June 2015 Sharing Time Topic: The Holy Ghost Testifies of the Truth of All Things
June 2015 Scripture: “By the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things” (Moroni 10:5).
June Week 3 Topic: The Holy Ghost can guide and protect us.
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Prayerfully study and think about what the specific needs of your primary are and how you can teach them this doctrine.
Sharing Time Instruction:
At the top of the board place the word "Guides Us" and the word strip "Protects Us". Explain to the children that you are going to tell them two different stories. When you are done with the stories you are going to ask them which story talks about the Holy Ghost's guidance and which one is the Holy Ghost's protection.
1st story (Guidance):
Explain that this story is told by Elder Dale E. Miller of the Seventy,
"When I was young, Primary was held after school in the middle of the week. One day when I was about six years old, I was walking from Primary to my grandparent’s house. While I walked, I was thinking about the Primary lesson my teacher had just given about “turning the other cheek,” rather than trying to get even. She had taught us that fighting and quarreling are contrary to the teachings of Jesus.
As I walked along, a small group of older boys started pushing me and taunting me to fight. Normally when someone picked on me, I tried to “even the score.” But at that moment, a powerful feeling came over me that I should not follow my natural instinct to fight. After calling me a few insulting names, the boys went on their way, disappointed that they had not made me fight. This was one of the first times I remember the Holy Ghost whispering to me. Clearly, the Holy Ghost has been the strongest influence in my life." (October 2001 Friend Magazine: Friend to Friend: Guided by the Holy Ghost)
2nd Story (Protection):
The following is based on a true story found in the Friend Magazine,
“Let’s get off the train here and walk home, Katja,” Michaela suggested. She put away her knitting, zipped her coat, and stood up. “We can be home before the train even starts for the next station.”
“Sure. Why not?” Katja said. She pulled on her warm knitted cap and followed Michaela off the train. The two girls had often walked from this station to their family’s small apartment in Switzerland. They went down the stairs to the walkway under the tracks. As they got to the bottom and turned toward the exit, they both stopped.
“We have to go back,” Michaela whispered.
“I know,” Katja said, nodding solemnly. “We have to get back on the train.”
Together, they climbed the stairs, got back on the train, and waited. They were quiet, each thinking about what had happened. At last, the train started, and they rode to the station near their home. They walked home in silence.
“Girls, what happened?” Mom asked, seeing the serious look on their faces.
“Mom, the Holy Ghost prompted us not to walk home,” Michaela said.
“Yes. We had to stop,” Katja said. “It seemed like there was a wall blocking the exit, but it wasn’t a wall we could see.”
“We both knew immediately that we had to get back on the train.” Michaela shook her head. “I never knew the Spirit could be so strong.”
“Oh, my girls!” Mom cried. She gathered them into a big hug. “I’m so glad you are in tune with the Spirit so He can prompt you and keep you safe.”
“But what would have hurt us?” Katja asked. “We’ve walked home from that station lots of times.”
“We’ll never know,” Mom said. She smiled. “I’m so grateful you are all right!”
As they knelt to give thanks for their protection, Michaela said, “I will never forget how it feels to listen to the Spirit and do exactly what He says.” (August 2007 Friend: Trained by the Spirit
By Marianne Sorensen Lemon)
Optional Story 3 (Protection):
This is based on a true story from my own family:
"On a family vacation in the mountains of Utah, my three sons and their grandma decided to go on a little hike. The three boys had collected some long sticks in which the made into walking sticks, you know to help them along the path. They excitedly started up the path, enjoying the early summer day. The eldest of the three boys was in the lead as they walked along, he suddenly had a strong impression that he needed to stop and look around. He immediately stopped and not only looked around but also listened. That is when he heard the terrifying noise of a rattlesnake and saw it close to the path, he immediately turned around and ran back to his brothers and grandma to warn them of the danger. They decided that the hike was done, turned around and walked back to camp. As they returned to camp and relayed the story to me, I was filled with gratitude as my children recognized that it was the prompting of the Holy Ghost that had my son stop before he would walk into danger. As his mom, I am so grateful for the experience my children were able to have and that my son listened to and followed the prompting of the Holy Ghost and was kept safe. " (Story by Kim Chase)
Invite the children to tell you which story was the Holy Ghost guidance and which story was the Holy Ghost Protection. Show the children the week theme poster and invite them to repeat it, "The Holy Ghost can guide and protect us."

Show the children the warning sign. Explain that just like a warning sign on a road warns us that there are dangers ahead, so can the Holy Ghost. Invite the children to share any experiences they have had where they have been protected by the Holy Ghost.
Share your testimony on the topic.
thankyou thankyou thankyou!!!
ReplyDeleteAh... Thanks Jessica!
DeleteThank you! I so appreciate your time & talents to do this for us!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much!! Your comment means so much :)
DeleteThis is so great. It is perfect for our primary. Thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeleteSo glad you were able to use it! Thanks for commenting :)
DeleteI have come to your site several times and it is such a blessing. Thank you so very much!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much!! This comment makes me so happy :)
DeleteLove this! Thank you so much for sharing your time and talents with our ward as well! ❤️
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your comment! It's so fun to hear they are being used in other wards :)
DeleteI like this idea- when the outline asks us to get outside help I always struggle with that b/c our ward is stretched thin so this is a great spin on it- thanks!
ReplyDeleteThanks Alia for your comment. I am glad it helped to give you a little extra idea that could work for your primary :)