Visiting Teaching Ideas for March 2016: Created in the Image of God

March 2016 Relief Society Visiting Teaching Message: 

My Thoughts:
I love this quote by our prophet, President Monson, “God our Father has ears with which to hear our prayers. He has eyes with which to see our actions. He has a mouth with which to speak to us. He has a heart with which to feel compassion and love. He is real. He is living. We are his children made in his image. We look like him and he looks like us.”1

For me, I have never questioned that we were created in our Heavenly Father's image. It just makes so much sense to me. We are our Heavenly Father's children after all, wouldn't that mean that we would take on some of His traits, that we would be made in his image. 

So why is it important to understand that we are made in our Father's image?  I believe the importance lies with having the knowledge that we can in all aspects become like him. Isn't that the whole purpose for His plan and why we are here on this earth? We desired to become like our Heavenly Father. To do this we needed to obtain a body of flesh and bones like His. We would also need to experience the opportunities that only mortal life would give us to grow and develop to strive to become like him spiritually also. 

Lastly, the question in this month's Visiting Teaching Message is, "How does knowing that each person is created in God’s image help us in our association with others?"  I think that sometimes we fail to realize that we are more alike with others than we think.  We are all sons and daughters of a perfect and loving Heavenly Father. He created each one of us in His image. Each one of us spiritual brothers and sisters who are on this earth,  chose to follow our Heavenly Father's plan. Meaning we all loved him and were obedient to him. Our Heavenly Father truly sees each one of us as His beautiful sons and daughter with divine potential.  It's sad that sometimes we sale ourselves and others short of that potential. When we recognize that each of us are daughters and sons of God, created in His image than maybe we will want to treat each other a little kinder. Maybe, try to help each other to reach that potential that our Father has for us. 

Gift Ideas:
Free Printable Downloads:

2 to a page (8 1/2 by 11)

8 1/2 by 11

Attach this printable to any of the following items:
Flowers, Person Shaped Sugar Cookie, Mirror, sour patch kid candies, Framed Picture of the Savior, etc.

Here is the link to previous Visiting Teaching Posts.


  1. I like your gift ideas to go with the tag. I wouldn't have thought of so many. Thanks!

  2. I love that you used a mirror for the handout and the reminder that everyone we meet is also created in the image of God. It makes a big difference in how we treat each oher!

    1. Isn't it so important to not only understand who we are but also who others are!
