2016 Mutual Theme Printables Round-up

I loved doing my round-up of amazing Primary things for 2016 (if you'd like to check that post out here's the link: 2016 Primary Theme Round-up). So, I thought I would do one for Mutual too. Okay well more specifically for Young Women leaders. Cuz let's be real, do you see the young men walking around with binders with cute covers on them ;)

I've contacted the bloggers/designers of some of my favorite 2016 Mutual Theme Printables and here's the list...

Printables you can download and print for FREE:

Life's Journey to Perfection
(Also tons of ideas, printables, links and a list of what I keep in my binder)

(She also has some great Ideas having to do with Personal Progress)

(These would  make great Binder Covers)

Latter-day Village
(Two Designs to Choose from & They are FREE)

Hang a Ribbon on the Moon
(Check out this Calendar!)

My Life by Gogo Goff
(Water Color Printables)


Items and Printables for Purchase:

(I'm so excited that they are offering my readers a single use 20% off code for all downloads on their site.  That is downloads only, not books.  It will expire January 31, 2016  The code is lifesjourney20 and it can't be combined with other offers. To check out more of their 2016 material click HERE.)

(Yay, Coupon codes!! Colette is offering the two following coupon codes: KIM20 (for 20%) or CANVAS30 (for 30% off orders $10+)

(Yay, Coupon code!! Colette is offering the two following coupon codes: KIM20 (for 20%) or CANVAS30 (for 30% off orders $10+)

I also have ideas and free printables for the Come Follow Me lessons, here's the link: 

I'd love for you to follow me on Social Media... Click the icon's at the top of the page to follow :)