A Bunch of Family Home Evenings to prepare for General Conference!

Each time General Conference rolls around I like to have a FHE with my family about getting prepared. Why do we need to prepare??? We have the amazing opportunity to listen to messengers of God and to receive personal revelation as we listen to them.  I know growing up I definitely took this for granted. It wasn't until I moved away from Utah for a bit that I truly appreciated it. I remember my first General Conference in another state. I turned on the TV and couldn't believe I couldn't find conference, then I turned on the radio, surely it would be on there, NOPE, not there either.  It was just crazy to me. Ever since then, I have gained a greater understanding of the importance of General Conference.

Here are some FHE about preparing for General Conference:

For Free Printables for General Conference and more ideas click here:


  1. This quote is what I keep telling my kids. 1. They can receive their own answers during Conference and 2. If they don't know for sure the words spoken are true, they can pray about it find out. It's okay to receive your own witness!

    1. I know Camille, I think when we keep this quote in mind, conference becomes more exciting!! For me anyways, I am so eager to listen and soak it all up! ;)
