LDS Sharing Time Ideas for November 2015 Week 2: Jesus Christ taught us how to serve others.

2015 Sharing Time Outline Theme: "I Know My Savior Lives"

November 2015 Sharing Time Topic: When We Serve Others, We Serve God

November 2015 Scripture: “When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God” (Mosiah 2:17).

November Week  2 Topic:  Jesus Christ taught us how to serve others.

Free Printables: (Printing Tip: Click on image to open and then save image to your computer.  You can then print the image from your computer. Or click the FREE DOWNLOAD button if it is available and you will be able to download and print.)

Prayerfully study and think about what the specific needs of your primary are and how you can teach them this doctrine.  

Sharing Time Instruction:

Since this week's topic is the same as week 1, this sharing time could be be a great review and also build upon what they have already learned. So, to start you would show the children the Week's theme poster and invite the children to repeat it with you, "Jesus Christ taught us how to serve others." Invite the children to share with you the two ways Jesus has taught how to serve.  Place the poster that says, "Example" on it onto the board, as well as the poster that says, "Parables" on the board.  Remind the children of the parable of the Good Samaritan.  

Invite the children to share ways Jesus was an example of service.  Explain that we can follow the Savior's example and serve those around us. Give each of the children a piece of paper and some crayons.  Invite the children to draw a picture or write on the paper one way they could serve someone throughout the week, or a way they have served someone during the week.  Invite a few children to come up and share their picture and how they have or will serve. (Before primary use the "Serving others", printable and glue it into the middle of a poster board. During primary explain to the children that throughout the month you would like to invite them to serve others, as Jesus did. As they do so you will write their name one of the service hearts and have them tape it onto the poster board.  Explain that it would be so wonderful if everybody could put one of the hearts on the board. Explain that as we serve others we show love to our Savior and our Heavenly Father.  

Close by sharing your testimony of service.

What else have the primary children learned this month? Here are links to this month's past sharing times:
  1. LDS Sharing Time Ideas for November 2015 Week 1: Jesus Christ taught us how to serve others. 
  2. LDS Sharing Time Ideas for November 2015 Week 2: Jesus Christ taught us how to serve others. 
  3. LDS Sharing Time Ideas for November 2015 Week 3: When I serve my family, I serve God. 
More Sharing Times and FHE About SERVICE!! 
Click this link for past Sharing Time post: LDS Primary Sharing Time Ideas 

***Basic ideas for this sharing time came from the 2015 Outline for Sharing Time, you can find a link here: 2015 Outline for Sharing Time

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  1. Hi Kim! I love the idea of having them draw something that relates to the lesson and share. It even works with teenage girls. I was surprised when I tried it. :)

    1. It's works great right? I always try to get my YW engaged by either having them write or draw something. :) Thanks!

  2. I'm forwarding this to my Primary Pres. She'll LOVE it!

  3. Great ideas. Thank you for sharing.

  4. I love the idea of having them put their names on a service heart. It really helps motivate them, and make them shine.

    1. So true!! I think I am going to do this with my own kids for a FHE and have them serve people at school and home :)

  5. Thanks for sharing! Fantastic ideas
