Visiting Teaching Ideas for December 2015: Divine Attributes of Jesus Christ: Compassionate and Kind

December 2015 Relief Society Visiting Teaching Message: 

for both full size 8-1/2 by 11 and (2) 5-1/2 by 8-1/2 on 1 sheet

My Thoughts:

The Savior is the greatest example of compassion and kindness. Like our Father in Heaven, our Savior has an unconditional love for each of us. We see this as he healed the servant of the High Priest whose ear had been smitten off by one of His disciples.  The Savior still had compassion, still loved the servant and healed him.  We see many more examples of the Savior's kindness and compassion throughout His life.

Part of His mortal mission was to atone and be crucified. Does this not show the Savior's immense love for us.  I am so grateful for the atonement of Jesus Christ. I am grateful that the Savior knows exactly what each of us goes through. That is the beauty of the atonement. He has felt as we feel. This enables Him to have the compassion needed to comfort us in times of sorrow, pain and remorse.

So, how can we have compassion like that unto the Savior?  I think that 1 Peter 3:8 says it best, "Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous:" 

When we look at each other and truly try to love each other the way the Savior does, recognizing that we are all children of our Father in Heaven, we are more likely to have compassion. I think EMPATHY is a great word to describe it! We look at other and truly try to understand each other's feelings. When we have empathy for another we can not help but want to be there for them, to help them, to love them and to treat them with kindness.

Sometimes when my boys are arguing, I say to them, "Can't you just be nice to each other!"  I think that is what Heavenly Father thinks sometimes, "Can't we just be nice to each other! Can't we just treat each other with kindness?"  Even if we have differences we can still love and treat each other the way He would want us to.

My invitation is this, each day when you wake up think to yourself, "How can I make someone's day better, not worse?" I think that if we each went about the day with this thought in mind and acted upon it there would be a lot less unhappiness, a lot less contention and a lot more happiness all around. 

Gift Ideas:

Free Printables: "How Can I Make Someone's Day Better, Not Worse?"

Or if you'd like to give your sister's a little Christmas craft, check these out:

Here is the link to previous Visiting Teaching Posts.


  1. These are so pretty! And of course, the quotes are wonderful!

  2. Great ideas Kim! I love those printables. Thank you!

  3. It's a wonderful thing to be able to tell someone that Jesus Christ knows and understands them. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

    1. It really is! I feel extremely blessed to have the testimony I have and am grateful for the experiences I have had to help me gain it. :)
