talent with us! I really like the program cover. Is there a way to put the date of our program on the front of the program cover?


  11. I really love the printables you've created!
    I've created a 2017 Invitation and had fun doing it. Ever since I can remember, our ward had a Sacrament program insert (Cute cover, such as yours, which it included Primary children names and songs listed on the inside.

    Unfortunately, the President is opting out, although I already have a template . Her reasoning is: it's unnecessary and takes up valuable time.
    I've even shared with her that I valued having one each year. Her response "Just because it's worked in the past, doesn't mean it has to be done again"

    The rest of the Presidency don't want to get into the middle of our opposing views (The Primary President was attempting to not have me do "cute" invitations this year either, but luckily the rest of the Presidency wanted them)

    Has anyone here dealt with a similar situation in regards to deciding to use printables such as these that are provided above?? How would you respond to your Primary President?

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