March 2015 Relief Society Visiting Teaching Message: The Attributes of Jesus Christ: Long-Suffering and Patient

March 2015 Relief Society Visiting Teaching Message: 

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My Thoughts:

As I read through the Visiting Teaching message I was impressed by President Uctdorf's remarks, especially the following quote:

"President Uchtdorf continued, “Patience means accepting that which cannot be changed and facing it with courage, grace, and faith. It means being ‘willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon [us], even as child doth submit to his father’[Mosiah 3:19]. Ultimately, patience means being ‘firm and steadfast, and immovable in keeping the commandments of the Lord’ [1 Nephi 2:10every hour of every day, even when it is hard to do so.”1 "

While thinking about this quote, a thought came to me that we are only in this mortal world for just a short little time.  When we think of it that way, it should be more easy to exhibit patience. Each of us experience trials. It is when the trials come that our faith and patience is tested.  At that point we can choose to submit to our Heavenly Father's will, with an understanding that he knows what will help us grow and progress in this mortal world.  When we have this resolve then our testimonies can be strengthened as well as our relationships with our Heavenly Father and Jesus.  

Oh how patient our Heavenly Father and Savior are with us.  They see us fall and still love us. They are there for us at any moment in our lives with arms outstretched to lift us back up and walk with us along the path.  Even when we feel like we are completely alone, they are there. There can be no greater example of patience, then our Savior and our Father in Heaven. 

Gift Idea:

Attach to a water bottle or sports drink. 

Here is the link to previous Visiting Teaching Posts.