LDS Come Follow Me Lesson and Mutual Ideas July 2015: Ordinances and Covenants

All I can say is this SUMMER has been a crazy busy one!!  Last year I posted some ideas for the Come Follow Me lessons, here is the link:   LDS Come Follow Me Lesson and Mutual Ideas July 2014: Ordinances and Covenants  If I come up with more ideas I will post them below :)  Good luck with your lessons!! This is such an important and special topic!!

For July 2015 the topic for "Come Follow Me" is,

Ordinances and Covenants

 Here are the links to each organizations page for the month: Young WomenAaronic PriesthoodSunday School

Since, each organization has their own outlines and each lesson will need to be specified to the individual class members and there are already amazing outlines that can be used for guidance, I am only going to share some general ideas that can just be used as supplements.  The great thing about this program is to allow the spirit to guide you to the needs of the youth in your class. Prepare before hand, Pray for guidance, Listen to the Promptings of the Spirit and invite the youth to do the same. 

Here is the Scripture for the month:

“In the ordinances ... the power of godliness is manifest” (D&C 84:20).

Lesson Ideas: There are so many topics to choose from this month. I am just giving supplemental ideas to a few of them. Please refer to the church's website for the wonderful outlines they have for all of the topics, see links below. A great idea to begin each lesson is to invite each class member to come with a scripture or spiritual thought to share with the rest of the class.  (When I was a youth we did this in one of my classes, it is a class I loved to attend and had the most participation in it.)

Idea's for Mutual: Here is a link to the Youth Activities Planning Site. *** This site is amazing! We recently had a short little training on this site at one of our Round Tables. It is a great resource for planning activities. It will only continue to grow as wards submit more ideas. One really need thing about it is it can link the activities right into your stake or ward calendars. ***

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