15 Family Home Evening Ideas to Help Prepare for LDS Bapstim

One of the greatest things I did with my kiddo before he was baptized was have Family Home Evenings about getting baptized. This helped prepare him and make it so he was better able to make the decision to be baptized.  Here is the list of some of those Family Home Evenings:

Sharing Time Ideas that could be adapted for a FHE:


  1. Great list of FHE ideas! All great ideas to teach children about baptism. I am planning on using some over the next few months. My daughter turns 8 in May! :)

    1. How exciting!! It's such an special, exciting time for the whole family!!

  2. Thanks for putting together such a comprehensive list of ideas! It really is important that they understand the covenant they are making.

    1. Agreed, I've always wanted it to be their decision, not just because it is what I want them to do :)

  3. These are great ideas for a baptism preview as well- thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks Alia! I loved giving the parents a paper with a list of FHE ideas to help prepare. We would give it at the baptism preview :)

  4. What a great resource. I definitely want my kids to understand baptism and why it's important before making the choice.

    1. Thank you Camille! Definitely so important for them to understand the covenants they are making :)

  5. Thank you so much for sharing this list! We'll be using these during this next year :)

    1. Yay!! Thank so much Sarah for leaving a comment! Hope you guys have fun using them :)

  6. Thank you so much for all your wonderful ideas, we are slowly working our way through these FHE lessons as we teach our daughter about baptism.

    1. You're so welcome, I'm glad they are being used! Best wishes to your family and your sweet daughter as she prepares for her baptism!! :)

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