Family Home Evening on Seeking Media that Uplifts You...

For tonight's Family Home Evening the topic in which I have chosen is: 

Seeking Media that Uplifts You

Free Printable:

Preparation: I hope and pray that you can use these ideas as a guideline and adjust them to the needs of your own specific family.  Our prophet President Monson says, "We cannot afford to neglect this heaven-inspired program. It can bring spiritual growth to each member of the family, helping him or her to withstand the temptations which are everywhere. The lessons learned in the home are those that last the longest. On there are resources available in helping to make your Family Home Evenings successful, here is a link to that site on Family Home Evenings.

 Invite a member of the family member say the prayer

Sing: "Choose the Right", Hymnal  239

Discuss any family business

Follow-up with last weeks FHE.

Scripture: Read: "If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things." -Articles of Faith 1:13

Family Home Evening Instruction: 
Before Family Home Evening read through this article, "Mushrooms, Music, Movies, and Magazines" by Elder Spencer J. Condie of the Second Quorum of the Seventy.

Begin Family Home Evening by showing the following picture to your family: Washington DC Temple. Give them only 30 seconds or less to look at the image. Then put the image away.  Invite them to then share with you what they saw, have them explain the image to you.  How did the image make them feel?

Read the following quote from the For Strength of Youth, “Choose wisely when using media because whatever you read, listen to, or look at has an effect on you. Select only media that uplifts you."

Ask your family members if after seeing the image, they could close their eyes and almost picture the image they just saw.  Everything we see, read, & listen to can not be erased from our memory, it has an effect on us.

Summarize paragraphs three through nine of the article, "Mushrooms, Music, Movies, and Magazines".  (I actually read the whole article with my kids and they were pretty engaged. I also showed them pictures of each of the different mushrooms (I just googled each one), they loved that. I had some good store bought mushrooms I showed them also & they each ate one at the end of FHE & they liked it, especially dipped in ranch.) Then invite family members to help read the quotes on the mushroom printables (see printable above).  Discuss how media and entertainment can be like mushrooms.

Discuss the, "Telling the Good from the Bad" section of the article.  Choose a show or movie to watch that night as a family following the suggested checklists. Pop some popcorn and watch the show.

Close by sharing your testimony. 

Close with a Family Prayer.

For More Family Home Evening Ideas Click this Link: Family Home Evening Ideas

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