"Our Hands, His Hands" Christmas Gift/Handout! Great for YW or Vising Teaching!

Our amazing Young Women's president came up with this idea to give our young women and had me create the tag to go on it. She bought some super cute gloves and placed them in cellophane bags, then we tied some sparkly tulle on them and added the tag.  I'd like to share the tag with you!  These would be great for Young Women, Visiting Teaching or actually to give to anyone!!

For our Activity, we had a party! We began with a dinner, which was amazing! Pulled pork burritos (tortillas, pulled pork, black beans, lime cilantro rice, lettuce and cilantro ranch dressing). After dinner we had a devotional. We watched,  What Shall We Give? - Christmas Music Video. Then one of the leaders spoke of gifts that we can give the Savior, that they do not need to cost us any money. She gave them the poem of the White Stocking with a paper white stocking. She had the girls write something they could give the Savior on the little white stocking and place it in a Large White Stocking.  We then did a gift game (Each girl brought a $5 gift). Everyone chose a number. We started with 1 and that person picked and opened a present. Then the next person could pick a new present and open it or they could steal the present from someone else. We continued until everyone had a present (a present was considered dead after being stolen twice).  Lastly, the girls were given their glove gift from us.  It was a great evening with lots of fun and laughter :)

For an amazing YW Christmas Activity centered around Mary click Here! Or for a great Combine Mutual Christmas Activity centered around the Savior Click Here!

Our use this handout with your Visiting Teaching Message this month!


  1. Love it. What a great idea. Love that quote too. Sharing.

  2. Love this idea so much that I shared it when I first saw it last night! Thanks!

  3. This is amazing! I needed something for our Primary Presidency to give our teachers, and this is perfect. Thank you so much for sharing your talents.
