{Ultimate List} of LDS Sharing Time ideas for August 2016: My Body Is A Temple of God

Want a one stop place for Sharing Time Ideas?? Look no further!!

Here is the link to the 2016 August's Sharing Time Outline

August's Month Theme and Scripture:

My Body Is A Temple Of God

“Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? … The temple of God is holy, which temple ye are” (1 Corinthians 3:16–17).


“The Lord Gave Me a Temple” (CS, 153)

***Remember I will be adding more throughout the month as other bloggers post their stuff, so keep checking back***

(If there is no link that means the idea has not been posted yet, check back later)

August Week 2: Dressing modestly shows respect for Heavenly Father and myself.

August Week 3: Living the Word of Wisdom shows respect for my body.

August Week 4: Reading, watching, and listening to wholesome things keeps my mind clean.


  1. Thank you so much for all you and the other bloggers do to help others in their callings! (Btw, did you mean for week 2,3,and 4 to be labeled July still? Just tryingt o help, not critique.) Thanks again!

    1. Thank you Catie!! Yep they are supposed to read August! Thanks!
