May 2015 Sharing Time Topic: Principles and Ordinances of the Gospel Lead Me to Jesus Christ
May Week 1 Topic: My faith in Jesus Christ is strengthened when I obey.
Free Printables: (Printing Tip: Click on image to open and then save image to your computer. You can then print the image from your computer.)
Prayerfully study and think about what the specific needs of your primary are and how you can teach them this doctrine.
Sharing Time Instruction:
Begin by showing the primary a children strip of paper with the word "Faith" written on it. Invite the children to explain to you what faith is? (example: Faith is believing in something that we can not see.) Invite the children to raise their hands if they have faith in Jesus Christ.
Invite two primary children to come up. Have one child hold the piece of paper that says "Faith" at each end using two hands and the other child to place a rock on the paper. Invite the children to observe and share what happened to the paper, did it bend or break from the weight of the rock. Explain that we are going to try to make our faith in Jesus Christ stronger so we will be able to hold up the rock. Show the children the container full of strips of paper. Explain that written on each paper are ways we can show obedience. Explain that each time we obey, our faith in Jesus Christ is strengthened. Invite a primary child to come up and pick a strip of paper and read it (help read the paper if the child needs help). Discuss the word-strip as a primary, how obeying that principle can strengthen their faith in the Savior.

Show the children the week's theme poster and invite them to repeat, "My faith in Jesus Christ is strengthened when I obey. " Explain that like the pieces of paper our faith will be strengthened as we keep the commandments and be obedient.
In closing share your thoughts and testimony on how being obedient has strengthened your faith in Jesus Christ.
More ideas that could be used for this week's Sharing Time:
***Basic ideas for this sharing time came from the 2015 Outline for Sharing Time, you can find a link here: 2015 Outline for Sharing Time
This is great! Thank you. We are doing this lesson on Mother's Day because of Stake Conference and so I'm going to incorporate how our mothers help us learn how to obey & then have the kids share examples of how their moms have helped them learn each of the principles you've listed on your paper strips. Thank you!!!
ReplyDeleteSounds great!! Hope it all went well :) Thanks for the comment!