Family Home Evening (featuring "The Old Shoemaker" movie)

Yesterday, one of my kiddos was sick with the stomach bug. So, I stayed home from church with him.  I decided to play some movies from the Mormon Channel for us to watch, while the rest of our family attended church. One the movies that came on was, "The Old Shoemaker". My son, particularly liked this one.

Here is a link to the movie: "The Old Shoemaker"

I am planning on showing this movie to the rest of my family tonight for FHE. After the movie, we will discuss and decide on some simple ways each member could serve others each day.  Reinforcing the importance of being aware and looking for the needs of others and then following the promptings of the Spirit to fulfill the needs of others.

Bearing testimony that as we serve those around us it is as if we are serving our Heavenly Father and Jesus.

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