Cupcake Wars Young Women/Mutual Activity

Objective of Activity: For the youth to work together to accomplish a common purpose. To learn baking, decorating and display skills and use their creativity.

Supplies Needed for the Activity: 

  • Cake Mix (one for each group)
  • Frosting (one container for each group)
  • Add-in items to choose from for three categories: Heart (ex. candy hearts, red candies, cherry jello powder, chocolate hearts, etc.); Mind (ex. nerds, smarties, nuts, etc.); Strength (ex. orange is the color for strength, so anything orange like orange juice concentrate, pumpkin puree, mandarin oranges, etc.)  Each group will need to get an add-in from each category.  
  • Basket of supplies for each group: in the baskets their could be- a couple of paper plates and plastic or paper cups to make a cake stand, scrapbook paper and ribbon to decorate cake stand, a glue gun and glue sticks, some plastic knifes, Ziploc baggies for frosting, some scissors, and cup cake liners.
  • A bag or box for each group to put their supplies in. 
  • Each hosting house will need: Oil, eggs, water, measuring cups, measuring spoons, mixing bowl and mixer, cupcake tins, spatula, spoon, oven, sharp knife and cutting board.

How to Carry out the Activity:

Begin the activity by dividing up the groups. We gave each youth a number and that is what group they were in. We also gave the leaders a number also.  To decide who got to choose their items first we had a little trivia game.  Each group sent up on representative. They were each given a cup. They were then asked a question. The first group to place their cup on the table got to answer the question. If they got the question correctly then they were able to choose their ingredients first.  We continued asking questions until their was one group left.

After each group had their supplies, they were each given an hour to make, decorate, return to church and display their cupcakes to be judged.  The rule was they had to incorporate each of the three add-ins into the cupcakes. The could be used in the batter, the frosting or as a cupcake topper/decoration.

After returning back to the church. Two judges (we used our secretary and her husband), tasted each of the cupcakes.  Prizes were handed out for best display, tastiest cupcakes, most creative, etc.  Each group received a prize.

The left over cupcakes were used as the refreshments for the activity.

This was a very fun and delicious activity!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. What a fun idea for an activity. Saving this to my library! Thanks!

    1. Thanks for saving! It really was a fun activity!! We are going to do Iron Chef this next year, I'll have to post how that goes :)

  3. What a fabulous idea for an activity.You guys did a good job.Were there other groups/ cupcakes or pics? Very clear instructions. Thanks

    1. Thanks :) We just had the three groups. It was just a Young Women activity so we split into Beehives, Mia Maids, and Laurels. These were the only pictures I took for this activity :)

  4. Remember to bring the right handbag with the right occasion to get the perfect style and fashion. You can look at yourself in the mirror if the handbag you carry is looking perfectly with your style and fashion.
