Sharing Time Ideas for January 2016 Week 4: I can know the scriptures are true.

2016 Sharing Time Outline Theme: "I Know the Scriptures Are True"

January 2016 Sharing Time Topic: The Scriptures Are the Word of God

January 2016 Scripture: “Feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do” (2 Nephi 32:3).

January Week 4 Topic: I can know the scriptures are true.


Prayerfully study and think about what the specific needs of your primary are and how you can teach them this doctrine. Read through the resources found on, especially the Sharing Time Outline.

Sharing Time Instruction:

On the board write, "How Can I Know That Something is True?"  Then present the following things to the primary children:

  • Show the children a piece of food (such as an apple or a cookie). Ask the following question, "If I told you this cookie (or other item of food) tasted good, how would you know that to be true?  Answers might include, that they would have to taste it to know for them selves it is good.
  • Show the children a clock. Ask the following question, "If I told you what time it was, how would you know that, that was true?" Answers might include, that they would need to look at the clock to know that, that was what the clock says.
  • Show the children a radio. Ask the following question, "If I told you that, "I am a Child of God" was playing on the radio, how would you know that, that is true?" Answers might include, that they would need to listen to the radio to hear that, that song is playing.
  • Show the children a soft stuffed animal. Ask the following question, "If I told you that this stuffed animal was very soft, how would you know that, that is true?" Answers might include, that they would need to feel the stuffed animal.
  • Lastly, show the children the Book of Mormon (or the Triple Combination). Ask the following question, "If I told you that the words written in the Book of Mormon were true, that it is a true testament of Christ, how would you KNOW that, that is true?"  Answer: They would need to read the scriptures and in Faith ask Heavenly Father if they are true and allow the Holy Ghost to testify the truthfulness to them.
Show the primary children the month theme poster and invite them to repeat, "I can Know the Scriptures are True."  

On the board place Moroni 10: 4-5 on the board (see printable above). Invite the children to read the scripture with you. Ask the primary children to share what the promise is that is in the scripture (That if we ask God with real intent he will manifest the truth to us and we will know all things).  Further explain that as we study, ponder and pray about the scriptures the Holy Ghost will testify the truthfulness of them to us. 

Invite the primary children to memorize the scripture. Take one or two words off of the board and invite the children to say the scripture. Then take another one or two words off of the board and invite them to say the scripture again. Continue until all of the words are off of the board and the children can say if without help. (For Junior Primary, you could say a sentence and have them repeat it back to you. Then say another sentence and have them repeat both back to you. Continue adding sentences until the whole scripture has been said)

Invite the children to make scripture study a part of their everyday life. Invite them to search the scriptures, ponder the scriptures and pray about the scriptures.

Conclude by singing, "Search, Ponder, and Pray". 

What else have the primary children learned this month? Here are links to this month's past sharing times:
  1. 2016 LDS Sharing Time Ideas for January Week 1: The Scriptures Are the Word of God
  2. 2016 LDS Sharing Time Ideas for January Week 2: We are to feast upon the words of Christ.
  3. LDS Sharing Time Ideas for January 2016 Week 3: The words of Christ will tell us all things we should do.

More Ideas that could help with this week's sharing time:
Other Sharing Time Ideas for this Month (click picture):

Click this link for past Sharing Time post: LDS Primary Sharing Time Ideas

***Basic ideas for this sharing time came from the 2016 Outline for Sharing Time, you can find a link here: 2016 Outline for Sharing Time


  1. I'm sorry, I can't access the printables on this lesson. The other three have worked great! Any suggestions?

    1. I have noticed, I have been receiving a lot of emails on this one and have been having to go in and grant access. I just tried to change the link, hopefully that will fix it. If anyone ever has any problems pulling anything up, please leave a comment or email me :) Let me know if you are still having problems with it.

  2. Any suggestions for week 5 in January?

    1. For week five I've shared a few different ideas here:

  3. Thank you so much for all of your amazing sharing time ideas! You seriously blow me away with your wonderfulness! You make my job as a counselor in the primary so much easier and I can't thank you enough! Have a wonderful day!

    1. Thank you so much Heather!! Wow, what an amazing comment, it has seriously left me blushing :) Have a wonderful day, too!

  4. I appreciate the effort you put into preparing the Sharing Time each week. I come here to add some of your ideas to enhance my sharing time lessons. Thanks so much!

    1. Thank you so much Julia for your comment!! I am so grateful you've found the ideas helpful :)

  5. Ahh! Thank you! This is perfect!

  6. I was just recently called to the Primary Presidency and January was my month to do Sharing Time. I have been using your ideas all month long and the kids LOVE it! Thank you for all of your ideas, keep em coming!!!

    1. I love to hear when they are being used, especially when the kids love them! Thank you so much Brandy for your comment!

  7. Dear Kim,
    A big thank you from Germany. Your ideas are amazing and have been a wonderful inspiration.
    Thank you so much for all the time and the effort you put into this.

    1. Thank you Asnath so much for your comment! I love to here that the ideas are able to reach different parts of the world! It's fun to hear they are being used in Germany :) My mom was born in Germany :)

  8. Thank you for sharing your amazing talents and time with everyone! I surely appreciate it, especially as I try to teach the gospel to my four boys while living here in Macau.

    1. Wow Connie, thank you so much for your comment :) I am so grateful to know that you are able to use these ideas with your boys. To be honest I had to look up where Macau is, thank you so much for sharing with me that it is useful in teaching your kiddos in Macau! :)

  9. I just wanted to tell you thank you so much for being so generous with your work and ideas!!! I know you spend tons of time and effort to help all of us trying to magnify our callings. Your work is amazing and always helps me. Thank you so much for being such an amazing resource in my quest to
    help our primary children come unto christ and feel the spirit. I wish I could reach out and give you a hug. :) Thank you!!

    1. Oh, hugs to you too Candice!! Thank you so much for your comment!! I am overwhelmed right now with appreciation for the wonderful comments I have recently received and so grateful for the opportunity to share with others. Best wishes to you and your primary!!

  10. Hey I don't usually stop and comment, but I just want to say what a helpful resource your blog has been for my calling in the primary. THANK YOU very much. Just wanted to let you know that you are making a difference by sharing your talents and time with many. I so appreciate you!

    1. Kari, thank you for leaving a comment!! I think you as well as the other wonderful people who have left comments this past week have truly been inspired to do so! Sometimes the blogging world can get discouraging (this week I had a little moment of discouragement, you know wondering if the time spent was worth it) but then I received your comment and others that helped remind me why I do this. So thank you so much for you comment, it really means so much!!

  11. Thank you so much for the wonderful sharing time outline. It made my lesson so much more fun! I will definitely be coming back to check out your blog! Thanks for sharing your talent with the rest of us. :)

    1. Thank you Aleshia!! I am so glad you were able to use the ideas in your sharing time & excited to hear you will be returning to check more things out! Thanks a bunch!!

  12. Just wanted to add my thank you as well!! I am so appreciative of your blog and your willingness to share your talents!! You make my calling so much easier!! Thank you!!!

    1. Thank you Julie!! Seriously, your comment just gave me a little umph today :) Thanks so much!!

  13. I can't say Thank You enough for all of the amazing help you offer. You are so creative and have such great ideas, thank you for being willing to share them! You make my sharing time so much better! This Sharing Time was very successful Thank You!!
