2016 LDS Sharing Time Ideas for September Week 1: The scriptures teach that the gospel will be preached in all the world.

2016 Sharing Time Outline Theme: "I Know the Scriptures Are True"

September 2016 Sharing Time Topic: The Gospel Will Be Preached in All the World

September 2016 Scripture: “This gospel shall be preached unto every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people” (D&C 133:37).

September 2016 Song: Your Choice (Review for Program)

September Week 1 Topic:  The scriptures teach that the gospel will be preached in all the world.


Prayerfully study and think about what the specific needs of your primary are and how you can teach them this doctrine.

Sharing Time Instruction:

Before primary place the the words to D&C 133:37 underneath some of the primary children's chairs. (See printable download above). Invite the primary children to check under the chairs to see if they have one of the word strip puzzle pieces. Invite the ones that do to come up front and place their puzzle pieces on the board to complete the puzzle. Then invite the whole primary to read the scripture. For Junior primary read the scripture to them and invite them to repeat it with you. "This gospel shall be preached unto every nation, kindred, and tongue, and people."

Show the primary children the week's theme poster and invite them to repeat, "The Scriptures teach that the gospel will be preached in all the world."

Show the primary children a map of the world, a globe would work too. Explain to them that the scriptures teach us that the gospel will be taught all around the word. We have full time missionaries serving and preaching the gospel in many nations. Our prophet, President Monson has asked us to “pray for the opening of those areas, that we might share with [everyone] the joy of the gospel” (in Conference Report, Oct. 2008, 4; or Ensign, Nov. 2008, 6)

Invite the primary children to come and put a missionary badge on the places they have family members serving at currently or even places where past family members or friends have served.

Explain that all over in the scriptures we find where it says that the gospel will be preached in all the word or to every nation. Explain that we are going to play a little game and read some of these scriptures.

In the front of the room have set up six water bottles. Using the scripture labels found in the download above, place one on each of the water bottles. You will also need to make some rings. There are a few different ways you can do this. You can cut the center out of a paper plate to form a ring, You can use the long skinny glow sticks (you can pick up a package at the dollar store, they work out great for ring toss), You could use a stiff rope and form it into a ring, Swim rings work out great too. 

Invite a primary child to come up to the front and toss the ring onto one of the water bottles. Invite the primary to look up that scripture and invite someone to read the scripture. For Junior Primary, you will probably just want to read the scripture to them. Point out when the scripture was, for example for Mark 16:15 the scripture is in the New Testament, so it was during the time and right after the Savior was on the earth. 

Continue with the ring toss game until all scriptures have been read and discussed. 

Explain that the prophesies are being fulfilled as full time missionaries are serving around the word, as well as each member missionary sharing with their neighbors. Another way, is sharing the gospel through social media and websites. This is one way the gospel is reaching nations which are currently closed to full time missionary work. It is our Heavenly Father's work and He will prepare the way for it to happen.

If there is time or if you would just like to send it home with the primary children. Invite them to write letters to either the missionaries serving in your area, family member missionaries, or missionaries serving from their ward.  See printable stationary in the download above.
Thank you so much for stopping by! I hope that these ideas were helpful. Below are the other topics for the months as well as more ideas and resources. I'd love for your for me on Facebook and Instagram for more fun ideas!

Want more ideas:

Click this link for past Sharing Time post: LDS Primary Sharing Time Ideas

***Basic ideas for this sharing time came from the 2016 Outline for Sharing Time, you can find a link here: 2016 Outline for Sharing Time


  1. I've been anxiously waiting for your ideas for September. I can't wait to use them. Thank you SO much! You do an awesome job.

    1. Thank you so much Diane!! Sorry, I've been running behind a little with vacations and kids ;)

  2. This is great! I didn't see the stationary in the download though.... :)

    1. Thanks Elizabeth for letting me know! I have added it onto the download :)

    2. You are amazing! Thank you so much!!!

  3. Thank you so much for sharing this!

  4. Thank you so much! This was so helpful!

  5. Thank you so much for sharing your talents for the children of this church. I pray you will be blessed for your service.
