Personal Progress Printables and Book of Mormon Reading Challenge

I made these for my Beehive class and thought I'd share....

First, I made these Person Progress Calendars. I gave one to each of my young women and also sent them to their parents.  Each week, I send them a text reminding them what they should be working on.  See the example below of how I organized the dates. You can us the free download and insert your own dates.

This Tracker is great to keep track of who was there and what you worked on during your Personal Progress activities. I found that we would work on an activity and then we would forget who was there and who finished it up. With this tracker it makes it easy to keep track :)

Another thing we found is that a lot of girls would be so close to finishing their Personal Progress, all they would have left is reading the Book of Mormon.  I came up with this chart, if followed then they could complete the Book of Mormon in 176 days :)

I have a very strong testimony of the importance of working on Personal Progress! Thinking back to when I was a young women I am so grateful for leaders and parents who supported me and instructed me in the importance of it.  It is a great way to come closer to God and to work on improving and acquiring new skills. 

Need a fun Mutual activity check out "Cupcake Wars!"

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