Some Ideas For Dad this Father's Day: Father's Day Gifts and Printables

I think back to when I was a little kiddo, I have some great memories!! My dad is one who loves the outdoors, most weekends you could find us fishing a lake or riding trails on the ATVs. So how do we show these dads of ours that we love and cherish the memories they are creating for us???  One thing I love to do when it comes to gifting is think about what they love to do and then base my gift around that.  Some ideas of gifts I have given my dad in the past are:
  • A Fishnet with paper fish hung from it stating the things I love about him.
  • A Grandpa Kit. It was a little container filled with everything a grandpa would need.
  • When I took wood shop in high school I made him a clock in the shape of a deer's head :)
Whatever the gift is try to make it come from the heart, it is always so much more meaningful!!

Here are some Free Printables and Ideas:

Cards for Dad:

When this printable is printed, colored and folded it will look like the picture below.  Write a not inside expressing you love and gratitude for your dad! We used these in primary a few years back and had the kids write or draw notes to their dad inside.

Simple card could be printed on card stock and colored.

The below poem about dad could be printed so it is on the inside.

This Card and the poem for the inside would be great for a son to give his daddy!

And here is one for a kiddos Grandpa!

This fun paper wallet I made one year for my dad's bday, but it could also be made for Father's Day. What is so fun about it is that it has pocket inside that you could put some cash, appreciation notes, or a gift card in.  Here is the link for the directions for the card: Paper Wallet 

Father's Day Questionnaires:

Poems About Dad/Grandpa:

Treats and Gift Ideas:

Treat for dad... You could use Rolos, Sweet Tarts, Sprees, any round packaged candy would do. All you need to do is wrap in some red paper and hot glue on the black pipe cleaner.

Some Great Father's Day Articles:

"Fatherhood, an Eternal Calling" L. TOM PERRY, Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

"Being a Righteous Husband and Father" HOWARD W. HUNTER President of the Church

"A Latter-day Father’s Guidebook" BY KIM CRENSHAW SORENSEN

Father’s Day Stop Sign

Happy Father's Day to all those men out there who bless our LIVES :)


  1. Such cute cards - and they can be for all age groups - Like your pictures and the way you write with such clarity - you are an inspiration and it is so good to see you sharing your story! Keep up the great work, we appreciate it!
