2017 LDS Sharing Time Ideas for February Week 3: Nephi was blessed for choosing the right.

Ideas for February Week 3 LDS Primary Sharing Time, Nephi was blessed for choosing the right.

2017 Sharing Time Outline Theme: Choose the Right

February 2017 Sharing Time Topic: When We Choose the Right, We Are Blessed

February 2017 Scripture: “If ye do keep his commandments he doth bless you and prosper you” (Mosiah 2:22).

February 2017 Song:  “Choose the Right” (Hymns, no. 239)

February Week 3 Topic: Nephi was blessed for choosing the right.


Prayerfully study and think about what the specific needs of your primary are and how you can teach them this doctrine.

Sharing Time Instruction:

Begin by singing the song, Nephi's Courage. Invite the primary children to listen carefully during the song to what Nephi did to obey, God's commandments and how he was blessed for obeying God's commandments.

After the song, invite the primary children to share what they learned about Nephi from the song. Discussion might include, that Nephi was commanded to do hard things, like get the plates from Laban and build a boat. That he listened and had faith in Heavenly Father. He know that Heavenly Father would help him accomplish what was commended of him to do.

He was blessed and Heavenly Father helped him to get the plates from Laban and build a boat. Nephi was a courageous man and was blessed in his life because of his obedience.

Show the primary children the week's theme poster and invite them to repeat, "Nephi was blessed for choosing the right."

Explain to the primary children that they are going to learn about more instances where Nephi choose the right and how he was blessed for it.

Divide the primary children into groups (or you can just use their classes, I have made enough for 6 groups) Before Primary place the picture of Nephi up on the board (or around the room)

Give each group a puzzle packet (see free download below). Invite them to put the puzzle together as a group. When they have the puzzle put together invite them to read the story/scripture that is on the puzzle as a group and talk as a group about what Nephi did to choose the right and how he was blessed for doing it. Have them think of how they can follow Nephi's example.  Also have them look for the picture that goes with their story/scripture.

Then, invite a representative from one of the classes to come up and pick the picture that goes with their story/scripture. Then invite them to tell the rest of the primary about what Nephi did to choose the right and how choosing the right blessed him. Also, invite them to share what they can do to choose the right.

Continue with each group.

Close by sharing your testimony of the example Nephi was in Choosing the Right. Invite the primary children to continue to choose the right throughout the week.

Pictures and Scripture Puzzle references (Puzzle pieces can be found by clicking the "Free Download Click Here" button below):

A painting by Scott Snow of Lehi and his family walking and riding camels as they leave Jerusalem and journey into the wilderness.
Lehi’s Family Leaving Jerusalem, by Scott Snow (62238); GAK 301 Picture can be downloaded from lds.org
Scripture Reference: 1 Nephi 2:1-3,16,19-20 Nephi obeyed Heavenly Father and fled to the wilderness with his Father. He also prayed to Heavenly Father to know for himself that the words his father spoke were true.  He was blessed with a softened heart. The Lord spoke to him and told him of the blessings he would have because of his faith and obedience.

A painting by Jerry Thompson of Nephi standing and looking at King Laban drunken and lying still on the ground next to a cup of spilled wine.
A painting by Jerry Thompson depicting Nephi standing near Laban’s house. Picture can be downloaded from LDS.org
Scripture Reference: 1 Nephi 4:12-17 Nephi obeyed his Father as well as Heavenly Father and went to get the plates. Laban was delivered to him and he was able to obtain the plates. It was important to have those plates because it had with in them God's law.  

A painting by Jerry Thompson showing Lehi smiling and standing by the iron rod while reaching for a piece of fruit from the tree of life, with others close behind him.
A painting by Jerry Thompson depicting Lehi reaching for the fruit of the tree of life; Picture can be downloaded from lds.org
Scripture Reference: 1 Nephi 8:2-3,14-16 In Lehi's dream, Nephi was righteous, he held onto the iron rod and stayed on the path, reaching the Tree of Life and partaking of the fruit. The fruit is Eternal Life. 

A painting by Arnold Friberg depicting Lehi kneeling on the ground and holding the Liahona, with Nephi and their family gathered around.
The Liahona, by Arnold Friberg (62041); GAK 302; GAB 68 Image can be downloaded from lds.org

Scripture References: 1 Nephi 16:10,16 As Nephi and his family were faithful and obedient the Liahona would direct them where to go. It led them to the most fertile part of the wilderness.
A painting by Arnold Friberg depicting Nephi standing near a stone fireplace with one arm outstretched, rebuking his brothers.
Nephi Subdues His Rebellious Brothers (Nephi Rebuking His Rebellious Brothers), by Arnold Friberg (62044); GAK 303; GAB 70 Picture can be downloaded from lds.org

Scripture Reference: 1 Nephi 17:15-17,52 Nephi was obedient to Heavenly Father in building a ship. His brothers murmured and Nephi was blessed and spoke with the power of God. 
A painting by Jerry Thompson of Nephi standing and looking down at his broken bow, with his brothers watching from a distance.
A painting by Jerry Thompson depicting Nephi and his broken bow

Scripture Reference: 1 Nephi 16:18,23-26,30-31 Nephi's bow broke and although his family was angry and murmered, he did not. He made a new bow and then went to his father and asked him where he should go to hunt. Nephi was blessed for his righteousness and humility. The Liahona was able to tell him where to go to hunt for food. 

(Print the puzzle pieces off on card stock or glue them to something thick like cereal boxes, before cutting them out)


Thank you so much for stopping by! I hope that these ideas were helpful. Below are the other topics for the months as well as more ideas and resources.  I'd love for you to check out my InstagramFacebook and Pinterest pages and see if there's anything on there you like!

What else have the primary children learned this month? Here are links to this month's past sharing times:

  1. 2017 LDS Sharing Time Ideas for February Week 1: Noah was blessed for choosing the right.
  2. 2017 LDS Sharing Time Ideas for February Week 2: Jesus’s disciples were blessed by choosing the right.

Want more ideas:

Click this link for past Sharing Time post: LDS Primary Sharing Time Ideas

***Basic ideas for this sharing time came from the 2017 Outline for Sharing Time, you can find a link here: 2017 Outline for Sharing Time


  1. Love your ideas. Thanks so much for sharing them.

  2. Not finding the pics in puzzle form. Are you saying to glue the scripture references that are printing large to the puzzle?

    1. The pictures you just put up on the board or around the room. The puzzle pieces are just the scriptures and can be printed by clicking the "Free Download Click Here" button. They will put the puzzle together in their group, read and discuss it. Then when it is their turn to come up, they will find the picture that matches their scripture and then show the primary and share what he did to choose the right and how he was blessed for it. :)

  3. Thank you so much! Your ideas and downloads have helped me numerous times to prepare meaningful and fun Sharing Times. :)

  4. Thank you Kim! Wonderful ideas! You absolutely save me everytime I have sharing time :)

  5. Love this idea! Would it be possible to add one verse to the scripture for the tree of life (from 1 Nephi, chapter 8)? I would love to include the verse about the iron rod (v. 19) and would insert it before verse 14. Technically, it would be out of order, but that shouldn't matter for this activity. If you can do that, or give me permission to do that, thank you! If not, it's OK.

    1. Sorry I didn't get back with you! Hope you got it all figured out and was able to use it :)

  6. The document has a message that says "This file is really popular and can't be downloaded. Any chance you can check this out please?

    1. Christine, I just got on there and it looks okay to me. If you are still having problems, send me an email and I can email it over to you.

  7. I'm not sure if you have any control over your sponsors and advertisers. But, I found it odd, almost offensive that under every single photo and section on your web page has advertisements with half naked ladies advertising adult sex toys from Adam and Eve.
    It doesn't sit well with me since the whole theme of your page is teaching young children in Primary.

    1. I am so sorry!! Mediavine handles all of my ads, there are filters set in place where such ads should not be shown. Rarely, but sometimes these rascals figure out a way to get through the filters. If you see an ad that is offensive, please click the Report this Ad button and it will send a report to Mediavine.

  8. Kim I can't even imagine how much time this takes, and for free! THANK YOU SO MUCH m'dear! You are heaven sent ;) XO

    1. Thank you so much!! It is seriously amazing comments and knowing that the ideas are helpful, that keeps me making them :)
