2016 LDS Primary Theme Scripture Posters

What a fun idea to have the primary kiddos memorize their theme scripture for the year!!! I hadn't even thought of it, until I was asked if I could make one. So, I have provided two options: I've made one with the full scripture and I've made one with the portion of the scripture that is on the Sharing Time Outline Cover. Both poster sizes are 16 by 20 inches, which seems to be standard poster size. If you would like smaller they can easily be resized down to 11 by 13.75, in any photo editing software.

For more printables and ideas for 2016 Primary theme click here


  1. These are great Kim! Thank you for sharing your talents with all of us! It'd be fun to print these out and make them into puzzles so if you had extra time at the end of your Primary lesson, you could pull them out and work on them.

    1. That would be way fun Camille! Sometimes that can be the best way to memorize things quickly is cutting them apart and taking some words out :)

  2. I hadn't thought of doing this either, Kim! I really want to now. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks Aimee! I hadn't thought of it either until I was asked to make one :) It's a great idea!

  3. It's always nice having posters to help the children learn the scripture. I love the idea of using it for a puzzle!

    1. Me too, the puzzle idea would be fun! It could be used in sharing time or even in individual classes :)
