LDS Sharing Time Ideas for January 2016 Week 3: The words of Christ will tell us all things we should do.

2016 Sharing Time Outline Theme: "I Know the Scriptures Are True"

January 2016 Sharing Time Topic: The Scriptures Are the Word of God

January 2016 Scripture: “Feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do” (2 Nephi 32:3).

January Week 3 Topic: The words of Christ will tell us all things we should do.


Prayerfully study and think about what the specific needs of your primary are and how you can teach them this doctrine.

Before Sharing Time: Print out all printables. Tape 2 Nephi 32:3 to your scriptures and place them in a gift bag. Cut out all the rocks/stepping stones and crocodiles and place them on the floor. (You'll probably want to print 5 rocks)

Sharing Time Instruction:

Begin sharing time, by asking this question, "What would you say, if I told you that in this bag I have something that can tell you- ALL things that you should do?"  Wouldn't that be pretty neat!  Invite a primary child to come up and pull the scriptures out of the bag. If they can read have them read the scripture, 2 Nephi 32:3 "Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore, they speak the words of Christ. Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do."

Explain that last week, we discussed feasting upon the words of Christ. Invite the primary children to share with you what that means. Explain that it means that we study the scriptures everyday, filling up on the words of Christ. Show the children the week theme poster and invite them to repeat,  "The words of Christ will tell us all things we should do."  Emphasize "all".  What an amazing promise!

Place on the floor some stepping stones. At the head of the room place a picture of the Savior. On the ground next to the rocks place some crocodiles. (See Printable)  Read the following story, "How can the scriptures help me?" By President Boyd K. Packer.  Invite the primary children to tell you the four things that were at the beginning of the story, that says what the scriptures can do. Write on the chalk board,

"The scriptures …

• Teach us where to go and what to do.
• Give us hope and knowledge.
• Help us gain a testimony of Jesus Christ.
• Give us spiritual protection."

Invite a primary child to come and stand on the first rock. Explain that we are going to try and get him to the picture of the Savior. Explain that our goal in this life is to return to live with our Savior again.  But we live in a world where there are hidden dangers, like these crocodiles. We need to try our hardest to stay on the path that will keep us from those dangers. We do this by studying the scriptures and following what they tell us we should do. Explain that each rock the primary child steps on will give us a question that we might have in our life. We will them go to the scriptures to find the answer to that question. (This could be a scripture chase for the senior primary, who can find the scripture first gets to read it) Then the primary child will be able to advance onto the next rock.

Questions and Scripture answers:
  • Question: Why do I need to go to church each Sunday, why can't I just stay home, or do something fun on Sundays?  Answer: Leviticus 26:2-6, 9 or D&C 59:9-23 Discuss with the children that the scripture says, that we will be blessed by keeping the Sabbath day holy. He will establish His covenant with us and we will be blessed with all things we might need. 
  • Question: That kid at school is so mean to me, do I really need to be nice to him/her? Answer: Luke 6:27:35 Discuss with the primary that the scriptures teach us to love those who hate us. That as we do we will be rewarded as being children of the Highest. 
  • Question: How do I know the Book of Mormon is true and gain a testimony? Answer: Moroni 10:4-5 Discuss with the children that first we need to read the Book of Mormon and then as promised in Moroni, we should pray in faith.  
  • Question: My parents are always telling me what to do, do I really need to listen to them? Answer: Colossians 3:20 or Ephesians 6:1-3 Discuss with the primary children that the scriptures teach us that we are to obey our parents, that it is right and pleasing unto the Lord. That if we do so our days will be long upon the earth and all will be well. 
  • Question: Why do I need to get an education, is it really that important?  Answer: D&C 130:18-19 Discuss with the children that one of the reasons we are here in this mortal life is to gain knowledge. Discuss how the scripture teaches us that we will be able to take what knowledge we gain with us into eternal life. 
After all of the scriptures have been discussed and the child has made it to the picture of Christ, share with the children that the words of Christ will tell us all things that we should do. That as we read, study and pray we will receive answers to the questions we face in life. Explain the importance of gaining a testimony of the scriptures and holding firm to it. Also share your testimony of the scriptures. 

What else have the primary children learned this month? Here are links to this month's past sharing times:
  1. 2016 LDS Sharing Time Ideas for January Week 1: The Scriptures Are the Word of God
  2. 2016 LDS Sharing Time Ideas for January Week 2: We are to feast upon the words of Christ.

More Ideas that could help with this week's sharing time:
Other Sharing Time Ideas for this Month (click picture):

Click this link for past Sharing Time post: LDS Primary Sharing Time Ideas

***Basic ideas for this sharing time came from the 2016 Outline for Sharing Time, you can find a link here: 2016 Outline for Sharing Time


  1. What a fun one! And one of my favorite scriptures.

    1. Thanks so much! I love this scripture too, it's one I ponderized :)

  2. One of my favorite scriptures too! I once taught a sharing time using Pres. Packer's story about the crocodile hiding in the mud puddle and had an older primary kid draw a crocodile for me to use as an object lesson. He drew it with a mustache. It was sooo funny!

    1. Haha! Hey I think that is the same story, shared in this sharing time ;) So fun!

    2. I rolled with it and talked about how Satan dresses up sin and makes it look fun or funny. He's now been married for about a year. Time flies!

  3. gotta love the crocodile story! the kids are always riveted!!

    1. I know right? I'm riveted when you talk about crocodiles ;)

  4. Thanks for posting them... and for posting them early! I like to get ideas for the whole month all at once and then read through them and decide how I can connect them all to each other. So it really helps that you post them not the day before I need to present. :) Thanks for sharing your ideas!!!

    1. Thank you Becky so much for your comment!! I am so grateful you come to the site and take a peek at the sharing time ideas, I hope you find them useful :)

  5. Absolutely AMAZING! Thank you for your inspiration.

    1. :) Thank you so much for your comment!!! It means so much :)

  6. Love all your sharing time ideas! Your site is one of the first I always go to when I sit down to prepare. Thank you!!!

    1. Thank you Janaca!! Really, I am so grateful for your comment!! :)

    2. Thank you Janaca!! Really, I am so grateful for your comment!! :)

  7. I just love your ideas!!! Sometimes I share your ideas in my blog in Spanish (with your name on it, of course) and everyone loves them. Tell me if that´s ok with you:!tiempo-compartir-enero-2016/ckra

  8. I just want to say thank you for all the time put into these lessons and sharing them. I'd be lost without assistance from talented people like you!

    1. Thank you Virginia!! :) I am so happy that they are being used!
