2016 LDS Sharing Time Ideas for January Week 2: We are to feast upon the words of Christ.

2016 Sharing Time Outline Theme: "I Know the Scriptures Are True"

January 2016 Sharing Time Topic: The Scriptures Are the Word of God

January 2016 Scripture: “Feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do” (2 Nephi 32:3).

January Week 2 Topic: We are to feast upon the words of Christ.


Prayerfully study and think about what the specific needs of your primary are and how you can teach them this doctrine.

Sharing Time Instruction:

Before primary, set up a table in the front of the room. Place a table cloth on the table and a place setting (plate, napkin, silverware, glass, etc.)

Right the following word in large letters on the board, "FEAST".  Ask the children if they know what that word means?  Explain that to feast means to partake of something, or to eat until one is full.  So, if we are talking about dinner and a feast we would have lots of food, right? Place a basket full of food items on the table. Explain to the children that if we were going to feast upon the food would we just take a little piece? No, we would fill our plate, right? We would eat until we were full.

Show the primary children the Week Theme Poster and invite them to repeat, "We are to Feast Upon the Words of Christ". Invite the primary children to share with you what they think that means, to feast upon the words of Christ.

Explain that on the food in the basket are scripture references that will help us in "Feasting Upon The Words".

Here is a list of items you could have in the basket & wordage that could be on them  (see printable for tags):
  • Bread: John 6:35 "Christ is the Bread of Life"- Discuss with the children how they can have a FHE where they focus on scriptures in the New Testament, learning about the Stories of the Savior. Discuss how the Savior is the bread of life.
  • Apple/Fruit: Jacob 5:61 -Study your scriptures each day- to prepare yourselves to be good missionaries. Discuss ways they can remember to read their scriptures. Explain that it will help them to be a good missionary now too.
  • Pretzel Stick or Rods: 1 Nephi 8:24 "Hold to the Rod" We find the gospel of Jesus Christ in the Scriptures. Discuss with the children how reading the scriptures can help them keep Heavenly Father's commandments and live the gospel.
  • Water: John 4:14 - Discuss with the children what Jesus taught the woman at the well. Discuss with the children that we can use the scriptures to prepare for baptism and also to remember our baptismal covenants.
  • Jerky: John 4:34 - Discuss with the children how reading and studying the scripture will help us to know the will of God.  
  • Olive Oil: Matthew 25:4- Discuss with the children the story of the 10 virgins. Ask the children how feasting upon the words of Christ (Studying the scriptures) can help them be prepared to meet the Savior? 
Give each of the children the printable to take home, to help them to remember to study the scriptures each day.

Close by sharing your testimony and inviting the children to feast upon the words of Christ, each day.

In the Sharing time outline, it gave the idea of adding a paper link for each child who reads their scriptures each week. That is a great idea! 

Another fun idea is for each week that a child reads they get to add a penny to the jar, also if they bring their scriptures to primary they also get to add a penny. Explain to the children once the jar is full of pennies, the money will be donate to the missionary fund. Our ward did it one year, where the money was used to purchase Book of Mormons to be handed out, that's another option. 

And yet another idea could be to fill a jar full of warm fuzzies aka pompoms. When it is filled it could be given to the bishop.

What else have the primary children learned this month? Here are links to this month's past sharing times:
  1. 2016 LDS Sharing Time Ideas for January Week 1: The Scriptures Are the Word of God
More Ideas that could help with this week's sharing time:

Other Sharing Time Ideas for this Month (click picture):

Click this link for past Sharing Time post: LDS Primary Sharing Time Ideas

***Basic ideas for this sharing time came from the 2016 Outline for Sharing Time, you can find a link here: 2016 Outline for Sharing Time


  1. Kim stop being so on top of it!! I don't even have my christmas decorations up yet!

    1. Haha... I just finished getting mine up a couple days ago. Now to start working on Christmas!! I feel so behind & am having a hard time knowing what to get people this year ;)

  2. Cute idea! :) I'm excited for the new theme.

    1. Thanks Sheena :) Great theme!! It's so important that the kiddos learn the importance of scripture study :) They need that scripture power :)

  3. I'm not ready to think about January yet!

  4. It's such a great theme!! Darling printables to go with! Thanks!!!

  5. I'm excited about this topic. I love getting the kids excited to be in the scriptures and really dig in!!

    1. I know Camille! I feel like bursting into song, singing "Scripture Power" :)

  6. This is fantastic! Please tell me how the beef jerky relates to the scripture in John 4:34. I may have missed something...

    1. Thanks!! 😊 The jerky is for the "meat" it talks about in that scripture. That his meat is doing the will of his father.

  7. Ha! Makes perfect sense now. Thank you Kim!!

  8. These are fantastic! When will you have the other weekly themes for the following months (February, March, etc.?)

    1. I have everything shared on here a month in advance. I usually share sharing times on Tuesdays of each week. I'll be doing week 1 of February this Tuesday :)

  9. Thank you so much for helping with my sharing time idea on Feasting Upon the Words of Christ! I just got called as second counselor in primary and needed help! So thanks! Happy New Year

    1. Thank you so much for your comment! You'll do great! Primary is a fun place to serve :) Happy New Year to you also!!

  10. Thank you so much for all your great ideas! Sharing time is sometimes a struggle for me. I'm glad I stumbled upon you site! Thanks again!

    1. So glad you found my site too! I am so happy the ideas could help ya out! Thanks :)

  11. Thanks for all the cute ideas & pictures. It is so helpful to see what other people are doing. It gives me a great jumping off place! Thanks for sharing your talents and skills!

    1. Thanks so much!! That is my hope that it can spark some inspiration that could be used for the needs of each individual primary :)

  12. Thank you for sharing, and not hiding your light under a bushel!

  13. Thank you for posting this!!!! You saved my life yesterday!

  14. I have searched for weeks for a lesson that felt right. This feels right! Thanks so much for your time and effort.

    1. Thanks Aubrey! I'm glad you found it :) Good luck with your sharing time & thanks so much for your comment!!
