2016 LDS Primary Sacrament Meeting Program Outline, Tips and Printables

It is that time of year again! The time when the primary presidency frantically puts together a program, the chorister practices the sames songs over and over with the kids, and everyone wonders how it will ever be pulled off. I have a little SECRET!  When those primary kids get up there in front of their parents and bear their testimonies through music and song, it will be pulled off! The Spirit will be felt :) 

Last year, I shared some tips for this crazy, exciting time of year! I share a condensed version here, but to see the full description click this link: 2015 Primary Sacrament Meeting Program Ideas, free printable program cover: I Know My Savior Lives

Tips and Tricks to Pulling off a Primary Sacrament Meeting Program:

Tip 1: The key thing to remember is that it is the "Primary Children's" program, not the Primary Presidency's program. 

Tip 2: Let the children participate in helping to write their own parts.

Tip 3: Coordinate with the Primary Chorister when writing the program. MUSIC brings the Spirit into the program!! Work together in preparing the primary children.

Tip 4: More About Music: When preparing make it fun!

Tip 5: Hand the parts to the parents and FOLLOW-up!

Tip 6: Make a seating chart, print it our for all adult leaders.

Tip 7: Organization and Flow!! I have found inviting the primary teachers to lead their class up and participate by reading a scripture, helps in the flow of the program.

Tip 8: Practice, but don't over practice.

Tip 9: Do not get discouraged!

Bonus Tips: Make a copy of the program for each adult leader. This will help them to know when to help kids go up. It is also important for the teachers to know the songs too!! Their example to the kids is so important, they can help get the kids singing.

Here are some additional helps for the program:

Sacrament Meeting Program Cover:

Free Black and White Download 

Primary Sacrament Meeting Program Invitation

** New because of Request** If you want to send out an invite for your Primary Program, here is an editable download. Click the download button and download the printable to your computer and then you can open it up in photo editing software like Paint.net or PicMonkey and input your Ward's name, date, place and time. This would especially be fun to give non-member friends and also grandmas and grandpas you'd like to come. 4 x 6 size so can easily be printed at your favorite photo center.

Ideas of what to list inside of the program:
We liked to list each topic, scripture, kids in order of participation as well as the songs. All in order. 

Sacrament Meeting Outline Free Download:

Because the download will be editable, please fill out the form below to receive your free copy of the Sacrament Meeting Outline. After subscribing to the email you will receive and email with the editable Sacrament Meeting Outline attached. Thanks!

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**Just a little heads up! This is the first time I have delivered documents this way, so if you do not receive an email with the download after subscribing, please check you trash or spam folders and if it is still not there then leave me a comment or send me an email! Also if you are having problems with opening the free download, here is a tip, click the download then log into google drive and upload that file into your drive. If you are still having problems, send me an email :) Thank you so much for your patience :) **

Thank you so much for stopping by! I hope that these forms will be useful as you prepare your ward's Primary Sacrament Meeting Program! Feel free to leave me any questions or comments in the below or you can always send me an email @ lifesjourneytoperfection@gmail.com.

Best wishes to you and your primary!!


  1. Your ideas are wonderful. I use them a lot. Thank you SOOOO much. I've been trying to get started on writing our Sacrament Meeting Program but needed a little help and inspiration, and this looks like it!!! Thanks again. ♥ ♥ ♥

    1. Thank you so much Peggy :) Best wishes in writing your program, I know it will turn out great :)

  2. I did NOT receive an email with the download for the Primary 2016 Sacrament Meeting Program.

  3. Thanks for the free download!

  4. Signed up but Didn't receive download

    1. debbd, check your trash and spam and make sure it is not there. If you still don't see it, send me your email address and I can see if I can see it. If I can't you'll need to sign up again. It usually, sends the email out right after you've subscribed. Thanks for your patience :)

  5. I have been desperately trying to open this download of the primary program outline for days now.
    But it came through as a zip file. I have no way to open it. Please help. Can you send it to me without it being in a zip drive. This is my first year in primary and having a hard time with this program. My email is lori.williams2012@yahoo.com . I have even tried to sign up again and same thing.

    1. That is so weird Lori, I am sorry for the issue! It shouldn't be coming over as a zip. You should receive a welcome email with a link. The link is an open file that downloads directly to your computer. From your computer you should be able to open it up into a program you have on your computer, mine opens up into Wordpad. The best way though, is to sign into google drive, go to "My Drive" at the top of the page, then upload file and upload the file that downloaded to your computer. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience! I am also going to see if I can just directly send it to you. Best wishes in you program!!

  6. I can't open the zip file either. Can you send it another way? Thank you so very much! My email is chrispylane@yahoo.com.

    1. Sorry too for the weird inconvenience! Same as above, I have also sent you the file directly. Let me know if you are still having problems. :)

  7. I LOVE the program invitation! Thank you for sharing your talents. You have a wonderful site, and I've used it many times! Thank you!

  8. I love your site. You have great ideas. I signed up for the sacrament meeting program, but all I received was a zip file. Would you be able to email to me? My email is lhewitson@woodbalmforth.com

  9. I just got put into primary a couple weeks ago, and they are planning our primary program for the first part of September!!! I really love your outline and ideas for the program. I also received it as a zip drive. DARN!! Would you please email it to me also? My email is emily.hill2@yahoo.com

  10. I love all your stuff and I can't wait to see your program. My download didn't work either would you please email it to me as well!!! bap641@gmail.com

  11. Ditto😊
    I am so excited to get the outline for our program. Thank you so much for giving us a head start.
    Tracy Brown

  12. Ditto😊
    I am so excited to get the outline for our program. Thank you so much for giving us a head start.
    Tracy Brown

  13. I was also sent the zip file for the program and can't open it. Could you send me the regular version to dacrocker77@gmail.com. Thanks so much!

  14. I so appreciate any help in writing the Primary Program, but I also can not open it. :0( I even tried downloading a new zip file app, it came through encrypted. Could I please also get a copy sent to slricks88@yahoo.com? Thank you so much, and I love all the great things you do here.

    1. Sorry for the difficulty in pulling it up, I sent you an email

  15. I can't open the file either. Could you please email it? Thank you so much for sharing your talents!

    1. Sorry Tam! It's the weirdest thing that some people are having difficulty and others aren't. I sent you an email

  16. Hi Kim! Thanks so much for all your hard work! Could you please email me the file? Thanks so much for all you do! kjpa2002@hotmail.com

  17. Hi. Thanks so much for this. I've received it as a unopenable zip file also.
    my email address: usualumni@yahoo.com

  18. hi, are you able to send it to me i cant seem to open the file either, my email is awhichux08@gmail.com thanks so much for sharing all your talents :-)

  19. Hi, I am the same as others, my file came through as a zip drive. Will you please email it to me! You are so awesome, thanks for all your great ideas.

    1. Joy sorry for the problems, I thought I got things fixed. If you could email me or leave me an email address, I can forward you the files. Thanks!

  20. Hi could I please have you email me the file for the program outline. garritygirl@gmail.com. Thanks so much for your time and talents.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Hi Kim! I also tried to download the outline and had no luck. I love your ideas and appreciate the time you put into sharing them with us. Could I please have the file emailed to me carmenholley@gmail.Com again I appreciate you so much!

  23. Hi Kim! I also tried to download the outline and had no luck. I love your ideas and appreciate the time you put into sharing them with us. Could I please have the file emailed to me carmenholley@gmail.Com again I appreciate you so much!

  24. I would love to get ideas for the program from you out line, txsmithkids@gmail.com

  25. I'm also unable to download the file. Mlsw8@yahoo.com thank you so much! You're awesome

  26. I too love your site! I am hoping to use the invitations (someone else was supposed to do it but forgot). Is there anyway to get an editable one sent to me? Or could I email you the info?? I don't want to sign up for a pic monkey account and when I go to paint.net it doesn't look like an editing site. Help! Hoping to hand them out at 1:00 church on 9/11. christy.congdon@gmail.com

  27. I too love your site! I am hoping to use the invitations (someone else was supposed to do it but forgot). Is there anyway to get an editable one sent to me? Or could I email you the info?? I don't want to sign up for a pic monkey account and when I go to paint.net it doesn't look like an editing site. Help! Hoping to hand them out at 1:00 church on 9/11. christy.congdon@gmail.com

  28. Thank you for all of the wonderful resources! I cannot figure out how to download the file and would love a program outline. My e-mail is kander83@gmail.com. Thanks so much!

  29. Thank you for all of the wonderful resources! I cannot figure out how to download the file and would love a program outline. My e-mail is kander83@gmail.com. Thanks so much!

  30. Just wanted to say thank you so much!! I received the email as soon as I subscribed and had no problem opening it! You are wonderful :) I use your sharing time ideas regularly and I love them. Sure appreciate you and all you do :)

  31. can i get an email with the program outline? The example of the questions you ask each kid? Thank you so much!!!!


  32. I subscribed but did not recive this file. Could you please send it to Davidandcilia@gmail.com
    thanks, Cilia

  33. Hi! Love your site, I have used it several times for sharing time. I would really appreciate a copy of your program.


  34. used your program ideas last year and it was a HIT!
    please send this years outline for I know the scriptures are true!


    1. Thank you so much!! That is so fun to hear :) I have sent you an email

  35. Hello, I am a Primary President in Oaxaca Mexico. Loved your website, could you send me this year´s Primary Program outline for I know the scriptures are true ? Thanks a million!

    1. I would love to! If you could sign up to receive it, the link is in the post above. If you for some reason do not receive it, just send me an email with you email address and I can email it to you. Thanks so much!!

  36. Hi Kim! I subscribed, but did not receive the file either. Can you please send it to me? My email is: sue.wutzke@gmail.com
    Thanks so much! Sue

  37. Thank you for sharing! I would like to have one copy of the outline, too.
    yvonnelee0827@gmail.com :)

  38. Can I please receive a copy of your primary sacrament program? I subscribed, but couldn't figure out how to download. Thanks
