Our Favorite Family Home Evenings....

I have posted so many Family Home Evenings that I thought I would spotlight a few of our families favorites, here they are...

Family Home Evening on Seeking Media that Uplifts You...

My kids really got into this one.  They loved the story of the mushrooms and seeing the pictures of them.

General Conference April 2015: A Focus on Elder Holland's Talk

This was one of my kids favorite General Conference talks, so of course a FHE on it would go over well :)

These Warm fuzzies were so much fun to make!!

Family Home Evening on Heavenly Father has a Plan for His Children

This was one of our very most favorite activities!! What a fun way to focus on the Plan of Salvation :)

This was so much fun!! My kids loved it :)

This was one of my favorites and I think it was my kids too!!  It was fun to answer questions and see the similarities and differences. 

These are only a few of our favorites for many more FHE ideas follow the link (There are 208+ Ideas) ... Family Home Evening Ideas. 

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