"Ponderize" Week 18: HELAMAN 5:12

Are you ponderizing? How often do you change your scripture? What do you do?  Below I am sharing the scripture I am ponderizing during the week and a little bit about how I do it.

Here's the new Scripture:

To see previous week's "ponderizing" Scriptures click HERE
Choose the Scripture:

When I was trying to decide how I would choose scriptures, I decided that I would do the Book of Mormon Mastery Scriptures. I loved doing these as a youth and grew so much, I decided that it was about time I do them again. It's great because they are all chosen for me, they have "Context", "Doctrine or Principle" and "Application" to get me thinking. Here is a link to the Book of Mormon Scripture Mastery List.

If you'd like to study along with me this week here is the direct link to this particular scripture: 

Decide on How you are going to Display it:

I do a couple things... I decided that I would keep a journal of all of the scriptures I am ponderizing. The sticky notes that I started with were accumulating. I love the journal idea! I can write the scripture right in there, which really helps with the memorizing and ponderizing. Then I take a picture, this part is crucial!!! I ALWAYS have my phone with me, so it being on the camera roll of my phone makes it super easy to look at and ponder over. 

Read and think About It's Meaning & Share it!

Really think about the scripture. Study the scripture. Pick out words and phrases and apply them into your life. If you don't understand something in it, read some scriptures before or after it. Look up some articles on lds.org to help you ponder. Don't keep it all to yourself. Share it!!! Send someone a text, post your thoughts on your social media pages, talk to a friend or family member about what you are studying, as we share we can help strengthen others also. For me, I go through the scripture and pick something out of it each day. I ponder about it, maybe even read an article about it on lds.org.  I apply it into my life. Then I post a picture along with my thoughts on my Instagram and Facebook pages.

I'd love to know what scripture you are "Ponderizing" and how you are doing it!! Leave a comment below and let me know what you're doing :)

To see my daily "ponderizing" thoughts follow me on Instagram, here's the LINK!


  1. Kim I love this! I am a convert and didn't get to go to seminary. Our kids did though and I have often thought that I should learn the scripture mastery scriptures. I think I might ask my daughter if she'd like to join me and refresh her memory! I'm planning on using ponderizing as part of my lesson this week for Faith in God activity night. This has given me lots of ideas. thanks for sharing. :-)

    1. Thank you so much!! I love the idea of using it for Faith in God! Thank you so much for your comment :)

  2. Do you have a place I can go to see all of your Book of Mormon scripture mastery Ponderize pages? I would love to use some of your ideas to make posters for seminary!! You are so creative!

    1. Thank you Kim! The best place to see them all is on Instagram, I kind of stopped posting them on here. But on instagram I post every Monday the new scripture and then every day I share insight, images and/or quotes that go with the scripture. Here's a link to my instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lifesjourneytoperfection/ The Book of Mormon scripture masteries were the very first thing I started to ponderize. So at fist they began as sticky notes that I would post in my bathroom, then I decided to do the journal pages. I did them from Oct 4, 2015- March 21, 2016 I used the hashtag #ponderize on all of them. :)
