2017 LDS Sharing Time Ideas for February Week 2: Jesus’s disciples were blessed by choosing the right.

Ideas for February Week 2 LDS Primary Sharing Time,  were blessed by choosing the right.

2017 Sharing Time Outline Theme: Choose the Right

February 2017 Sharing Time Topic: When We Choose the Right, We Are Blessed

February 2017 Scripture: “If ye do keep his commandments he doth bless you and prosper you” (Mosiah 2:22).

February 2017 Song:  “Choose the Right” (Hymns, no. 239)

February Week 2 Topic: Jesus’s disciples were blessed by choosing the right.


Prayerfully study and think about what the specific needs of your primary are and how you can teach them this doctrine.

Sharing Time Instruction:

Begin the Sharing Time by playing a quick game of Leader Says. For example: have all of the primary children stand up. Tell them that you are going to say, "Leader Says," and then tell them an action to do. If they do it then they stay standing in the game.

 Also explain that you might try to trick them by giving them an action to do with out saying, "Leader Says". If they do the action then they will be out, because the "Leader Says" wasn't said before it.  Actions can be like, "Leader says, put you hands in the air", "Leader says, touch your knees". 

After you play the game for a minute. Explain that what the children did was follow a leader. Explain that many people followed Jesus when He was on the earth. These people were called his disciples. 

Show the primary children the week's theme poster and invite them to repeat, "Jesus’s disciples were blessed by choosing the right."

Explain to the primary children that during the sharing time they are going to discuss how Jesus's disciples were blessed by choosing the right.

A painting by Kamille Corry of Christ surrounded by His Apostles, talking with Peter and pointing down to a basket of fish.
Feed My Sheep, by Kamille Corry Image can be downloaded from lds.org
Show the primary children the fish and the fishing pole. Tell the story of Simon, Andrew and James and John. (Here is the link to the Story)

Explain that these four men were just some of Jesus's disciples. Discuss with the children how they were blessed for choosing the right and following Jesus. 

Explain to the primary children that they are going to play a little fishing game, to find out more about some of the other disciples of Jesus and how they were blessed for Choosing the Right.

(Beforehand print the fish printables, place a paper clip onto the paper fishes mouths, make the fishing pole out of a dowel or stick and secure some twine onto it, with a magnet at the end.  Place the fish on the ground. You could place them on some blue paper if you'd like, but not necessary if you don't have some)

Invite a primary child to come up and try to catch one of the fish. Once they caught a fish. Read the scripture that is found on the back of the fish. Have the primary child go and find the picture that goes with that scripture. 

Discuss as a primary who the scripture is about and how that disciple of Jesus were blessed for choosing the right.

Continue until all of the fish have been caught or you have ran out of time.

Close by sharing your testimony on how the disciples were blessed for choosing the right, and we can be too. Invite the primary children to look for ways to choose the right throughout the week.

Pictures and Scriptures:

A painting by Del Parson of Christ sitting in the home of Mary and Martha, with the two women sitting and standing nearby.
Mary and Martha, by Del Parson (62527); GAK 219; Image can be printed from lds.org
Matching Scripture: Luke 10:38–42
How they were blessed: Mary sat and listened to Jesus. Jesus pointed out that Mary was doing the needful thing, by listening to the Savior. 

A painting by Sam Lawlor showing Saul lying on the ground blinded by the light shining from overhead.
May We So Live, by Sam Lawlor Image can be downloaded form lds.org
Matching Scripture: Acts 9:1–9, 17–20
How they were blessed: Jesus appeared to Saul, he repented and was baptized and became the lords servant. Saul is also known as Paul.
A painting by Harry Anderson showing Christ in white robes, standing in the midst of His Apostles on a road outside of Jerusalem.
Go Ye Therefore (Go Ye Therefore, and Teach All Nations), by Harry Anderson (62494); GAK 235 Image can be downloaded fro lds.org
Matching Scripture: Matthew 28:16–20
How they were blessed: The disciples chose to follow Jesus, they were his apostles and had the blessing of teaching the gospel and baptizing all nations.

Jesus wearing white and red robes, with arms outstretched, standing near His Apostles on a ship that is being tossed on large waves.
Stilling the Storm, by Ted Henninger (62139); GAK 214 Image can be downloaded from lds.org

Matching Scripture: Luke 8:22–25
How they were blessed: The disciples chose to follow the Savior. They served along side them. They were blessed by seeing of his miracles, including being kept safe as he calmed the raging sea.


Thank you so much for stopping by! I hope that these ideas were helpful. Below are the other topics for the months as well as more ideas and resources.  I'd love for you to check out my InstagramFacebook and Pinterest pages and see if there's anything on there you like!

What else have the primary children learned this month? Here are links to this month's past sharing times:

Want more ideas:

Click this link for past Sharing Time post: LDS Primary Sharing Time Ideas

***Basic ideas for this sharing time came from the 2017 Outline for Sharing Time, you can find a link here: 2017 Outline for Sharing Time


  1. Love this idea! I'm using it. Thank you for your amazing efforts to support primary. You are a true blessing.

  2. Thanks for clever idea and teaching us step by step guide in presenting the lesson.
    I will use it this coming Sunday.
    Thank you

  3. Thank you so much for sharing your time and talents. I used week one for February today and just printed everything for week 2 that I will use next Sunday. These ideas help extend what is offered in the sharing time outline, without compromising the doctrine.

  4. this is great! thank you so much for your help with such a darling lesson. I will be using this next week!

  5. This is perfect for my primary group. I wanted a lesson that involved and engage the kids and this will do it .Thank you for answering my prayers

  6. This is perfect for my primary group. I wanted a lesson that involved and engage the kids and this will do it .Thank you for answering my prayers

  7. This is perfect for my primary group. I wanted a lesson that involved and engage the kids and this will do it .Thank you for answering my prayers

  8. This is perfect for my primary group. I wanted a lesson that involved and engage the kids and this will do it .Thank you for answering my prayers

  9. I love this! Thank you so much for your hard work!

  10. Thank you so much for the idea......I really love it and it help me a lot preparing my sharing time lesson. Thank you so much

  11. Thank you so much for your fun ideas and all the time and effort you put into your amazing blog!!

  12. Thank you so much for letting me download this file. I will now be doing sharing time once a month so thank you it printed great!!!

  13. Thank you so much! Love your blog and ideas, so helpful.

  14. I know I can always count on you. I haven't a creative bone in my body, so when I got called to the Primary Presidency I was scared spitless. You have helped me SO much, I so appreciate it. I love your ideas and how great they work for our Primary, Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you! -Karen O.

    1. Thank you so much Karen, your comment makes me so happy that the ideas are helpful! :)

  15. Thank you so much, I feel like your lesson plans really help teach the doctrine rather than just be something fun to fill the time. This way is fun and teaches them the important stuff.

    1. Thanks so much Christie!! The doctrine is important, right ;)

  16. Thanks! This looks like fun for all the ages of Primary and full of Gospel learning!

  17. I'm using this tomorrow for sharing time. Thank you so much!

  18. You have saved me more than once with your amazing Sharing Time ideas. Thank you so much!

  19. Thank you so much! I had been praying for a few days on what to teach, and my husband finally found this lesson. You have great ideas!

  20. Thank you SO much for all the work you put into these ideas. You are amazing!! Thank you!

  21. Hello I am so delighted I located your I really located you by mistake, while I was watching on google for something else, Anyways I am here now and could just like to say thank for a tremendous post and a all round entertaining website. Please do keep up the great work.
